Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Empress card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card, after the the World.
The World and Empress Tarot Combination in Love
The World in present/future position indicates that you are at the end of a chapter and starting a new one in your love life. There is a deep sense of fulfillment that comes with this card. It is as if you are saying ‘’Finally! The outcome I want is manifesting right now.”
During the World energy, you may expect significant changes in your intimate relationships. For example, it is very likely for those who are single to meet someone special. If you are already in a relationship, you may decide to take things to the next level with moving in together, getting married, etc. For some of you who recently ended a relationship, it can also be about letting go of the burdens of the past and embracing future possibilities.
The Empress emphasizes all this positivity of the World card. She is symbolical of Venus, planet of love, beauty and pleasure. With this card, main theme is growth in your relationships.
If you asked ‘’What do they feel about me?” and you received the Empress, this tarot card indicates nurturing, kind and sensual feelings. Combined with the World, they may even think the world of you!
Alternatively, the World can represent traveling or long distance relationships. The Empress can be a sign of pregnancy as well.
Overall, the World and Empress is an abundant time for love. While you are starting this new chapter (the World), focus on cultivating self-love first, so you can manifest the same loving energy in your relationships (the Empress).
The World and Empress Tarot Combination in Work/Money
The World is a strong indication of success and achievement. Combined with the Empress- a symbol of abundance, you are definitely in luck regards to your wealth and career.
However, for this to happen, you need to close a chapter and begin a new one in your work life. For example, you may be quitting your job to start a new one. Or you may be graduating from school. This transition period might be hard for some of you, but the cards suggest that your efforts are going to pay off in the end.
Unexpected and pleasant changes may arise during this time. You may get an opportunity to travel for work, buy a home, or get a higher title or salary. Overall, during the World and Empress tarot combination- you are leveling up. If these cards are in your future, start manifesting the outcome you desire now. Focus on growing your knowledge, skills and investments. The world is your oyster.
The World and Empress Tarot Combination in Health
The World and Empress combination is a very positive sign.
The World in health readings can be interpreted as recovery and vitality. It is a sign that you are achieving your health goals.
The Empress energy is all about nurturing, growth and beauty. She can also talk about good news regards to feminine health, such as fertility, pregnancy, etc.
The World and Empress (21/3) Tarot Birth Cards Explained
What distinguishes World-Empress people from others is their larger than life energy. With 21/3 life path, you are here to make a big impact on the world.
With the Empress (aka Divine Feminine, or Earth Mother) energy, you are naturally sensual, creative, nurturing and kind.
With the World, you are meant to shine this side of you to your environment and people around you.
“Birth” is at the heart of this lifetime. You may choose to expand their horizons and meet with a lot of people from different backgrounds. For some, it can be a creative/ innovative journey, bringing your ideas into life. Some of you may also choose to settle and grow your roots, starting a family. Overall, it is all about what you choose to create, the world is your oyster.
Downside/difficulties of the 21/3 life path would be limitations, greed, holding on the past and insecurity. In order to achieve success out in the world, you first need to master yourself.
If you have the World-Empress Tarot birth cards, dream big, create big, and you will accomplish big results. For this to happen, you can:
-Connect with nature,
-Tap into your creativity,
-Travel, learn, explore & expand,
-Cultivate self love,
-Nurture the ones you love.
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