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  • Suit of Swords and the Death Tarot Combinations

    Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Death as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card, or after the Swords. The Ace of Swords and Death: The Ace of Swords symbolizes truth- and with the Death card next to it, message is loud and clear: The truth will come out in the end. Things are going to get better. You will have an opportunity to start a new chapter. But first, you need to close an old one. The Ace of Swords and Death combination reminds you that it is time to use the sword in your hand. This can mean cutting toxic people off in your life, or perhaps cutting through your issues. In any case, a clear-cut decision is necessary for you to move on. When things get tough, remind yourself that you have power over your mind. This tarot combination can also represent end of a communication/connection. The Two of Swords and Death: Do you feel like it is impossible to move on, or make a decision? Are you asking yourself if you should stay or go? Are you stuck in a state of constant worrying and contemplating? These are the type of questions that pop up with the Two of Swords card. The Two of Swords and Death together tells you that you can’t linger in this emotional/mental turmoil any longer. Making a choice will let you finally heal from the strain of uncertainty. The Death is a gateway to transformation. You might be asked to make some tough decisions and let go of some things, but it is all for the better in the end. Ignoring problems won’t make them go away. If you are asking about feelings of someone and you draw the Two of Swords and Death, this often shows stress and anxiety. They are stuck in their head and unable to make a clear decision at this time- there is something they need to finish first. The Three of Swords and Death: Three of Swords is a period of loss, heartbreak and grief. The Death card symbolizes the transition that comes afterwards- with it you can clear away the past and open way for the new. Although this is a very difficult combination, The Three of Swords and Death has a positive twist. If you allow yourself to let go, difficult times that you go through will eventually make way for something better. However unpleasant it may be, you need to keep moving forward. Leave the mistakes in the past but keep the lessons for the future. Accepting and understanding how you feel is the first step to your healing. The Four of Swords and Death: Both the Four of Swords and Death symbolize a period of rest after an upheaval. You’ve been through a lot recently. In order to release all the loss, stress and pain you experienced, you need some time of calmness and stillness to rejuvenate yourself. Take this time to do whatever helps you to restore your inner peace and balance: whether is meditating, praying, getting in touch with nature of spending time with your loved ones. Gently and lovingly reflect on your life to change the things that made you unhappy. You will know when you feel ready to get back out in the world again. As feelings of someone, the Four Swords and Death represents stress, grief and fatigue. Things are put to rest for now. They need take some time alone to contemplate and heal. The Five of Swords and Death: It is very likely there is an unhealthy situation in your life that you need to let go. Perhaps you are stuck in a cycle of conflict in your relationship. Perhaps you have a defeat/victim mindset when it comes to facing challenges. Or perhaps you are receiving an unfair treatment at work. In any case, the Five of Sword is a no-win scenario. When this card shows up, especially next to Death- it is time to cut your losses and move on. In love/relationship readings, the Five of Swords and Death combination can show dishonesty, conflict and spite. So if you feel defeated in a relationship with no way out, or if you are frustrated and emotionally drained, it is time for a change. The Six of Swords and Death: The Six of Swords and Death combination has a message for you: Every ending is a new beginning. Accepting change, letting go of the past and moving on to a completely new direction: All this takes great courage. Perhaps you still feel the wounds of the past, still fresh. You probably just want to fast forward and get over with it already. But healing is a process. Be patient, have faith, let life unfold in its own time. This is a process of rebirth in your life. You are putting this behind you- for good. You may be changing location, moving on from a break-up or accepting a new job after a loss; all filled with new, joyful opportunities. If you focus on that joy rather than the what you lost in the past, your transition will be much easier. As feelings of someone, the Six of Swords and Death is all about moving on. They are choosing to let go of the things that hurt them deeply in the past and making a firm decision to embrace change as it comes. The Seven of Swords and Death: The Seven of Swords is a card of smoke and mirrors. It can represent any shady, hidden situation like manipulation, infidelity, lies, avoidance, secrets, etc. The Death card on the other hand is inescapable. No one can cheat ‘’the Death’’, so to speak. The Seven of Swords and Death tarot combination tells you that you cannot evade change. The truth always comes out in the end, no matter how hard anyone tries to hide it. Consequences can be harsh if you choose to cut corners at this time. Alternatively, you may be a dealing with a manipulative, cunning person in your life that you need to cut out of your life. You may also be interested in: Tarot Cards Combinations: The Lovers and Seven of Swords The Eight of Swords and Death: With the Eight of Swords in your reading, you may feel trapped in an unsatisfying job, a tough decision, or a toxic relationship. If you feel defeated, hopeless, unable to move on in your life for any reason- it is time for a change. And the change starts with you. Letting go is always hard with the Death card- but it is necessary and inevitable. During the Death situation, you may experience loss, betrayal or grief. The Eight of Swords is a reminder that you are the writer, the actor and the director of your story. You can choose to erase resentment and bitterness and replace it with self-love and forgiveness. If you can change your mindset, you won’t see the Eight of Swords and Death as a loss, you will rather see it as a process of claiming your power again. Just allow change to happen. The Nine of Swords and Death: When the Nine of Swords shows up, reliving the horrors of the past in your mind doesn’t let you move forward. Perhaps you replay a scenario in your head over and over again, thinking what you should have done and eventually stressing yourself to the point of losing sleep over it. The Death in present/future position heralds a major change in your life, a difficult yet inevitable one. Adapting to change comes with making peace with the past. Past has no control over your present moment if you don’t give in to doubt and fear. Otherwise, it will keep sucking you back by reminding you the hurt you experienced. The Death is a necessary force of life. And life never stops moving forward, why should you? Sometimes you should just trust the wind to carry you for a while in order to find your direction. So when you draw the Nine of Swords and Death in your tarot reading, allow things to change no matter how hard it seems. Trust the process. When you ask about the feelings of someone and you draw the Nine of Swords, emotions attached to it can be resentment, bitterness, anger and guilt. The Ten of Swords and Death: The Ten of Swords, just like the Death card, symbolizes end of a cycle, the old giving birth to the new. Don’t worry- It is an extremely rare occasion where these cards represent a physical death. This is a turning point in your life. Loss, betrayal, break up, and failure are often the themes here. But, it is also a sign of completion and rebirth. With the Ten of Swords and Death, You are being cleared of the things that were no longer serving you or making you happy. It is very likely that you will have to face your fears during this time. When you have no other choice but to leave what you know behind and move forward, the unknown horizons are always intimidating at first. But change is inevitable. No matter how difficult and painful the circumstances are, you always have the option to make the journey easier to yourself. Best way to do this is accepting, healing and growing. You don’t have to navigate these turbulent waters alone- ask for help when you need it. Next: The World and Suit of Wands Tarot Combinations THE WORLD Tarot Combinations with All Major Arcana Cards Tarot Cards Combinations: The Death and Empress

  • Your Jupiter Sign Reveals How To Attract Money, Success & Luck Into Your Life

    Jupiter is considered to be one of the most positive planets in astrology. You might have also seen it being referred as the ''Great Benefic''. This is because Jupiter wants you to expand and thrive. It can bless you with growth, wealth, good fortune and success, provided that it is well placed in the birth chart. Your Jupiter sign can reveal how you can expand your life effortlessly and where you attract luck in life. Jupiter in Aries: “Fortune favors the bold.” Aristotle Fire sign Aries is known for being courageous, self-sufficient and confident- so one way of attracting more abundance is working on implementing these traits in your life. Blessed with a sharp mind and fast decision-making skills, Jupiter in Aries makes you a natural leader- which most likely also comes with a healthy dose of competitive spirit. All these innate abilities will help you attract more fortune, but the most important thing is that Jupiter in Aries people carves their own path to success. So, if you want to expand your life- don’t be afraid to take on challenges and seize the opportunities. Jupiter in Aries favors: Leadership, confidence, acting on big ambitions, new beginnings, calculated risks, confidence Careers that benefit the most from Jupiter in Aries: Entrepreneurs, sales, management, sports, military Jupiter in Taurus: ''Work hard, play harder'' This is a very lucky placement, as both Jupiter and Venus (ruler of Taurus) are associated with abundance. The more you are generous and hardworking, the more money and success you will attract in your life. With Jupiter in Taurus, you enjoy the finer things in life- beauty, art, comfort, luxury, and more. You are in tune with your physical senses which also gives you a good taste and appearance. On the other hand, Jupiter in Taurus can also exaggerate your indulgent side- So if you have this placement in your birth chart, be aware of extravagance and overspending. Jupiter in Taurus favors: Practicality, charity, patience, steady approach, hard work Careers that benefit the most from Jupiter in Taurus: Business and finance, food, fashion, art, agriculture Jupiter in Gemini: ''Practice makes perfect'' If you have this placement in your birth chart, you are blessed with a sharp intellect and an incredible sense of humor. Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini- which means that you may encounter more challenges than usual. When your mind is running at full speed, it can be harder for you to wind down and relax. You may also find it hard to concentrate for a long period of time. When Jupiter is in Gemini, success is more about consistent practice rather than relying on having good luck. The key to access more good fortune and wealth in your life is to lean into your curious nature. The more you seek information and expand your mind, the better. Jupiter in Gemini favors: Flexibility, sense of adventure, open mindedness, being social, learning Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Gemini: Writing, teaching, media, language, speaking Jupiter in Cancer: ''The more you give, the more you get'' Jupiter in this water sign blesses you with the ability of deeply processing your environment and emotions of those around you. You are loyal, kind hearted and sensitive. Since Cancer is the sign of family- this placement can bring luck and abundance in matters of home, motherhood and family. Cancer is one of the most empathic signs as well. With Jupiter in Cancer- The more you help others and tune in to your intuitive abilities, the more you can invite success and wealth into your life. Jupiter in Cancer favors: Compassion, nurturing, intuition, seeking security, sensitivity Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Cancer: Food, hospitality, real estate, counseling, teaching Jupiter in Leo: ''Shine bright like a diamond'' People with Jupiter in Leo exude charisma, passion and elegance- so this placement naturally benefits from basking in the spotlight. If you have this placement, you will attract most success and wealth when you embrace your creative, youthful, inspiring side. When you have your natal Jupiter in Leo, you are encouraged to think big, believe big and live big. Don’t be afraid to express yourself. However, Jupiter can sometimes take things to excess- so beware of egotism and extravagance. Jupiter in Leo favors: Generosity, kindness, confidence, creativity, optimism Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Leo: Entertainment, media, public speaking, politics, PR, design, teaching Jupiter in Virgo: ''Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace'' Jupiter in Virgo people attract more money and success when they focus on bettering themselves as well as helping others to do the same. If you have this placement- implementing an orderly and healthy daily routine is a great start to invite more abundance to your life. With this placement you likely have a lot of work to do. Jupiter is in detriment in Virgo sign, so it might be harder for you to see expected results. Don’t worry, you are also blessed with a practical, realistic and analytical mind- which helps you to succeed through toughest of times. Jupiter in Virgo favors: Hard work, patience, being in service to others, faithfulness, being grounded, modesty, kindness Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Virgo: Nurse, doctor, psychology, management, nutrition, accounting, editor Jupiter in Libra: ''Balance is the key to success'' If your Jupiter is in Libra in your birth chart, you will attract most abundance in your life when you strive for peace and harmony. This means calling out injustices, prioritizing fairness and equality, and being the balancing force that brings people and ideas together. Relationships can be a significant source of wealth and success for Jupiter in Libra. With this placement, it is very possible for you to attract a romantic or a business partner who will bring you good fortune. Jupiter in Libra favors: Justice, friendliness, diplomacy, altruism Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Libra: Art, design, beauty, law, architecture, journalist, influencer Jupiter in Scorpio: “Success is focusing the full power of all you are on what you have a burning desire to achieve.”— Wilferd Peterson You are endowed with a magnetic charm that is surrounded by an air of mystery. This surely gives you an edge- but you are not the one to rely on luck when you want to achieve something- you make your own luck instead. It is all about power: Jupiter in Scorpio attracts most abundance by tapping into their inner strength, transforming themselves, and gaining a deeper understanding of their unique intuitive abilities. Another source of wealth for this placement might be inheritance. Jupiter in Scorpio favors: Courage, dedication, pushing beyond limits, ambition, intensity, intuition Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Scorpio: Finance, psychology, research, detective Jupiter in Sagittarius: ''Go big or go home'' Jupiter is at home here, so having your Jupiter in Sagittarius is one of the luckiest placements to have! You are naturally blessed with optimism, curiosity and passion. You can attract more wealth and success just by sheer luck. How can you increase abundance in your life? There is only one word: Experience. Travel, learn and explore: Do what it takes to seize the opportunities. Jupiter in Sagittarius favors: Open mind, enthusiasm, optimism, freedom, adventure, extroverted Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Sagittarius: Teaching, architecture, pilot, writer, entertainment, academia Jupiter in Capricorn: ''All wealth is the product of labor.''- John locke There are no shortcuts here! If you have your Jupiter in Capricorn, you will achieve most wealth and success when you act with integrity, discipline and responsibility. Jupiter in Capricorn loves nothing more than getting ahead in life. With this placement, it is favorable for you to focus on financial and practical matters, especially career and reputation. Jupiter in Capricorn favors: Being realistic, methodical, discipline, honesty, persistence, status quo, tradition Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Capricorn: Analyst, business, finance, entrepreneur, teaching, positions of authority Jupiter in Aquarius: ''Be a rebel in the pursuit of your dreams.'' – Tsebiso Makhubedu You will attract most wealth and success through getting involved with the collective: networking, collaborating, friendships, social media, etc. Jupiter in Aquarius placement blesses you with an open mind with many outside the box ideas. Sharing your unique side with the world can open you many doors in life. Don,t be afraid to ruffle a few feathers every now and then! Jupiter in Aquarius favors: Altruism, independence, innovation, friendships, creativity Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Aquarius: Social media, technology, engineering, science Jupiter in Pisces: “We attract abundance when we ask from a compassionate heart.”- Jonathan Lockwood Huie Jupiter is very well placed in the sign Pisces- so it is easier for you to manifest good fortune in your life. Your biggest source of inner abundance comes from compassion, intuition and empathy. The more you help others in need, work on your sensitivities and discover your spirituality, you can attract more wealth and success in your life. With Jupiter in Pisces, you may also be blessed with psychic/artistic talents as well. Jupiter in Pisces favors: Empathy, sensitive, meditation, imagination, kindness, faith, inner wisdom, generosity Careers that benefit the most from natal Jupiter in Pisces: Acting, music, artist, social worker, therapist, new age You may also be interested in: Dark Asteroids in Astrology: Nessus, Dejanira, Karma, Lucifer & More Next: Jupiter Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars Return to: Astrology

  • Jupiter conjunct North Node in Natal, Transit and Synastry

    Natal Jupiter conjunct North Node: North Node represents what your soul wants to accomplish and learn moving forward, therefore it is a key point in understanding your growth and expansion as a person. For most, North Node energy truly activates with Saturn return- or around the age of 30. This is a very beneficial aspect in your birth chart as Jupiter energy is also about expansion and learning. It also bestows one with wisdom, wealth and faith. If you want to know how to attract more abundance in your life, look at where Jupiter is placed in your birth chart. You may also be interested in: Your Jupiter Sign Reveals How To Attract Money, Success & Luck Into Your Life Natal Jupiter conjunct North node aspect tends to attract a lot of good karma and fortunate events in life. Anytime you get out of your comfort zone (aka South Node) and move into your North Node, you may meet people who will guide and support you through your journey. This aspect indicates an optimistic vision to do big things in life. It can also bring expansive opportunities to learn and explore. Especially in later part of life, you may travel to different cultures, go for a higher education, or perhaps deepen your faith/religion. In its negative manifestation, Jupiter’s expansive energy can turn into exaggeration. In this case, natal Jupiter conjunct North Node might indicate a tendency to overdo things regards to North Node. Transit Jupiter conjunct North Node: This is a very fortunate period in your life which happens approximately every 12 years. Doors of opportunity are open wide now. If future looked grim before, this transit brings a fresh wave of optimism as well. Transit Jupiter conjunct Node Node can bring new connections, material wealth, business opportunities, higher education, travelling, exploring different beliefs and cultures. This can also be a time where you are discovering your faith, destiny and true calling in life. If you had any problems leaving your comfort zone and making new changes in your life- Jupiter energy can be the push you need to go beyond any self imposed limitations. Transiting Jupiter conjunct your North Node is all about expanding your horizons. It can help you take big leaps in life. In order to get the most out of this transit, you can: -Learn more about your North Node, -Define your vision for the future, -Embrace an optimistic mindset, -Meet new people & explore new places. Jupiter conjunct North Node in Synastry: In synastry, Jupiter conjunct partner's North Node generally resembles a teacher-student dynamic. You can think of your North Node as your destiny path or soul’s mission. In synastry, significant North node aspects often indicate karmic/fated connections. Jupiter energy expands whatever it touches. Therefore, with Jupiter conjunct North Node, Jupiter person expands the North Node path. This is usually a mutually generous and uplifting interaction. At best, Jupiter can bring a lot of fortune to North Node person. Jupiter’s favors can look like providing North Node with financial support, expanding their knowledge, or perhaps offering them spiritual guidance when they feel lost. If what they need is a little faith and optimism about their future, Jupiter can also provide that. Overall, one thing is for certain- North Node will have a lot of new experiences around the Jupiter person. However, North Node person may not be ready to explore out of their comfort zone yet- aka their South Node. In this case, Jupiter’s expansive energy may feel too pushy, arrogant, or risky instead. You may also be interested in: North Node in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays Jupiter Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars Return to: Astrology

  • The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Love, Work, Money & Health

    The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Love The Seven of Cups generally comes up when you have abundance of choices ahead of you. For example, it can indicate multiple love interests if you are single. With the Hanged Man next to it, you may be quite uncertain about what to do next- this situation seems to be suspended in air at this time. If you have unrealistic expectations in love, or feel stuck in a state of fantasy, wishful thinking, or fear- the Hanged Man tells you that it is time to shift your perspective. If there is a big decision you need to make in your love life, the Seven of Cups and Hanged man is also a warning that your emotions may be clouding your judgement. When you are stuck between your head and heart, perhaps it is best to find a balance between them. When you are asking about someone’s feelings for you, and you draw the Seven of Cups- this mainly shows that their head is in the clouds. They may be thinking about multiple people/options, or evaluating their feelings for you. The Hanged Man as feelings represent feeling stuck and uncertain. Overall, this person is not able to make a serious decision at this time. As relationship outcome, the Seven of Cups and Hanged man tarot combination does not offer any certainty. Instead, it indicates that this connection is completely suspended right now- you need to be patient. If nothing changed for a long time despite your efforts, the Hanged Man’s advice is to change your course instead. The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Work/Money With the Seven of Cups in present/future position, you are no short of options- difficulty is making the right decision and sticking with it. This card also warns you about the dangers of daydreaming. Sometimes we get stuck on thinking, evaluating and fantasizing. If this resonates with you, the Hanged Man in your reading has a message: Sometimes any action is better that no action- especially if you feel stuck in a dead-end situation for a long time. If you are asking about an outcome, things seems to be very uncertain and suspended at this time. Make sure you have a realistic long term plan: The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man together in a work/money reading is generally not a good sign. With the Hanged Man- your career, ambitions or projects may be put ‘on hold’. With the Seven of Cups, unrealistic expectations may be the reason that is holding you back. It is best to define your goals and strategy moving forward. This is not a good time to force or rush into things. Change your perspective if necessary. The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man Tarot Combination in Health If you have been having trouble sticking to a health goal, the Seven of Cups encourages you to transform your health goals into reality by making small changes. With the Hanged Man, progress may be slower than expected so patience is necessary. If you feel stuck or stressed in your life- change up your routine to get your energy flowing again. Alternatively, the Seven of Cups is a warning about unrealistic health goals. Is it a yes or a no? The Seven of Cups and Hanged Man combination is not a clear yes or a no. Advice? There are many possibilities ahead of you, but change will come only when you make up your mind. Next: The Hanged Man and Empress Tarot Combination in Love, Work, Health and More More Tarot Combinations

  • Suit of Cups and the FOOL Tarot Combinations

    Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Fool card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card, or after the Cups. Ace of Cups and the Fool More often than not, this tarot combination talks about new beginnings in life that fills you with love and joy. Feelings represented both by the Fool and Ace of Cups are genuine, innocent and hopeful. Whether you are taking on a new path or starting a new relationship- Advice here is to listen to your heart and take that leap of faith. But the Fool also fails to see the cliff ahead- so be careful while making an important decision at this time. Two of Cups and the Fool Two of Cups represents genuine partnerships and romantic relationships. In some readings, it can be considered as a soulmate/twin flame card as well. You may also be interested in: Tarot Guide of Twin Flames: 16 Cards That May Surprise You Paired with the Fool, this combination most likely talks about falling in love. It can also represent a soulful friendship or a work partnership with great potential as well. In any case, Two of Cups and Fool together tells you that it is time to put your worries aside. Trust your heart and go where it takes you. Three of Cups and the Fool Three of Cups is associated with happy unions: Parties, celebrations, friendships, collaborations, etc. With the Fool next to it, this combination can talk about a new connection/situation with great potential. These cards together encourage you to meet new people, take on adventures, let your hair down and get a little wild. You never know where life will take you. For example, Three of Cups and Fool can talk about meeting someone special in an event. A person represented by Three of Cups and Fool has pure intentions, but they are not thinking seriously about the outcome right now. They just want to have fun and see where things go. If you are asking about their feelings for you- they see you as an easy going person who is very fun to be with. And lastly, Three of Cups can also represent love triangles if the rest of the reading also suggests it. Four of Cups and the Fool Are you stressed, stagnant or bored in life? Do you feel like you lost your sense of adventure? Perhaps you just got out of a tough relationship and stopped believing in love. These are the kind of things that the Four of Cups talk about. If any of these resonate with you, you need to get out of the Four of Cups rut and take on the fresh Fool energy. This can mean getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things, meeting new people, or following your heart. In any case, change is what you need. It is time to take that leap of faith. Five of Cups and the Fool The feeling associated with the Five of Cups is disappointment. If you had been dwelling in the past for any reason- the Fool is showing you all the new opportunities that life has to offer. The Fool represents a new, exciting beginning for you, but only if you are willing to see it. With the Five of Cups and Fool combination, what you need the most is a positive mindset: Help yourself to move on by embracing change. Allow yourself to see each day as a new opportunity to create something better. Six of Cups and the Fool Six of Cups is the card of the past, the Fool is the card of now. Together, they can represent the past making a comeback. This can be about reminiscing the old times, or perhaps reconnecting with someone from the past. In a more negative sense, you may be clinging too much on the past and failing to see the cliff ahead. If you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, Six of Cups and the Fool combination can be your inner child encouraging you to reconnect with your carefree and adventurous side. Let go and flow in the moment. Surprising opportunities await you. Seven of Cups and the Fool Both these cards are associated with multiple opportunities. But they also hold a warning to be careful. Seven of Cups and the Fool can talk about the dangers of carelessness and uncertainty. When you are making an important decision, don’t let wishful thinking fool you. With these cards together, what you need is to ground yourself into reality, so you can make better changes. If you are asking about someone’s feelings, Seven of Cups and the Fool shows a person whose head is in the clouds. They are not able to pay attention or take things seriously at this time. Eight of Cups and the Fool The Eight of Cups shows that you are choosing to walk away. Fortunately, the Fool energy next to it is exactly what you need. Whether it was a relationship, a job or a mindset- By leaving the old behind, you now have freedom to learn and grow once again. One of things you are learning with the Fool is trusting the universe’s plan. During this time, exciting new opportunities can come your way- don’t be afraid to take that leap of faith. If you cling on the past or a negative mindset, you may miss them. Nine of Cups and the Fool The Nine of Cups is known as the wish card of Tarot. If you wished for a new beginning in life, the Nine of Cups and Fool together likely suggests that your wish is being granted. Together as feelings they represent joy, excitement, satisfaction and pleasure. In a more negative sense, Fool & Nine of Cups may be warning you about carelessness, wishful thinking and overindulgence. Make sure that you are not ignoring problematic situations or sweeping your problems under the rug. Ten of Cups and the Fool Ten of Cups is all about happy relationships. The Fool next to it in future/outcome position represents new beginnings and opportunities coming your way. With Ten of Cups and Fool combination, you may be starting a new relationship, a job opportunity, a family, or perhaps getting married. When you are ready to change your path, these cards are telling you to listen to your heart and take a leap of faith. Follow your passion- the world is your oyster. Page of Cups and the Fool Page of Cups is the youngest member of the Cups family. The Fool is also a card of youth and naivety. This combination is an invitation for you to actively seek out what makes you excited, spread the wings of your imagination and express your emotions freely. Love may be around the corner! The Page of Cups and the Fool can represent romantic offers and new relationships. Expect a surprising message soon. If it represents a person, Page of Cups can be interpreted as someone with Water Sign qualities (Cancer,Scorpio Pisces). This person is youthful, romantic and creative. Knight of Cups and the Fool With Knight of Cups and the Fool, you are being encouraged to follow your hearts desires. New offers and opportunities are available to you- it is up to you to make a decision. The only danger here is immaturity and lack of experience. In love readings, he is the most romantic one amongst the knights of Tarot. Golden cup in his hand can represent someone declaring their feelings for you/ offering their love. If you are already in a relationship, withthis combination you are discovering new depths of romance and intimacy with your partner, strengthening your bonds and possibly taking a big step of greater commitment. If it represents a person, Knight of Cups can be interpreted as someone with Water Sign qualities (Cancer,Scorpio Pisces). This person is romantic, caring and passionate. Queen of Cups and the Fool Queen rules the emotional realms as the female counterpart of the King of Cups. She is a kind and gentle soul just like the king, but what makes her unique is the feminine mother energy. Empathetic, warm and nurturing qualities of the Queen of Cups makes her an amazing friend, healer, mother and companion. Queen of Cups and the Fool combination can represent a new, exciting and emotional chapter in your life. This can mean a new romance, creativity or success. In any case, advice here is to listen to your heart. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition as well. If it represents a person, Queen of Cups can be interpreted as someone with Water Sign qualities (Cancer,Scorpio Pisces). This person is romantic, intuitive and nurturing. King of Cups and the Fool Water element rules the realms of unconscious and associated with intuition, creativity and emotion. The King of Cups is the master of navigating the waters of life. The Fool next to it suggests that you are on a path of emotional maturity. You are doing a lot of inner work of understanding your emotions, channeling creativity, discovering core personal values and learning your intuitive abilities. When the Fool shows up, the world is your oyster. But he can be quite naïve sometimes, so make sure that you are weighing your decisions carefully. If it represents a person, King of Cups can be interpreted as someone with Water Sign qualities (Cancer,Scorpio Pisces). This person is emotionally deep, compassionate and wise. Next: Suit of Cups and the Moon Tarot Combinations EMPRESS Tarot Combinations with All Suit of Swords Cards Return to: Tarot cards combinations

  • Moon conjunct MC Aspect in Natal, Transit & Synastry

    Natal Moon conjunct MC Moon in astrology represents our unconscious/ private world, such as emotions, maternal instincts and our deepest inner needs. MC (aka Midheaven) is the highest point in our charts symbolizing our public persona, success and career. Unlike Moon, MC is very conscious and public. So with natal Moon contacts Midheaven, emotions take the spotlight. MC conjunct Moon in a natal chart can manifest itself in various ways depending on the sign, how the Moon is aspected, etc. Since Moon’s energy is very receptive, when it touches your MC- you are likely to be very self aware and sensitive to your surroundings. This innate ability helps you perceive people instinctively. Although sometimes you can be overly affected by other people’s thoughts and feelings, especially when it comes to your ambitions and public image. Since it is a point of visibility, MC showcases your Moon attributes depending on the sign- the good and the bad. For example, if you have Moon conjunct MC in Cancer, people may pick up on your caregiving energy but you also tend to be emotionally defensive. With Moon conjunct MC in Leo, it brings you emotional comfort to be recognized by others. Like the tides of the Moon- you are prone to experience fluctuations in your career and public life. With this natal aspect, the idea of success is closely tied to emotions. For example, you might keep searching and switching career paths until you find the one that emotionally satisfies your needs the most. Some of you may also choose caregiving professions like childcare specialist, therapist, nurse, or a homemaker. Or you may be very emotional or supportive in your work environment. Moon also signifies maternal instincts as well as relationship to mother, so when it is conjunct Midheaven, your mother may have had a significant influence on your goals and career choices. Overall, MC conjunct Moon is a very powerful aspect in your birth chart. It tells you that in order to reach your highest potential which is your Midheaven- you will need to master your emotions first. Transit Moon conjunct MC When transiting Moon conjunct MC occurs, you feel more sensitive regards to your career and public image. With transit Moon conjunct Midheaven, your emotional self is on full display. If your career is based on caregiving and empathy, you may feel more nurturing now. On the other hand, if you are upset about your job or an authority figure, you are prone to react more during this transit. So be careful to not make emotional decisions in your professional life at this time. Thankfully this transit is very brief- just a matter of hours. Moon is related to our unconscious- so if you are sleeping during this short transit, pay attention to your dreams as well. Moon conjunct MC in Synastry With this aspect, Moon can nurture and support MC person’s highest aspirations. It is often seen in relationship dynamics such as a parent-child, boss-employee or a therapist-client. Even though it is not one of the ‘’lovey-dovey’’ aspects in synastry, it can be very emotionally supportive in romantic relationships as well. It is possible that you met through work or family. This relationship is also likely to be a public one since MC is a point of visibility. When partner’s Moon conjuncts your Midheaven, they can influence your career, accomplishments, as well as your social standing. Perhaps they offer you emotional support during a career change. At best, Moon person can feel like a safe home for Midheaven energy to thrive in. In return, you may offer career/financial support to your Moon partner as well. Overall, this is a mutually beneficial dynamic for the most part- especially if Moon’s emotional/ domestic needs align with MC person’s public and professional life. But if the Moon is harshly aspected, Moon may be holding the MC person back from achieving their goals instead of supporting them. Next: Natal Pluto conjunct Midheaven : Intense & Driven You may also be interested in: Moon in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays Return to: Astrology

  • Suit of Cups and the Moon Tarot Combinations

    Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Moon card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card, or after the Cups. Ace of Cups and the Moon: Ace of Cups signifies a new beginning for you, especially in romantic relationships. It is as if your emotional cup is overflowing with hope, love and joy- and you can’t wait to start this new experience. If you asked about someone’s feelings for you and you drew the Ace of Cups- good news! This card represents purest form of love. Their cup is overflowing with deep and open emotions, and they want to offer it to you. However, feelings that the Moon represent is not as clear as the Ace of Cups. This is the card of subconscious emotions- and it can be dreamy and romantic, or confusing and deceptive depending on what is going on beneath the surface. Fears, insecurities and anxieties are also linked with the Moon tarot card. If you drew the Moon as the outcome/clarification, you are lacking clarity in some way. With both the Ace of Cups and the Moon, emotions run in a heightened state. The Moon asks you to dive deep into your intuition during this emotionally turbulent time. Ask yourself: Is there a truth that you avoid seeing? What is clouding your judgement? Are there any unresolved feelings for someone? In a more negative scenario, Ace of Cups and the Moon can talk about a hidden relationship, secret or affair. Two of Cups and the Moon: Mutually satisfying partnerships are the theme of Two of Cups. It traditionally describes a union of love- so it can represent soulmates and twin flames as well. So what does the Two of Cups and Moon combination represents as feelings of someone? The Two of Cups indicates that there is a lot of emotional attraction, and they want to build a deeper connection with you. On the other hand with the Moon card, there is an uncertainty, fear or confusion that holds them back. You may be evoking some deep emotions that they don’t know how to deal with. Perhaps they just find you mysterious. Overall, Two of Cups and Moon advice you to gain some clarity over this partnership. If you are overly emotional or feeling lost in your head- take a step back and do your inner work first. When in doubt, trust your gut feeling for guidance. If this combination is paired with negative cards in the spread, such as the Seven of Swords- The Moon might be warning you about some secrets or hidden agendas in the relationship. In this case, it is time to start an honest conversation. You may also be interested in: Tarot Guide of Twin Flames: 16 Cards That May Surprise You Three of Cups and the Moon: Celebrations, friendships& special occasions are what the Three of Cups talks about. It is generally a positive a card on its own, but when it is paired with the Moon - things feel less clear and certain. Three of Cups and the Moon combination in a love reading can represent something interfering with the relationship. The Moon is a card of secrets and deception. In some cases, this can be about a love triangle, or a third party, especially if there are other cards in the spread that indicate lying or cheating. You may also be interested in: 10 Tarot Cards That Indicate Cheating Overall, Three of Cups and Moon combination is not a good time to make hasty and emotional decisions. Make sure you have enough information about the situation. Be honest with yourself about how you feel, don’t use denial to hide from negative feelings. Four of Cups and the Moon: Four of Cups represents the feeling of emptiness and unfulfillment in life. It is when you are stuck in ‘’what if’’ scenarios instead of living in the moment. Perhaps things didn’t happen the way you hoped, and now you are feeling disappointed. Or perhaps you lack motivation to act, even though you want to change things in your life. With the Moon as your next card, you may be in denial about how you really feel inside. Fears, insecurities and anxieties may be holding you back from getting out of this rut. With this combination, changing your negative mindset is the key that will unlock the happiness that you are missing. The Moon can also talk about unrealistic expectations. In this case, make sure that your goals are achievable. There may be ups and downs before you reach the outcome you want, so it is important to stay positive during the process. When you look at the illustration of the Four of Cups, you will see that life is gifting you a new cup. This can be a new opportunity for you to find your passion again- so don’t miss this opportunity. For some of you, it seems like love doesn’t interest you anymore. Perhaps your heart has been broken too many times in the past. Perhaps you’d rather avoid the drama of dating. Or you just got out of a relationship, and it is too soon to start over. If this resonates with you, it is time to get a good look within. What is holding you back from love? If you are in a relationship, you need to be honest with yourself when it comes to your wants and needs. Don’t hide from facts just because they are uncomfortable. Alternatively, secrets may be what’s weighing down the relationship. In any case, open communication is very important here. Four of Cups and the Moon as someone’s feelings for you suggest that they feel very confused and discontent at this time. They may either lack motivation due to fear or stress, or they may feel indifferent towards this connection. Five of Cups and the Moon: Five of Cups is an unwelcome card in any reading as it represents disappointment, regret and loss. The Moon emphasizes this situation. Whether it is fear, anxiety or insecurity- No matter what happened in the past, you cannot let these feelings weigh you down anymore. Five of Cups and Moon combination tells you that one way to release this negative mindset is to face your problems with honesty and courage. Don’t hide from your emotions, work through and heal them instead. Six of Cups and the Moon: 6 of Cups and the Moon combination can be about reminiscing. It is not a bad thing to have a little nostalgia time to time, but if you keep getting lost in the memories of the past, it may be time to let go. The Six of Cups also relates to children, family and childhood memories. The Moon next to it can indicate turbulent emotions regards to these topics. For example, it can be about a childhood issue that you need to heal from. For some of you, the Six of Cups can represent second chances as well. In this case, Six of Cups & Moon together indicates someone returning from the past to reveal their deep feelings. Seven of Cups and the Moon: Seven of Cups and the Moon in Tarot share many similarities as they both talk about dreams and illusions. Are you daydreaming to escape difficult emotions? Have you been feeling directionless, confused or stressed? Do you have unrealistic expectations? If these resonate, then this combination is most likely a warning for you to ground yourself back into the reality. In a love reading, Seven of Cups and the Moon combination can represent multiple love interests, lack of emotional clarity, or wishful thinking. The good news is that with the Seven of Cups, you have many opportunities ahead of you. All you need is to get clear on your goals and act on them. Don’t jump into big decisions unless you have all the information. Eight of Cups and the Moon: The Eight of Cups shows a man turning his back on all his cups and walking away. The Moon is his only companion through this journey to the unknown. Whatever it is that you are leaving behind, whether a relationship, a job or a mindset- it is normal to feel scared and overwhelmed. The Eight of Cups and the Moon has a message for you: don’t ignore your emotions, no matter how difficult they are. If you feel that you reached a dead end in your life, face your fears and find the courage in your heart to change your direction. As feelings, the Eight of Cups mainly talks about disappointment and weariness. With the Moon, it may be time to retreat from the connection for a while and heal. Nine of Cups and the Moon: The Nine of Cups on its own is a very positive card, symbolizing ultimate satisfaction and wishes coming true. Paired with the Moon, these cards can talk about denial or illusion. If you are waiting for the perfect moment in life, living in a dream world or wishing for unrealistic things, this combination is cautioning you to get out of the fantasy world and start taking action. Another meaning of Nine of Cups and Moon is overindulgence. Be cautious of your financial dealings, invest and spend your money wisely as you may be prone to ups and downs at this time. Ten of Cups and the Moon: Ten of Cups represent love, harmony and joy. This card is one of the best indicators of happy unions. However, the Moon card next to it tells us that things are not what they seem. So what is going on here? If the overall reading is positive, the Moon as the outcome card can symbolize temporary ups and downs in family and relationships. ​ In a more negative scenario, the Moon can represent something that interferes with the Ten of Cups. Sometimes, with the Moon, we delude ourselves into thinking that our everything is perfect- while it is far from it. It can also suggest something hidden. If you feel like your partner is acting secretive, it is time to talk to them about it. You need to examine your true feelings, open up and communicate. Listen to the guidance of your heart. If you are single, are there any repressed emotions or past relationship patterns that need healing? Are you giving yourself enough love and care or are you only giving it to others? Overall, Ten of Cups and the Moon can be a confusing time for relationships. When you are in doubt, listen to your intuition for guidance. Suit of Cups Tarot Cards Meaning: Upright and Reversed More Tarot Cards Combinations Next: The Moon and Hermit (18/9) Tarot Birth Cards Explained

  • Natal Pluto conjunct Midheaven : Intense & Driven

    Midheaven in astrology (also known as MC) represents public image and success. ‘’Success’’ can be defined by many things- money, fame, career pursuits, etc. Whatever the case may be, natal Pluto conjunct Midheaven person has a deep desire to pursue their definition of worldly success- whatever means necessary. On one hand, Pluto on MC gifts them extreme willpower and determination to achieve their goals. On the other, they are vulnerable to the darker side of Pluto. Pluto is like the underbelly of our psyche- this is where all the repressed emotions and dark traits reside. So when it touches the MC, this can mean that the person is guided by their Plutonic impulses rather than their conscious decisions. What are these Plutonic impulses? If you have natal Pluto conjunct Midheaven, you feel a deep urge to control your environment. You don’t shy away from using underhanded tactics such as manipulation to achieve your goals- but you may also be vulnerable to controlling and manipulative people, especially in your work environment. Pursuit of power can become a big obsession for some people with this aspect. Fear, insecurities and repressed anger may emerge when they don’t get the exact outcome they want. When it comes to public recognition, Pluto conjunct Midheaven likes to be a puppeteer behind the scenes, rather than taking the spotlight. So with this aspect, you may choose a profession that lets you have a little bit of mystery and privacy, while you analyze your environment from a distance- like a detective. People around you may also recognize your Scorpionic aura- dominant, cunning and intense. If you let your ambitions and obsessions run unchecked, natal Pluto conjunct Midheaven can bring more trouble than reward. For some, success may come at the cost of neglecting their inner emotional life. For others, it can also indicate an intense and restricting family life. Overall, with Pluto conjunct Midheaven there is a lot of transformation that needs to happen. Ultimately, this aspect shows that you are carving your own path to success, but there are some important lessons that come with it. In order to get the most out of this aspect, you can: -Learn to compromise- so you can have more sustainable balance in life, -Understand where your fears and need for control are coming from, -Practice non attachment to find your inner peace, -Be more open and honest in your environment, -Identify your insecurities and triggers to gain control over your reactions. Next: South Node-Pluto Aspects in the Natal Chart Return to Astrology

  • The Judgement and High Priestess Tarot Combination & 20/2 Tarot Birth Cards

    The Judgement and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Love The Judgement represents a turning point in your love life. There can be a lot of different scenarios with this card, but there is always a theme of ‘’rebirth’’. For some of you, rebirth can mean closing the old chapters for good. For others, it can mean a reviving a struggling relationship. Your relationship might be tested with intense changes during this time. For example, you may uncover new things about yourself or your person during the Judgement moment. If it is a healthy relationship, it will survive. The Judgement also talks about a big decision, possibly life changing. Now is the time to evaluate your life carefully and figure out what your true needs and desires are. Let go of whatever is holding you back. If you feel stuck or confused in any way, know that things are about to change. Which brings us to our next card. The High Priestess next to Judgement asks you to trust your intuition during this drastic transition. Let your subconscious emotions rise to the surface. Tap into your divine feminine energy in order to manifest the outcome you desire. This means focusing on ''allowing'' and ''accepting'', rather than forcing things to happen. The High Priestess can also be about secrets that are being kept in the connection. Pay attention to the signs around you. For some of you, the Judgement and High Priestess tarot combination can show a past life connection. When you ask about someone’s feelings for you and you draw the Judgement, it indicates that they are having a moment of realization. They are deeply analyzing their feelings in order to decide on what to do next. For exes, it can mean letting go of the past and starting a new chapter. With the High Priestess coming after it, it is very likely that they may choose to keep things to themselves until they are certain. The Judgement and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Work/Money The Judgement and High Priestess tarot combination can indicate a very significant transition period in which you are making big changes for your future. Some of you may even find their true calling during this time. If you are not satisfied with your current work situation or finances, or if you are unsure about what steps to take- the Judgement is a moment of realization. Everything will be clear to you in the end, but things can get hard first before it gets better. For example, some of you may lose a job before you get a better one. You may perhaps choose to change your life drastically- moving abroad, changing career paths, etc. So it is important that you don't hold on to any fears or past situations during this time. In any case, major decisions await you. This is not a good time to act impatient or hasty. The Judgement and High Priestess combination has one clear message: Self reflection is necessary. So if you are looking to make a big investment- evaluate things carefully. With the High Priestess, there may be secrets or hidden motives around you. Make sure you uncover everything before you make a decision. If your gut instinct is warning you about someone or something- pay attention to it. Alternatively, the High Priestess may represent someone who will aid you through the Judgement transition. The Judgement and High Priestess (20/2) Tarot Birth Cards Meaning With the Judgement and High Priestess tarot birth cards, you are an intuitive transformer. Just like a snake who sheds its skin in order to grow larger, 20/2 life path is also meant to grow and change through many intense ‘’wake-up calls’’ throughout their life. With the Judgement energy- transformations you go through in life shapes you into a wiser and more empowered version of you, while your intuitive awareness guides you every step of the way with the High Priestess. No matter how hard these changes might be, know that they are taking you closer to your soul purpose in this lifetime, which is finding your true calling in life. If you are afraid of showing your authentic self to the world, or if you are trapping yourself in limited, negative beliefs- it is time to come out of your shell. The High Priestess energy is sacred, intuitive, and curious. It is an aspect of the divine feminine. With this tarot birth card, you may be subconsciously attracted to anything unknown and mysterious. Some of you may also be intuitive empaths, possess the gift of psychic insight and precognitive dreams. You just have a sense of knowing within. It is hard to fool you- You feel when people are being dishonest to you. With the 20/2 life path, you might frequently experience inner dilemmas. For example, your High Priestess nature might be shy, private or reserved- but the Judgement part of you wants to be seen and recognized. You will feel most satisfied and successful in life once you reach your inner awakening. As the Judgement and High Priestess life path, you can do so by: -Tapping into your divine feminine energy, -Letting go of the things that don’t serve you and shedding your old skin, -Conquering your fears, -Trusting your gut, -And most importantly, empowering yourself through every transformation. Next: The Justice and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Love,Work,Money,Health & 11/2 Tarot Birth Cards More Tarot Combinations and Tarot Birth Cards Tarot Cards Meanings Upright and Reversed: Major Arcana Minor Arcana

  • The Temperance and Hierophant Tarot Combination & 14/5 Tarot Birth Cards

    Both the Temperance (14th) and Hierophant (5th) share the energy of number 5, which represents change, balance and adaptability. In astrology, the Temperance is represented by Sagittarius. This energy is flexible, curious, passionate and expansive. Taurus zodiac sign matches the Hierophant tarot card, which is a zodiac sign known for its grounded, head-strong and sturdy nature. The Temperance card talks about an alchemical process of blending, mixing and configuring diverse elements in life in order to find the perfect ratio. The Temperance energy focuses on the journey rather than the outcome. Finding the perfect balance is a road of trial and error, so you need adaptability to be able to handle changes better, cooperation to learn different opinions, and patience to go through it all despite the difficulties. Additionally, when you look at the Major Arcana cards, you will notice the Temperance sits right between the Death and the Devil. This means that with the Temperance, we take a moment to find our balance again after a major life transition that the Death symbolizes. Both the Temperance and Hierophant have a common goal of balance and order. Temperance is the balance in flow of life and nature, the Hierophant is the balance in structure. The Hierophant in Tarot often gets a very bad rep. He is mostly depicted as a symbol of rigid conformity and patriarchy. The original role of the Hierophant is a teacher, a figure who brings wisdom and structure- but he can have many faces in society. The Hierophant can symbolize tradition, religion, norms and laws, institutions, etc- anything that represents established order. The Temperance and Hierophant Tarot Combination in Love The Temperance perfectly represents alchemy of love. Just like alchemy- love transforms, challenges and binds. So the Temperance will have different meanings depending on which alchemical process you are going through. For some of you, the Temperance will be about transforming: If there are some past lessons you need to integrate, or you experienced a loss, heartbreak or separation in your love life, the Temperance most likely represents a time of healing for you. When you receive this card, take a look at how you are investing your energy in your relationships. The Temperance is all about finding the perfect ratio. Is there anything off balance in your life? Are you giving more time, emotion and focus than you take? Do you invest in self love as much as you invest in others? For others, the Temperance will be about synthesis: With this alchemical process, different elements are coming into a whole. In this case, the Temperance in your reading might be a sign of soulmates, or a romantic union of opposites. For example, you may be coming from different cultures or backgrounds, perhaps just different personalities- but you make a stronger union as one, despite those differences. In love readings, the Hierophant is often seen as a card of marriage and commitment. There are many cards that indicate marriage in Tarot, if you are interested, you can read it here: 13 Tarot Cards that Predict Marriage What makes it different from other marriage cards is that the Hierophant doesn’t have a romantic theme. It favors traditional values such as security, trust and loyalty instead. If you are a non traditional person who values freedom over commitment, the Hierophant may not be the card for you. But you if you are looking for a secure, stable, long term connection, this is a really good sign. Since both cards represent spiritual unions, the Temperance and Hierophant tarot combination in a love reading can represent a stable, long term relationship, wedding ceremonies, soulmates, marriage or reconciliation. There is also an element of patience with Temperance and Hierophant- so take your time before you make an important decision. Let things flow naturally. Trust the divine timing. If you are asking about someone’s feelings for you, and you draw the Temperance, this suggests that they blend well with you, spiritually, mentally and emotionally- despite the differences. The Hierophant as feelings indicate that they want to do things in a conventional way with you. Even though it is not romantic a card, the Hierophant shows good faith and loyalty. The Temperance and Hierophant Tarot Combination in Work/Money In general, the Temperance brings a harmonious flow to your work and finances. During this time, collaborating with others, exchanging ideas, chanelling your creativity are all encouraged. This card tells us that success comes from moderation, adaptability and patience. Don’t be afraid to change things if they are not working for you. If you had been overworking or stressed lately, the Temperance in future position is a sign that you are going to improve your work-life balance. When you draw the Temperance and Hierophant combination- it is time to think about your long term goals and commitments. When it comes to money, this combination tells you to practice self control by tracking your spending, making a plan to pay off your debts, and setting future financial goals. The Hierophant may also indicate working in a family job, corporation or an institution. It is generally seen as a sign of security in finances. Alternatively, you may be getting an advice from a mentor, or you may be mentoring others. The Hierophant tells you that this is probably not a good time for liability risks or alternative investments, so stick with the conventional ways to make money. The Temperance and Hierophant Tarot Combination in Health Moderation is key to overall wellbeing: The Temperance represents slow and steady healing process, so you need to remain patient and positive if you are waiting to see results. In order to improve your health, think about how you can create balance in all areas of your life. The Hierophant points to the benefits of self-control and self-discipline. Try to build healthy habits or rituals in your daily life that you can follow without feeling overwhelmed. One small step at a time. If you have a health problem, the advice here is to follow conventional methods of healing. The Temperance and Hierophant (14/5) Tarot Birth Cards Meaning Theme for the 14/5 lifetime is to bring balance to the contrast between the Temperance and Hierophant energies. While the Temperance energy seeks freedom, independence and change, the Hierophant favors structure, established order and tradition. Most people with the Temperance tarot birth card love learning new things. They are always curious about other cultures, philosophies, and people. Due to their studious nature, they may choose to work in academia, politics or history. Temperance and Hierophant people often goes through big shifts in their beliefs and values. This is because their Temperance nature is all about thinking outside the box, while the Hierophant is about fitting in the box. If you are in your Temperance energy, you will question tradition, challenge authority, or reject societal norms. If you are in your Hierophant energy, you will focus on slow and steady progress in life, while respecting the conformity and morality. Both paths will lead you to finding your wisdom in the end. Temperance and Hierophant life path is very inspirational and unique- you may even become a mentor or a role model for others once you mastered your path. For this to happen, you can: -Work on your patience, -Adapt to changes when necessary, -Find a balance between your extremes, -Learn moderation and self control. You may also be interested in these articles: The World and Empress Tarot Combination & 21/3 Tarot Birth Cards The Justice and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Love,Work,Money,Health & 11/2 Tarot Birth Cards Return to: Tarot Combinations

  • The Star and Strength Tarot Combination in Love,Work,Money,Health & 17/8 Tarot Birth Cards

    The Star and Strength Tarot Combination in Love If you have been going through a rough patch in your love life, feeling lonely, hurt, heartbroken or hopeless- the Star and Strength combination in your tarot reading is a message to just hang in there. You will make it to the other side of this hard times. This is a point of transition. It can be a process of recovery from a past hurt or a beginning of a new relationship, but what’s most important is that you don’t lose your strength and faith at this time. The Star and Strength together advise you to take a look at your relationship with yourself as well. The more you love yourself, the more you let the universe know that you deserve better. Stand up for yourself if you need to. Remain calm and patient, and nurture your self worth. This is how you will attract better relationships. The Star is also a card of wish fulfillment and pleasant surprises. In this case, this combination says that you can manifest the outcome you desire (the Star), if you find the balance within you (the Strength). The Star is a hopeful time to meet new people, as well as reconciliation and reunion. So if you are asking about an ex, it may be a sign of forgiveness. If you are already in a fulfilling relationship, this combination affirms that things are about to get even better. The Star and Strength as feelings of someone indicates that they are hopeful about this connection with the Star, but with the Strength card, they may choose to hold themselves back from expressing their emotions. Alternatively, the Star and Strength tarot combination in astrology can represent Aquarius and Leo placements. It can also represent someone with the Star-Strength tarot birth cards (see below). You may also be interested in: How to Predict Time with Tarot The Star and Strength Tarot Combination in Work/Money You may see this combination during a time of important change, or while you are expecting one. Regardless, there is a clear message: Don’t give up on your dreams! In terms of work, education and finances, the Star card generally brings good prospects, ideas and opportunities. But all this will require your patience and faith, as things may evolve slowly. On the other hand, pleasant opportunities may come out of the blue. Don’t ignore them! The Strength card rewards hard work, especially the work you did on improving yourself. If you have worked on your skills as well as self confidence and discipline, your hard work is going to pay off. Whether you wish for a raise, promotion, recognition or a fresh start with the Star card, the message with the Strength is to believe in yourself. Perseverance will bring confidence, and eventually success. It is also a good time to work on your creative pursuits. If you experienced a financial loss or things didn’t turn out the way you wanted them to, the Star and Strength is a period of recovery. This is not a time to dwell on the past. Don’t let your emotions control you. Focus on what you exactly want to manifest for the future and go for it. The Star and Strength Tarot Combination in Health If you are in the process of recovery, as the card of healing and nourishment- the Star brings hopeful news in all health-related issues. Just remain positive, take good care of yourself and have faith in your healing. The Strength affirms this positive message. This is an especially great card if you are already working towards a health goal. Even if the results you are expecting is coming gradually, appreciate the good things, big or small. The Star and Strength (17/8) Tarot Birth Cards Explained As the Star-Strength or 17/8 archetype, you are both a dreamer and a warrior. Your biggest source of strength is that inner passion and willpower burning within you. You are a naturally confident and inspiring person, but you may not relate to this description of yourself if you haven’t done your inner work yet. Your true strength becomes apparent through overcoming adversities in life, and the Star-Strength people generally go through a lot in order to build that resilience. When you find the courage to take on the challenges, when you feel worthy of what you desire, when you find safety and support within you regardless of circumstances- that’s when you will tap into the Strength energy. With the Star card, one of your spiritual purposes is to bring hope and healing to others once you fully embrace your own power. You have strong values and ideals in life, but sometimes you can expect too much of yourself. When you know what you want, you may get too stubborn at times. This is why it is important to tame your emotions and passions. Learn to pace yourself- cool and calm is the way to go. Overall, the Star-Strength (17/8) lifetime starts with full of untapped potential, and it is up to you to bring those to life. You can do so by: -Accepting your emotions as they come, and learning to control and express them in a healthy way. -Loving and embracing your authentic self, without judgement. -Accepting mistakes and nurturing resilience as they help you grow, -Connecting with nature and your spirituality, -And most importantly, never giving up on your dreams or yourself. Star Tarot Card Meaning Strength Tarot Card Meaning Next: The Death and Emperor Tarot Combination in Love,Work,Money,Health & 13/4 Tarot Birth Cards More Tarot Combinations and Tarot Birth Cards Tarot Cards Meanings Upright and Reversed Home

  • Saturn conjunct North Node in Natal,Transit and Synastry

    Natal Saturn conjunct North Node: Saturn conjunct North Node in a natal chart generally indicates a Saturnian approach in achieving the North Node purpose. But what does this mean? Let’s break it down: As most of you know, Saturn in astrology is infamously known as a ‘’the taskmaster” or a ‘’harsh teacher’’. Saturn energy is serious, practical, dutiful, and sometimes taxing. Do you want to know what some of the toughest life lessons you are having in this lifetime? Look at your natal Saturn placement. As difficult as it may be, Saturnian lessons are the key to maturity. This is where we learn about discipline, commitment, limitation, authority and karma. Now let’s talk about North Node. In a natal chart, North Node represents what your soul wants to accomplish and learn moving forward, therefore it is a key point in understanding your growth and expansion as a person. On the opposite side, we have the South Node. South Node represents the lessons learned, behaviors you are accustomed to or in other words, your comfort zone. Ideally, your mission is to move out of your comfort zone and into less comfortable but more rewarding path of the North Node. South Node energy is the most prominent until about the age of 30. Around this time, Saturn return generally activates our North Node mission. So with natal Saturn conjunct North Node, finding your life purpose and karma is a serious responsibility. Releasing resistance is one of these responsibilities in this lifetime. Saturn energy doesn’t want to indulge in new things. Therefore, most people with this aspect find it hard to let go of the past and change their direction. But change is necessary to mature and evolve, and Saturn conjunct North Node is all about maturing. As every planet, Saturn has a good and a bad side. If it receives predominantly harmonious aspects, Saturn can give discipline and structure. On the more negative side, it can also give delays, blockages or an overall pessimistic attitude towards life. Additionally, how this aspect manifests itself also depends on what house it is in. For example, someone with natal Saturn conjunct North Node in 7th house can have a very committed and responsible approach towards relationships. If it is harshly aspected, relationships can feel burdensome or prohibiting instead. Karmic relationships may be a significant factor in achieving life purpose. Overall, best approach with natal Saturn conjunct North Node is acceptance. Sooner you accept the Saturnian changes that life throws at you, sooner you will ease into your North Node life purpose. Transit Saturn conjunct North Node: When transiting Saturn approaches your North Node, there is an added sense of weight to your life experiences. You may either feel literally weighed down and blocked, or more focused and serious, depending on how well you accept change. Change is at the heart of this transit. During this time, people that don’t serve your life purpose may leave, and new ones may come to teach you important lessons. These life changes are meant to take you out of your comfort zone, aka South Node. If you are stuck in a dead-end relationship or a job, if you are unsatisfied with where your life is heading, transit Saturn conjunct North Node is meant to clear away the past. Overall, there is a fatalistic theme with this transit- what is meant to happen is going to happen, how you make your decisions is also important. It is not an easy ride by any means, it can get lonely and tiresome at times- but it is a rewarding transition nonetheless. To get the most out of transiting Saturn conjunct North Node, you can: -accept changes and adapt, -let go of the past, -reevaluate your purpose and direction in life, -focus on your structure, -and learn to rely on yourself when you are making important decisions. Saturn conjunct North Node in Synastry This synastry aspect brings very powerful, and possibly karmic experiences to the connection. Saturn and North Node themes are quite similar, which is growth. Saturn aspects in Synastry adds a sense of seriousness in relationships. Saturn energy is all about commitment, responsibility and maturity. North Node is where we move into our life purpose through karmic experiences and life lessons. With Saturn conjunct North Node in Synastry, much depends on how well Saturn person handles their Saturnian energy, and how this is translated to the North Node person. In a positive scenario, Saturn person can teach and provide to the North Node person, helping them to manifest their life purpose. In this case, North Node perceives Saturn to be a source of consistency, discipline and structure. If Saturn energy is restrictive, critical or controlling, with its influence North Node person may feel prohibited or delayed in their goals. Saturn conjunct North Node in synastry can also indicate a karmic connection, teaching a lesson from the past. There is a strong feeling of familiarity. In past lives, Saturn may be an authority, parent, or a teacher figure to the North Node person. Additionally, this synastry aspect is very bonding. If things don’t work out between them, commitment feels burdensome, and partners may find it very hard to separate. If you are looking for South Node conjunct Saturn, click here. More Articles on North Node &Saturn : North Node in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays Transit Pluto conjunct natal North Node Saturn in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays Saturn-Ascendant Aspects in Synastry Return to: Astrology Home

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