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Let your inner child shine.’’

Panache Desai


The Page of Cups is the youngest member of the Cups family. He is often depicted as an androgynous figure holding a golden cup with a fish peeking out of it. Just like his family, he is surrounded by the sea – symbolizing his deep connection to emotions, intuition and creativity. His attitude is playful, curious and relaxed.

The court cards in tarot represents an individual or a situation with characteristic qualities of the card. The Page of Cups often signifies a young person, unapologetically curious and thirsty for creativity. He also brings new opportunities to experience love in the purest form: whether it is an inner love, a love for someone else or for a creative pursuit.

The key message here is openness to experience and express a childlike sense of wonder. When this card shows up in a reading, it is an intuitive invitation for you to actively seek out what makes you excited, be open to new ideas and express your emotions freely.

When interpreted as a specific person, it is likely to be a younger male or female that has one of the water element zodiac signs in his natal chart.


Page of Cups Keywords


  • Romance
  • Pleasant messages
  • Innocent love

  • Imagination




  • Immaturity
  • Self-doubt
  • Creative blocks


Upright Page of Cups

Guidance: The Page of Cups is a young person or your subconscious mind bringing you a happy message. The message is to be open to explore life with an unrestricted, unprejudiced freedom. Express your love, spread the wings of your imagination and creativity. Reclaim the amazement and joy you had as a kid. This way, your vision will become clear and many new opportunities will open to you.


Love: The Page of Cups represents romantic surprises: proposal, declaration of love, engagement, marriage, romantic gestures and more. Arrival of this card suggests that your relationship will become sweeter, more affectionate and intimate. If you are single, love is about to knock your door. Especially if you have a crush on someone, now it is the time to let those feelings out in the open. Alternatively, a secret admirer may let himself known soon.


Work/Finances: Pleasant news in the form of an offer or opportunity is arriving. In work related readings, the Page of Cups favors thinking outside the box and following your inspirations. If you want your aspirations to become a reality, you have the chance to act on it. However, he can be too dreamy and naïve at times. Therefore, always make sure to keep a realistic and rational point of view. Be mindful with your spending. If you are interested in pursuing a creative career, this card says go for it!


Health: The Page of Cups brings favorable news about your health. Soon you are going to get clarity and relief from some of the things that were worrying you. This card also says that if you always have a positive attitude and constantly give your best effort to your wellbeing, you can get through anything.


Spirituality: The Page of Cups speaks of a wonderful time of getting in touch with your inner child, your intuitive abilities and creativity. We often live too much inside our minds and ignore our hearts. If this is you, pay close attention to your inner voice. Unraveling unconscious symbols in your dreams can get you clarity in your daily life. By living in your heart more, you will also recapture the pure inspiration and love you had as a child.

Guidance: This reversal often shows a heartbreaking or tricky situation where you should be careful about. You or someone else may be toying with emotions, not thinking about hurt or damage it may cause. Secondly, it shows a cloud of disappointment and self-doubt. Your ideas and inspirations are not translating to reality, leaving you frustrated. You need to have the confidence to follow your heart and intuition, but this doesn’t mean that you should completely ignore what the mind says. Happiness lies in finding the balance.


Love: The Page of Cups reversed is overly sensitive, immature, and a bit of a commitment phobic in relationships. He values his personal freedom and needs more than anything else. Whether you are in a relationship or single, make sure to understand his intentions before you are too emotionally involved. When the card represents you instead, you need to steer away from unnecessary drama and focus on your emotional balance.


Work/Finances: The Page of Cups reversed here indicates cancellations, delays and frustrations. You have some great aspirations towards the future, but now it is time to get out of your head and start laying the groundwork. What you need the most is committing to the required hard work and effort. This card also advises you to be careful of your finances. This is probably not a good time for big decisions and risks. If you are experiencing a creative block, don’t be too hard on yourself.


Health: When it comes to your health, The Page of Cups reversed says that you may be acting recklessly or negligently. Be more mindful of what you eat, how you sleep and manage stress. When you are concerned or in doubt, don’t jump to conclusions. If you have a health problem, before you explore popular or alternative methods of healing, always seek medical help first.


Spirituality: Mind, soul and heart work the best if they are in a harmony with each other. For you, one of them may be on overdrive. For example, you may be ignoring your responsibilities in physical reality all together in favor of spiritual pursuits, or vice versa. To figure out how you can reach ultimate happiness, all you need is to listen to your intuition. However, make sure it is not your over-thinking mind that does the talking.

Reversed Page of Cups

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