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There is no love without hope, no hope without love, and neither love nor hope without faith.’’

Saint Augustine


At first glance, we encounter some similarities to the illustration in the Temperance. By a pool of water, a naked female figure is pouring water from two vessels, one held in each hand. In history, this symbolism was a personification of concepts such as purity, balance and beauty.

She is the embodiment of nurturing female energy, and as she pours the water to the land and the sea, she brings life to everything she touches.

The Star is the card of renewed faith. Now, the chaos from the preceding cards (the Devil and the Tower) is over and a new phase of healing has begun.

In general sense when the Star appears in a reading, it signals the arrival of healing, inspiration, happiness and fulfillment. The future is looking bright, the road is clear. The creativity and motivation blossoms. It is a time where you feel blessed by the heavens! Your spiritual journey deepens as you start finding the answers you were looking for.

Soothing colors and overall beautiful symbolism of this card can inspire you to feel the interconnectedness in nature, peace and balance whenever you feel lost. No matter how difficult life becomes, there is always hope.


The Star card corresponds to number 17, number of intuition, creativity and growth.


The Star Keywords


  • Renewed faith
  • Healing
  • Inspiration




  • Uninspired
  • Pessimism
  • Lack of hope

The Star Upright

Guidance: After a time of upheaval, you finally feel refreshed and motivated. You are bursting with new ideas and inspiration. As a result, life is introducing you to new and exciting possibilities. Now, it is time to forgive and forget whatever has happened in the past. Let time heal the old wounds. As long as you believe in yourself and listen to your inner wisdom, your desires will be fulfilled.


Love: This is an excellent opportunity for starting anew or meeting new people. When the Star card appears in love readings, existing relationships get sweeter, connecting with others become easier and more harmonious. Take this time to bond closer with the person in your heart. In future position- Conflicts will dissolve easier, and you will find happiness and peace. As feelings of someone, the Star represents innocent pure love and hope.


Work/Finances: You feel hopeful about your career goals at this time and you are right. The Star card brings good fortune, blossoming new ideas and opportunities. You may have fresh perspectives about a project that was previously on a stall. You will find more clarity about your future. With a mindful and positive mindset, it seems very likely that you will achieve success. This is a very good time to follow your creative pursuits. Don’t ever give up on your dreams!


Health: If you are recovering, this is an excellent card for you. As the card of healing and nourishment, it brings hopeful new outcomes in all health-related issues. Just remain positive, take good care of yourself and have faith in your healing.


Spirituality: You are finding some serenity and clarity in your spiritual path. You may have recently experienced a level of spiritual experience which had given you new perspectives. You are also radiating your hope and optimism to others, inspiring them to follow their own journey. Pay extra attention to your intuition and dreams.

Guidance: The Star reversed is still a good card to get, only this time you are not able to recognize the good in the world. Pessimism had closed your eyes to all aspects of your life, leaving you uninspired and unfulfilled. The cause of this may be recent hardships. Don’t let pain and despair hold you down. Take a little time to nourish your soul, open yourself to the limitless good potential that is waiting for you.


Love: With the Star reversed, you may feel withdrawn from your relationship and perhaps even the rest of the world. Despite you want connection, you may feel uninspired to seek it. If you feel resentful towards your loved one, you need to express it clearly. Whatever emotions you are repressing, it is time to release and heal. Just remember to keep calm and cool. When you are in need of answers, listen to your intuition.


Work/Finances: It seems that once you were enthusiastic about starting something, and now you have experienced some disappointment or failure in reaching the outcome you want. Whatever situation you feel stuck in, remember that it is in your power to change it. This means new opportunities, inspiration and success will still follow you once you let go of the past and have confidence in yourself to start over again. Over worrying about money is never a solution, but having a good strategy and sticking to it is.


Health: The meaning of the Star reversed on health readings is the same as upright. Whatever you are going through, it is paramount to keep an optimistic perspective throughout your healing. Have faith, be patient and calm. You could be over worrying about your health too much.


Spirituality: You are encouraged to share your inner wisdom. Self-contemplation is certainly helpful to rest and relax at times, but you are at a point where you can be more open to the world, express yourself more and share your knowledge with others. If someone asks you for guidance, be there for them. On the other hand, if you are in need of guidance- your intuition is your best friend.

The Star Reversed

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