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Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.’’

Kahlil Gibran


A battle-weary man clutching on a wand is standing protectively in front of 8 other wands. He seems to be injured while defending his territory.

There are two ways to look at this card. At first glance, you may see an exhausted and weak man looking over his shoulder. What is not immediately recognized is that there is nothing weak about him.  He is a survivor, and like all survivors he earned a very important lesson in the end: resilience.

They say life is the greatest teacher, because it is also the toughest. Most of the time, we don’t understand its methods. Struggle is one of them. Without challenges or obstacles, we cannot truly discover the depths of our strength.

The Nine of Wands highlights the importance of seeing these challenges as an opportunity to grow. So, when you see this card in your reading, remind yourself about the strong survivor under all the weariness.


Number 9 represents completion, resolution and inner strength.


Nine of Wands Keywords


  • Resilience
  • Test of character

  • Weariness




  • Struggle

  • Defensiveness

  • Weakness


Upright Nine of Wands

Guidance: While it is true that you had been fighting obstacles for a long time, The Nine of Wands card marks the final battle. It took immense courage and determination to get through, but the completion is near. If you face opposition, now you can rely on your newly acknowledged strength and courage. Now it is time to find support and recovery before you jump in on action again.


Love: The Nine of Wands suggests a situation in the past that has made you or your loved one got hurt emotionally. As a result, this person is very guarded and perhaps suspicious. Perhaps someone had to fight for this relationship to work. If you are single, it is hard to open up to someone because exposing your feelings makes you feel like you are vulnerable. Trust and love will triumph over time with your willingness to achieve it. It represents defensive and hesitant feelings.


Work/Finances: This card is good news; it shows that the completion you were seeking for is near. After a period of struggle, you are developing success with your well-honed skills and determination. The challenges you faced has made you guarded and controlled with your decisions and finances. There is nothing wrong with being careful, just don’t doubt your wisdom. Now it is not the time to give up!


Health: The Nine of Wands indicates that you are winning the battle against a health struggle. Your strength of will is playing a big part on your road to recovery, so if you are feeling exhausted don’t give up. It is important for you to rest, recover and restore your energy mentally and psychically at this time.


Spirituality: Facing day-to day challenges has also strengthened you spiritually. You have gained immense wisdom through the challenges of life. Despite the odds, your positivity and faith shine a bright light in the darkness. This light cannot be dimmed by any outside factor, because it is yours. Things are looking up both internally and externally.

Guidance: Against your better judgement, you refuse to be adaptable when a situation calls for it. The obstacles you faced has made you doubtful of your own inner strength. The lesson here is to tend to your wounds from the past and acknowledge your courage. Other meaning is that this battle you are fighting has cost you more than you will gain. Know when to cut your losses and move on.


Love: In relation to love and relationships, the meaning of the Nine of Wands reversed is pretty much the same as upright. Reliving the same past traumas of heartbreak and unfulfilled expectations is limiting you or your partner from moving on. Everybody deserves to be loved and happy and not every relationship has to be painful. Take some time to focus on building your inner strength and confidence once again. You may be in a separation period. In future position, there may be a struggle ahead.


Work/Finances: You are stalled from reaching the success you are envisioning. The reason to this might be weariness, lack of confidence or your rigidness. It is not a good idea to rush into new things as your decisions are clouded by doubts and pessimism at this time. If something is not working despite your best efforts, it is time to learn the lessons and move on.


Health: The Nine of Wands reversed suggests a health complication which is leaving you exhausted emotionally and energetically. Perhaps you are not seeing the results as fast as you were hoping for, but it is not a reason to give up on yourself. If your recovery is not working out, you need to consider every other option with the counsel of a medical professional.


Spirituality: No one comes out of a major struggle in life without some weariness. The key lesson here is for you to recover and move on from this with the faith and power you hold within you. Don’t doubt your abilities to persevere. You are stronger than you think. Let these challenges be an opportunity to gain wisdom.

Reversed Nine of Wands

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