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  • The STAR Tarot Combinations With All Major Arcana Cards

    Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Star card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card. Is the Star card a yes or a no? The Star is a favorable card for the future- but it doesn't necessarily talk about a certain outcome. The Fool and Star: Having a leap of faith towards a hopeful future. If you are taking a chance on something foreign and new- expect the unexpected. The Star is a favorable card as the outcome, but the Fool shows naivety about the situation. The Magician and Star: New, inspiring beginnings. Whatever it is that you are wishing for, you have what it takes to achieve it. Right now, it is a very good time to trust the universe and manifest your desires- but make sure to have a solid plan. The High Priestess and Star: Your intuition will guide you towards the desired outcome. It is a good time to manifest through spiritual or magical practices, rather than taking physical actions. You may receive an unexpected help. The Empress and Star: It is a good time to nourish yourself with love, bask in your creativity, open your heart to the new and unexpected. The Empress and Star together in love readings represent very positive feelings- but there could be some sort of distance. It can also represent wishing for pregnancy. The Emperor and Star: If you are in the process of building your foundations, or trying to get something off the ground, the Star indicates a bright future. Even if success you desire seems too distant sometimes, don’t lose your faith- your hard work and dedication will be rewarded. The Hierophant and Star: This is a very spiritual combination. Faith and destiny will play a big part in your situation at this time. It is important to remain hopeful and open towards the future. Hierophant and Star in love readings may represent marriage or wishing to be united. The Lovers and Star: Soul connections. Deeply wishing to be united, to feel whole, to find the ‘’missing’’ half. In some cases, it may indicate long distance or unrequited love. If it is not love related, Lovers and Star together may represent a crossroads in your life- In any case, future looks promising. Trust your intuition and make your choice. The Chariot and Star: You are paving your own way towards future and your dedication will pay off. But remember that the path of destiny is not always paved smooth with gold. You may encounter unexpected situations that is out of your control- don’t lose your faith in yourself. The Chariot and Star combination is also frequently interpreted as traveling to a distant location. The Strength and Star: If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or discouraged about the future- strength you need already flows through you. Even though you can’t control everything in life, you can control your emotions and actions towards them. The Hermit and Star: What you need is self-reflection and inner guidance at this time. Things will flow smoothly, but it may be slower than expected- especially if you tend to rush without thinking. Hermit and Star combination in love readings can show someone who is deeply contemplating about their future, they may be choosing to focus on themselves right now. Wheel of Fortune and Star: This combination suggests unexpected, often favorable turn of events. A lot of things seem to be in the hands of destiny regards to your situation- have faith in the universe that things will sort itself out. The Justice and Star: Wishing for a fair outcome. You are probably seeking some sort of clarity, truth and balance about your situation, and the Star is a favorable indication that it will come to you. In love readings, the Justice and Star tarot combination can indicate marriage. The Hanged Man and Star: Don’t resist to change- In order to reach the desired outcome, you need to adapt a whole new perspective. If you are stuck or confused, The Star indicates that things will start to flow again but patience is necessary. Beware of disillusion and self sacrifice. The Death and Star: After a painful loss or an ending, the renewal you wish for is coming. You may receive unexpected assistance at this time. Whatever it is you are going through, remain hopeful and optimistic about your future. The Temperance and Star: This tarot combination often shows a healing process from within, making adjustments step by step in order to strike a balance. Positive changes are afoot, but it may be a slow progress. Temperance and Star together in love readings can represent a soul connection, or a desire to merge with one another. The Devil and Star: The Devil and Star together indicates a need to release karmic/negative attachments. You may be wishing for the wrong things or ignoring the red flags- if this resonates to you, you need to distance yourself from whatever is holding you down. The Tower and Star: The Tower represents a painful upheaval in your life, and the Star as the next card is a hopeful messenger that the things are going to get better again. You may experience a loss with the Tower, but it is important that you don’t lose your hope for the future. The Moon and Star: This combination shows diving deep into emotions, fantasizing and dreams. Clarity is what you need- You need a solid vision and plan before you act. The Moon and Star together in love readings can feel confusing, or there may be a lot of wishful thinking and not much action involved. It can also indicate long distance relationships or connecting through dreams. The Sun and Star: This is a very positive combination, representing rejuvenation, optimism, and new opportunities in all areas of your life. Both cards show that you will get full clarity on this situation. It is a good time to follow your heart. The Judgement and Star: There are some significant changes that are happening in your life, important decisions may be waiting for you. These may be unexpected or destined events. You need to get full clarity and assess your situation very carefully before you act on them. During this time of rebirth, your faith in yourself and in the universe can guide you. The World and Star: The Fool’s journey ends in the World. This represents that you are reaching the end of a cycle, and the Star shows a bright future ahead. Alternatively, the World and Star together can represent travel and new, unexpected opportunities that you haven’t considered before. Tarot Cards Combinations Tarot Cards Meanings Home

  • The Tower and World Tarot Combination in Love, Work, Health

    “Change is inevitable. Change is constant.” Benjamin Disraeli The Tower and World Tarot Combination in Astrology Astrological planet associated with Tower Tarot card is Mars because of the similar energies they represent- fire, destruction and force. The World card is surrounded by four fixed signs of the zodiac (Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo) and it is generally believed to represent Saturn. Therefore this combination has a Mars conjunct Saturn energy, which shows strong determination to bring a significant change. The Tower and World Tarot Combination in Numerology Let’s look at their numerology. Tower card’s number is 21, and World is 16. Together their combination represents the energy of number 10 (21+16=37 , 3+7=10) which is a sign of completion and new beginnings. Can the Tower Tarot card be positive? The Tower is infamously known as one of the most negative cards in Tarot. If you are also alarmed by it, I’d like to offer you a new perspective today. We all know that the Tower card represents an inevitable upheaval. While this is true, it also brings a second chance to start over again. The Tower card doesn’t have to be viewed as something evil and negative all the time. When we lose our track in life, it can be a force of destiny that puts us where we need to be. It can lead us to a brighter future, especially when it is paired with our next card- The World. What does the World Tarot card represent? The World card is exactly what you want to see next to the Tower- it is a sign that all the hardships that the Tower brought is coming to an end. It represents life changing new beginnings. As you leave the Tower behind and move into the World energy, you are no longer fixated on the pain- you start to see the bigger picture and feel hopeful again. Now that you finished this cycle, you can start over again with the lessons you learned from the Tower. The Tower and World Tarot Combination in Love The Tower in your love reading represents a painful situation in your life. Whether you are going through a breakup, dealing with a loss, or feeling lonely and hopeless, this is all about to change with the World. Because they are Major Arcana cards, they both represent destined events. During the Tower moment, you may have felt that the world is coming crashing down on you, like there is no hope. The World is bringing you new opportunities that you couldn’t even imagine. The Tower and World tarot combination is urging you to focus on the future. Don’t dwell on the Tower moment for too long, instead accept your losses and have faith in the universe. With the World card in your reading, you can now manifest exactly what you need in your love life. The Tower and World Tarot Combination in Work and Money Couple of different scenarios are possible with the Tower card in your work reading: You could be feeling stuck in a job you hate, dealing with a financial loss or you may feel forced in a tough situation. Whatever the case is, they are all leading to a positive change with the World. Previous hardships are coming to an end, and now it is time to focus on what you want to manifest. When the World energy arrives, don’t be afraid to explore new opportunities even if they seem scary at first. And most importantly, don’t dwell on what you have lost. The Tower and World Tarot Combination in Health The Tower may represent a period of pain, sickness, or negativity in your health reading. The good news is this is all coming to an end with the World card. The Tower and World together is a true transformation in your wellbeing. But in order to achieve it, the Tower suggests that you need to make some healthy changes in your life. More Tarot Combinations The Tower Tarot Card Meaning Upright &Reversed The World Tarot Card Meaning Upright & Reversed

  • Chiron in the Signs and Houses

    Chiron in Aries or 1st house: Chiron in the 1st house feels uncomfortable in their skin or identity. Root of this pain may come from being bullied in early life, struggling with body image issues, or strict or aggressive parents who made them feel shameful about themselves. This can result in insecurities, or sometimes a more visible issue like physical impairments. It may also represent a difficult/traumatic birth. Chiron in Aries or 1st house suggests that anything that has to do with ‘’the self’’ was a source of pain. Especially in early life, they might have felt that there is something wrong with them- and therefore they don’t feel like they are good enough. They usually have strict parents who thought them that being emotional or having insecurities are shameful. As a result, they may impulsively self-sabotage themselves in order to reaffirm their false beliefs. Alternatively, Chiron in Aries may resort to selfishness, insensitivity, and bullying in order to cover up their insecurity. They were told to toughen up early on- so these people usually have a hard exterior and it is hard for them to express their deep emotions. Chiron in 1st house or Aries is learning to accept themselves despite the painful limitations that were put upon them. By attending to their unhealed Chiron, they can gain a healthy sense of self-worth and help others to the same. Chiron in Taurus or 2nd house: The wound usually stems from growing up in a financially unstable household, struggling with lack of resources, or perhaps parents who thought them self-value is measured by how much money they make. Chiron in Taurus is feeling that they may be lacking in some way. This might be a lack of security, resources, money or self-worth. When they were growing up, parents may have endured a financial ordeal, or they may be too materialistic. Chiron in Taurus or 2nd house falsely believes that in order to ‘’be’’ more, you need to ‘’have’’ more. As an adult, they may feel shame, guilt or fear about spending or having money. They may cling to their possessions to feel secure or become greedy. Overall, Chiron in the 2nd house / Taurus is learning to heal their relationship with their self-value and money. By attending to their unhealed Chiron, they can help others feel more secure and self-sufficient. Chiron in Gemini or 3rd house: During their childhood, they may have felt that their thoughts don’t matter so they may as well not speak their mind. Root of this wound may stem from parents who made them feel ashamed or guilty about the way they express themselves. They may have felt shy or awkward as a kid, because of the way they think or speak. As a result, a Gemini or 3rd house Chiron may struggle with communication in their adult life. Chiron in the 3rd can denote problems with siblings or neighbors. Heavy Chiron placements may also have interrupted education, trouble in writing, learning disabilities or speech impairment. Chiron in 3rd house or Gemini is learning to overcome this fear of communication. Their intellectual mind is unique and beautiful- The more they express their opinions to the world and connect, the more they can attend to their unhealed Chiron and help others do the same. Chiron in Cancer or 4th house: Home wasn’t a comfortable place growing up. They may have felt unloved or unsafe around their parents, especially their mother. In adult life, they tend to attract emotionally unavailable/ toxic people who makes them feel the way their parents did. They may try to ‘’fix’’ their person in order to fix their unhealed Chiron wound, but this usually leads to over giving without taking anything in return. All this leads to a core fear of abandonment for Chiron in the 4th house or Cancer. They may also feel like they are not good enough to start a family, even though they desire it. Chiron in Cancer or 4th house is learning to nurture themselves by healing their past traumas. In their relationships, they should not let fear of abandonment weigh them down- but also build better boundaries. Chiron in Leo or 5th house: These people may feel like they were not able to live their life to the fullest. These are usually people who had to grow up fast- perhaps parents didn’t let them go out and play with their friends or suppressed their artistic expression. Alternatively, they were made to feel guilty or ashamed about sexuality. As a result, Chiron in 5th house or Leo tends to grow up with a desire for freedom, spotlight, and spontaneity. They may have an anxiety about being able to relax and have fun or feel insecure about their talents. Because of these early issues, raising children may be a scary topic to them. In their relationships, there may be a pain around cheating or being cheated on. Chiron in 5th house or Leo is learning to have fun and explore their suppressed desires. They should focus more on living in the moment. Chiron in Virgo or 6th house: Chiron in 6th house can interrupt daily life. It can represent a difficulty in being self-sufficient, due to a sickness or a mental/emotional issue. Or perhaps they had to take care of a parent growing up. Chiron in Virgo or 6th house may feel a pressure to act a certain way. They may be obsessed with their work or health, unable to let go of control. This could lead to eating disorders, body image issues and burnout. The opposite is also true, where they don’t feel self-disciplined enough to take care of themselves. In any case, Chiron in 6th house or Virgo people are learning to bring a balance to their daily life by building healthier habits. There is a potential for them to become excellent healers, care takers and lifestyle coaches. Chiron in Libra or 7th house: One of the biggest wounds of this people is relationships and partnerships. They may come from divorced parents, or somehow felt that relationships bring heartbreak and disappointment while growing up. Alternatively, Chiron in the 7th may also represent marrying someone who is a healer, like a therapist. As an adult, Chiron in 7th house or Libra can represent itself as codependency, trust/intimacy issues, or inequality in give and take. They may completely close their hearts so that they don’t get hurt again. Chiron in Libra or 7th house is learning to cooperate, to be treated equally and fairly, and build healthier boundaries in relationships. Chiron in Scorpio or 8th house: Early life of these people might be burdened with deep psychological wounds that transform them. They may deal with painful emotional or financial losses a child, or strict/abusive parents who manipulated them. Heavy Chiron placements in Scorpio or 8th house might represent sexual trauma- or just a deep feeling of shame and guilt around sexuality. Alternatively, these may be past life traumas. In any case, these experiences make them feel like their power was taken away. Due to this, they often have a deep-seated fear of losing. As an adult, they may deal with power struggles, trust/intimacy issues or financial problems. Chiron in 8th house or Scorpio is learning to heal and transform, so that they can rise from their ashes. Chiron in Sagittarius or 9th house: In their early life, these people may feel that their freedom was restricted in some way. They might come from a strict religious upbringing or had painful experiences with teachers or spiritual figures. They wanted to go outside their comfort zone, travel, find their own philosophy in life- but something made them feel like their views don’t matter. It is as if universe is conspiring against them- they might believe they are unlucky for some reason. They may also encounter obstacles in higher education. As a result, they may reject spirituality and religion due to fear. In any case, Chiron in 9th house or Sagittarius is learning to overcome these fears and limitations. They should find their own way of connecting with their spirituality. Chiron in Capricorn or 10th house: When it comes to their career or reputation, this people often feel like they are not enough. Root of this issue may stem from strict parents who were obsessed with their public image and status more than anything else. As an adult, they believe that they are not getting the recognition that they deserve. They could become power hungry, clash with authority figures, or their career may be interrupted due to painful ups and downs. Chiron in 10th house or Capricorn is learning to put reasonable expectations on themselves. They should not base their self-worth solely on how much success and praise they get. Chiron in Aquarius or 11th house: These people felt rejected by society. The root of this wound may come from being bullied as a child, feeling unable to fit in or painful friendships. As an adult, they often avoid large groups, public speaking and meeting new people. Their close circle of friends also tends to be unique, ‘’outsider’’ type of individuals. Chiron in 11th house or Aquarius is learning to overcome these social issues. They are usually very accepting and understanding to others, so they should also find like-minded individuals that will accept them for who they are. Chiron in Pisces or 12th house: Chiron in 12th house symbolizes a pain that is hidden in subconscious. This placement might indicate a traumatic experience about isolation, institutions, or hospitalization. If there is an irrational fear about those things, it could stem from a past life. Chiron in Pisces can subconsciously feel the sorrow in others. Especially if they are also empaths, they tend to attract narcissistic or abusive people because they may often self-sacrifice. Both Chiron in Pisces and Chiron in 12th house indicate deep seated guilt, pain, or shame. Heavy Chiron placements might also represent impaired imagination, dissociation, addiction, or sleep/memory problems. Chiron in Pisces or 12th house is ultimately learning to ground themselves and build better boundaries. Juno in the Signs and Houses Astrology Home

  • North Node in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays

    North Node in partner’s 1st house: North Node person offers guidance and support when it comes to the 1st house matters. If the house person struggles with accepting themselves, have self-image issues, or if they are guided by other people’s perceptions, this is where the North Node comes in and says, “It is time for you to be authentic to yourself.’’ If the North Node sits close to the house person’s ASC, they may feel an instinctive attraction to one another. North Node in partner’s 2nd house: By pointing out the significance of values, North Node person can help the 2nd house in achieving happiness and success. How much does the 2nd house person really value themselves? How is their relationship with money and possessions? These are some of the important questions that rise to the surface with this house overlay. North Node person can point out how to value themselves properly, as well as put an emphasis on the value of becoming financially independent. If they were previously putting too much focus on money, North Node can point to the need for balance. As a result, 2nd house person can gain confidence, acquire new money-making skills, and improve their finances. North Node in partner’s 2nd house could also represent a financial bond, where one partner is financially supporting the other. North Node in partner’s 3rd house: Ruled by Gemini, 3rd house is known as the house of communication. When a person’s North Node enters the partner’s 3rd house, anything that has to do with communication takes importance. For example, if the 3rd house person has a talent in writing, North Node can trigger ‘’destined’’ events for them to improve on this talent or publish. North Node person can also nudge them to speak more freely and eloquently. They may try new intellectual hobbies together, or spend time talking about destiny and future. If the 3rd house person has siblings, North Node person may influence their relationship. North Node in partner’s 4th house: This house overlay in synastry points to an importance of home and family. 4th house person may suddenly become interested in uncovering their roots, connecting with their family, and understanding their deep emotional wounds. North Node may encourage them to create a stronger foundation for themselves, especially if they struggle with settling down and growing their roots. With North Node in partner’s 4th house, they may also decide to buy a house, start a family, or live together. With this connection, North Node person can also benefit from these 4th house lessons themselves in order to move towards their soul journey. North Node in partner’s 5th house: North Node highlights an emphasis on creating, having fun and being more spontaneous in 5th house person’s life. More importantly, biggest lesson of the 5th house is not being afraid to show who you are. If the house person had problems embracing their 5th house- taking life too seriously, or not focusing on themselves, North Node person will introduce new experiences for them to overcome those. Overall, both the North Node and the 5th house can benefit from this incredible creative energy. Children may also play an important part of their interaction. North Node in partner’s 6th house: With this house overlay, 6th house lessons becomes a significant part of the connection. North Node can emphasize everything that has to do with their daily life- chores, responsibilities, health, etc. 6th house person may be someone who doesn’t pay a lot of attention to these matters. With North Node coming into their life, they can be suddenly inspired to organize their daily routines. North Node person themselves can benefit from these lessons as well. Together, there is a potential for both partners to ground themselves and establish healthier habits. North Node in partner’s 7th house: Establishing better relationships becomes an important part of this connection. Generally speaking, North Node person can show them the value of partnerships, cooperation and compassion- especially if the house person struggles to rely on others. Opposite can also be true, where one of the partners have codependency issues and they need to be more independent. North Node in partner's 7th house may also indicate a long term partner or marriage. North Node in partner’s 8th house: Main purpose of this synastry house overlay is to shine a spotlight on 8th house matters, which can get quite difficult since we are dealing with the darkest house. Concepts of sex, death (often metaphorical), sharing of resources will play an important part here. Therefore it is hard to guess how this connection will play out, but it is safe to say that it will be felt on a soul level. North Node person is like an agent of destiny here. They might be in the 8th house’s life during a time of major transformation or trigger it. North Node in partner’s 8th house can represent a significant financial, sexual, psychological, or emotional bond. They very well indicate a karmic relationship or soulmate- but as always, entirety of the synastry chart should be considered. North Node in partner’s 9th house: 9th house can gain new perspectives, experiences, and beliefs with North Node person. If 9th house has been neglecting to explore deeper meaning of their life, North Node will put an emphasis on that. Both the 9th house and North Node energies are all about moving forward, so this connection can bring a lot of spiritual growth, higher learning and travel. This synastry house overlay could also represent a ‘’destined’’ long distance relationship. How the relationship will play out depends on the rest of the synastry chart. North Node in partner’s 10th house: 10th house represents how we make our mark in the world- our reputation, profession, and ambitions. In this connection, North Node person will shine a spotlight on these matters. North Node can also be someone who will bring an important advice or experience that can change the trajectory of 10th house person’s career. On the other hand, 10th house may be focusing too much on their public image and status- in this case, North Node can teach integrity and balance. Since both the 10th house and North Node energies focus on achieving what they came here to do- they will both feel an increased desire to succeed in their goals. North Node in partner’s 11th house: Friendships becomes an important theme with this energy. It is very likely that North Node may introduce new people and experiences to their partner’s life. For example, if 11th house was not very comfortable in leaving their comfort zone, meeting new friends or groups, North Node can help with those matters. 11th house is also a hope and future oriented place, which can help North Node person in discovering their soul purpose. North Node in partner’s 12th house: 12th house is one of the most complicated houses to decipher in the chart. When someone’s North Node- or their soul mission enters this house, unexplainable events that feels like destiny may occur. This is likely a very spiritual connection with lots of lessons for both partners: North Node can lift the 12th house veil and show them their self-undoing behaviors, sorrows, unresolved/past life issues and subconscious patterns. When a person’s North Node- or ‘’soul path’’ enters their partner’s 12th house, it becomes a part of their journey to highlight these house matters. Both of them can heal and guide each towards their soul purpose. Since 12th house energy is very hidden and subconscious, North Node person’s influence will not be very visible, but it rather will be felt on a deeper level. House Overlays in Synastry Astrology Home

  • Moon in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays

    Moon in partner’s 1st house: Moon’s emotions influence 1st house person physically and mentally. Moon person also may feel a desire to take care of the 1st house. Moon in partner’s 1st house can go both ways. A mature, well aspected Moon can raise 1st house person’s self awareness and emotional wellbeing. There is a lot of mutual compassion and attraction as well. On the other hand, if 1st house person is not very connected to their emotions, a sensitive Moon sign may feel neglected or hurt there. If it is an afflicted Moon, their emotional reactions may hurt 1st house person’s ego. Moon in partner’s 2nd house: Moon partner brings a sense of emotional security and comfort to the 2nd house. Their emotions also have a way of effecting 2nd house person’s value structure. With this Moon influence, 2nd house may start finding better values that support them both emotionally and financially. When Moon invests their emotions and creates a nurturing space for the 2nd house, they may also improve their self-esteem as well as finances. In some cases, Moon may become financially dependent to 2nd house person. A poorly aspected Moon may also trigger insecurities and money issues. Moon in partner’s 3rd house: This house overlay in synastry represents a connection from the heart of the Moon to the mind of the 3rd house. Moon knows the right words to say to make them feel understood and loved. It can almost feel like a psychic connection. If 3rd house person has issues in communicating their emotions, they may feel more comfortable expressing themselves around their partner. Moon may also have a good relationship with 3rd house person’s siblings. A poorly aspected Moon in partner’s 3rd house can denote verbal arguments, misunderstandings, or constant outbursts. Moon in partner’s 4th house: This can be a type of connection where it makes you feel at home- nurtured, safe, loved. The two may spend more time in each other’s home, or decide to live together. Moon person may also have good relationships with the family of 4th house. If there are any issues in the 4th house person’s inner life such as family trauma or abandonment issues- Moon can bring healing and compassion to those. In order to understand this connection better, it is important to look at how well the Moon is aspected and how both Moons interact in the synastry chart. A poorly aspected Moon energy tends to exacerbate underlying emotional problems of the 4th house, become codependent or overly emotional. Moon in partner’s 5th house: Moon person brings out a desire to create within the 5th house. They may support the house person’s creative talents, as well as encourage them to have children. If the 5th house person already has children, Moon can support/ take care of them. If Moon is feeling down, 5th house can easily cheer them up. Romantic emotions are often expressed with physical affection, warmth and playfulness. They like to give each other pleasure. If it is an afflicted Moon, it may bring emotional turmoil around 5th house matters. Moon in partner’s 6th house: This house overlay in synastry brings a desire to help and serve one another. Emotions of the Moon have a way of effecting the 6th house person’s daily routine, work and wellbeing. This can be a good or a bad thing, depending on how well the Moon is aspected/ the rest of the synastry chart. On a positive note, Moon person can truly nurture 6th house and create a safe space for them to flourish. They can represent a care taker or a supporting partner. However, in some cases Moon person tends to give too much of themselves, with receiving little or nothing in return. Alternatively, an afflicted Moon might disturb the daily life of the 6th house. Moon in partner’s 7th house: Moon can truly thrive in their partner’s 7th house. This house overlay can create an emotional partnership bonded with compassion, warmth and trust- which is excellent for marriage and long term relationships. In order to understand this better, it is important to look at the Moon sign, how it is aspected, and the rest of the synastry chart. If the Moon is afflicted in natal or synastry chart, or does not harmonize well in the 7th house, there can be a lot of fights. In some cases, they may regard each other as enemies. Moon in partner’s 8th house: A partner’s 8th house, meaning their house of secrets, sex, death and traumas- is a very dark and heavy place for the emotional Moon to be lurking in. With this house overlay, emotional intensity is heightened and it is very instinctive. 8th house person may not enjoy the fact that Moon can see through their darkness. But if they can find a way to trust each other, this can lead to a lot of healing as well as a deeper emotional connection. But unfortunately in some cases, Moon in 8th house can trigger manipulation, obsession, depression and perhaps even violence. Moon in partner’s 9th house: Moon can effect 9th house person’s beliefs, views on politics, education or religion. These two may enjoy talking about these topics, explore their spirituality and different cultures together. Overall, it is a very refreshing and stimulating position for the Moon person. Moon in partner’s 9th house can also suggest a long-distance relationship, as there can be a desire to travel for emotional closeness. If the Moon is poorly aspected in the synastry chart, they may give overly emotional reactions to their clashing views. Moon in partner’s 10th house: This means that Moon’s emotions have an effect on the 10th house person’s career and public image. A well aspected Moon can support 10th house person’s desire to succeed. There is not much romanticism involved here, but it can still be a beneficial thing. They can become a power couple, especially if both partners are more career oriented. In some cases, there may be an inequality in give and take here. Moon person may invest too much of their time and emotions to the 10th house person’s goals, neglecting themselves. An afflicted Moon may also disrupt 10th house person’s career/reputation. Moon in partner’s 11th house: 11th house finds Moon's presence comforting and warm- like a part of their family. Moon in partner’s 11th house mainly suggests plutonic emotions, but there is a potential for something deeper. They can spend a lot of time socializing with others, as well as with each other. It also suggests that Moon has good relationships with 11th house person’s friends. An afflicted Moon may try to keep 11th house all to themselves or get jealous of their friends which can hurt the house person’s friendships. Moon in partner’s 12th house: Upon first meeting, there may be a feeling of knowing each other before. Moon in partner’s 12th house might be a karmic connection indeed- partners reuniting again to relive and resolve some of the past life issues. 12th house person may feel emotionally conflicted about the Moon person. Moon can instinctively tap into their subconscious and bring out hidden and difficult emotions. Relationship can sometimes feel like a therapist-patient dynamic. This can make them either feel understood on a spiritual level or scared and confused. If the moon is poorly aspected, it can be a quite tumultuous experience. In this case, they might provoke self undoing behaviors, addictions, secrets and isolation in one other. Moon may also represent an affair, or a secret enemy. House Overlays in Synastry Astrology Home

  • Jupiter in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays

    Jupiter in partner’s 1st house: Jupiter partner brings a lot of goodwill and optimism to the 1st house person’s life. They generally have a lot of fun together, and Jupiter makes the 1st house person feel good about their body and identity. They can also be a positive nudge towards making the house person pay more attention to their wellbeing and appearance. Attraction is more noticeable when Jupiter is closer to the ASC. Jupiter is generally a benefic planet, but in some cases, an afflicted Jupiter may tend to give unnecessarily risky advice, or stroke 1st house person’s ego instead of pointing out their flaws. Jupiter in partner’s 2nd house: Jupiter is all about growth. And when it enters partner’s 2nd house, it brings abundance to their finances, possessions and self-worth. Jupiter may be a mentor regards to these matters, or they may share their money or resources with the 2nd house person. 2nd house person might also feel luckier and more optimistic around them. On the other hand, a poorly aspected Jupiter can lead the 2nd house person to spend their money excessively or overextend themselves. Jupiter in partner’s 3rd house: This synastry overlay suggests that communication between them is easy going and stimulating. Jupiter encourages the 3rd house person to expand their mind and think about the bigger picture, whether it is about philosophy, religion, or future. Jupiter also likes to share things they learned that are interesting or useful. Especially if 3rd house person is struggling with communicating their thoughts, this positive and open connection can help them grow intellectually and boost their confidence in self-expression. A poorly aspected Jupiter in the natal chart may be too optimistic about the 3rd house person. Alternatively, Jupiter may talk too much- 3rd house person may feel like they are listening to a lecture or monologue. Jupiter in partner’s 4th house: Jupiter brings abundance, support and luck to 4th house person’s home, inner life and family relationships. This can look like doing house improvements together, or Jupiter clearing out some space for them- emotionally and literally. Since this house is ruled by Cancer, it can be a very emotional and private house. Partner’s Jupiter here can bring out some difficult emotions to the surface, such as family trauma, commitment issues, etc. This interaction can bring growth and healing to the 4th house person, or it may make them feel uncomfortable, depending on how well Jupiter is aspected. Jupiter in partner’s 5th house: This synastry house overlay brings an energy of playfulness, creativity, and lighthearted mood into the connection. Sex tends to feel spiritual and adventurous. 5th house also deals with children- therefore partner’s Jupiter here can boost fertility, or perhaps the 5th house person may feel more optimistic about the idea of having children. If the 5th house person already has kids, Jupiter may also give good parenting advice to them. On the other hand, a poorly aspected Jupiter may lead 5th house into risky activities or enable them, due to their overly optimistic perspective about the house person. Jupiter in partner’s 6th house: Ruled by Virgo, 6th house deals with daily routine, wellness and responsibilities. Jupiter here wants 6th house person to get their practical matters in order, clear out their life and take care of their health. Especially if 6th house person needs help in their daily life, Jupiter can be a great motivator, healer or a mentor to them. If Jupiter is poorly aspected, or 6th house energy is not handled well, this can sometimes lead to a codependent relationship. Instead of being a supporting partner, Jupiter might do the work for them. Jupiter in partner’s 7th house: This synastry house overlay is commonly found in marriages, because it brings an energy of cooperation and mutual goodwill. Overall, Jupiter is a good partner to 7th house, and can teach a lot about relationships to them. Even if the relationship doesn’t work out, 7th house can gain new partnerships or ideas about marriage with Jupiter influence. An afflicted Jupiter might have an unrealistic or overly optimistic perspective of their 7th house partner. Jupiter in partner’s 8th house: This synastry house overlay can be a healing experience for the 8th house person. Jupiter shines a light on 8th house person’s dark side and offers acceptance and positivity. In return, 8th house can have a better perspective about traumas, sexuality, or death. Jupiter may trigger a positive transformation in the 8th house. They may also feel like they can trust and open up about their secrets. With Jupiter influence, 8th house person may see an increase in their shared resources. If Jupiter is poorly aspected, the connection might suffer from manipulations, obsessions, fears and paranoia. Jupiter in partner’s 9th house: Jupiter brings expansive and positive experiences to 9th house person’s life. Whether they are a mentor, teacher or a friend, interaction with them can give 9th house person higher perspectives in their life philosophy, religion, education and morality. It is also very possible that they like to travel together, explore different cultures and search the meaning of life. Jupiter may also be a foreigner, or a long distance connection. Jupiter in partner’s 10th house: Being around Jupiter can bring 10th house more charisma, charm and status. With Jupiter influence, they may feel more ambitious to succeed in their professional life. Jupiter may represent a mentor, a boss, or a partner with good career advice. An afflicted Jupiter person may be overestimating 10th house’s ambitions and capabilities, or they may be pushing them too much too soon. Jupiter in partner’s 11th house: Partner’s Jupiter here can bring a lot of new friendships and experiences to the 11th house person. They can introduce the house person to more groups and parties, or they may just enjoy socializing together. Jupiter is a supportive friend with a lot to offer- This is especially true if 11th house person felt unlucky in their friendships or struggle with extroverted activities. Jupiter in partner’s 12th house: With Jupiter influence, 12th house person may want to explore their spirituality and subconscious deeper. Jupiter expands everything that is hidden and uncontrolled in 12th house person’s mind, including fears- which can be uncomfortable and confusing at first. If Jupiter offers acceptance and openness, there is a potential for 12th house to truly heal and grow spiritually and mentally. Overall, 12th house is a delicate house. A poorly aspected Jupiter may feel irritating and pushy, or enable self destructive behaviors like addictions. House Overlays in Synastry Astrology Home

  • Mars in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays

    Mars in partner’s 1st house: Mars, as a naturally dominant and fiery energy entering in partner’s 1st house can truly energize the 1st house person. Mars person can be a nudge that they need in order to take care of themselves more, pay attention to their body and gain more confidence. 1st house generally feels more alive and courageous around the Mars. In synastry, Mars in partner’s 1st house can be a very passionate and sexual experience, especially when Mars sits close to the ASC. On the other hand, if Mars energy is not handled well in the rest of the synastry or natal chart, this house overlay could lead to bullying or physical aggression. Mars may be sticking their nose too much in 1st house matters, or provoking them. Mars in partner’s 2nd house: Mars generally wants to be involved in 2nd house person’s money, values and possessions. This could mean that they want to personally take charge of these matters, or just encourage 2nd house person to be on top of their finances. As a result, house person may earn OR spend more money with the Mars energy entering in their 2nd house. If Mars energy is not received well in 2nd house, things could get really irritating for the house person, especially sex. Mars may see them as their possession, intimidate them or create aggression/conflicts around money. Mars in partner’s 3rd house: 3rd house of communication is ruled by Gemini, which has a very versatile energy. Therefore an active planet such as Mars can be received well here. Mars can encourage 3rd house person to be more assertive and confident in their communication. Mars also rules sexual libido, so there might be a lot of dirty talk or experimenting in bed. If the Mars has a lot of negative aspects to it in the natal or synastry chart, communication issues may arise instead- leading to bickering, verbal aggressiveness, bullying, etc. Mars may also conflict with 3rd house person’s siblings. Mars in partner’s 4th house: There are a few positive interactions here. Mars has a desire to activate and get involved in 4th house person’s home life. They may spend a lot of time in bed together, or work in the house, decorate, etc. Mars can also really push 4th house out of their comfort zone and encourage them to act on the issues around their home and family, especially if sits close to the IC. But if the Mars energy is not handled well, there may be aggression in the home. Mars may also have conflicts with 4th house person’s family. Alternatively, sex life with an afflicted Mars can be too aggressive or intimidating for the 4th house person. Mars in partner’s 5th house: Mars energy in the 5th house of pleasure, fun and love is usually received well. With this house overlay, Mars person energizes 5th house matters, which could mean a lot of sexual pleasure, outdoor activities and spontaneous adventures together. Mars is like a fire that ignites the carnal desires and creativity inside the 5th house person. Since 5th house also deals with the topic of children, they may ignite a desire to have children as well. On the other hand, an afflicted Mars in partner’s 5th house could represent jealousy, competition, or sexual aggressiveness. Mars in partner’s 6th house: With this synastry house overlay, Mars wants to bring energy and action to 6th house person’s daily life. They can encourage the house person to lead a more active lifestyle, implement healthier habits, achieve their work goals, etc. Mars person may also represent someone from work, like a boss. If Mars is afflicted in the natal or synastry chart, this can represent tension in 6th house matters. Instead of encouraging and supporting, Mars may try to dominate this area of the house person’s life. Mars in partner’s 7th house: Mars desires to partner up with 7th house person. The context of this partnership depends on other factors in the synastry chart, such as the Mars sign, how it is aspected, etc. Generally speaking, 7th house sees Mars as an ideal sexual partner. The relationship tends to be stimulating and fun. If Mars energy is not handled well, its presence in 7th house can feel quarrelsome and hostile, riddled with commitment issues. 7th house also represents open enemies, so an afflicted Mars might represent a love-hate relationship. Mars in partner’s 8th house: 8th house in synastry is everyone’s favorite house to talk about. Ruled by Scorpio- It is dark, seductive and mysterious. So a partner’s Mars in there can really stir things up. On a positive note, Mars partner can influence 8th house person to delve into their shadow personality, their traumas, fears and desires. This way, 8th house can take necessary actions towards their inner healing. Mars in partner’s 8th house brings an energy of explosive passion, they can form a deep bond through sex. Problem is, Mars can really get under the skin of 8th house person. They can coerce 8th house to do darker things, manipulate them with sex, use their fears and secrets against them, etc. Overall, an afflicted Mars energy in 8th house tends to be belligerent, jealous, and sometimes dangerous. Mars in partner’s 9th house: Mars can be a positive push towards expansion and growth in the house of philosophy and spirituality. 9th house person may feel more energized and lucky around them. There is also a desire to see new things and travel together, or they may meet through travel or education. Since Mars represents one’s sexual libido, this could mean that they want to achieve spiritual contact through intimacy with the 9th house person, with practices such as tantric sex. Afflicted Mars in partner’s 9th house could bring aggression, competitiveness and conflict in these 9th house matters. In this case, Mars may try to push their religious beliefs on the 9th house person, or constantly criticise their opinions. Mars in partner’s 10th house: Partner’s Mars energy in the house of career can be a beneficial thing, especially if the house person is more career focused. 10th house person can feel more energetic and goal oriented around Mars, they may even collaborate or work together- if the rest of the synastry chart supports it. Mars person may also represent a business partner, a boss or a mentor. On the other hand, when Mars energy is not being handled well, it may feel more like an annoying dictator. In worst case scenario, they may try to ruin 10th house person’s reputation, aggressively compete with them, or take charge of their professional life decisions. Mars in partner’s 11th house: With this house overlay, 11th house person may feel more enthusiastic and active in their social life. Especially if they need a nudge to come out of their shell and socialize more, Mars person can really help with that by introducing them to new friendships. When Mars is in partner’s 11th house, the connection could start off as a friendship first, or an open relationship. If Mars has a lot of negative aspects in the synastry or natal chart, it can bring tension and aggression with 11th house person’s friends. Mars in partner’s 12th house: When Mars person brings their fire energy into subconscious mind of 12th house, it can really stir things up psychologically. Problem here is, 12th house is hidden and unseen- and Mars wants to explore and to be seen. Because of this, 12th house person can really get confused when Mars is angry, passionate, expressive. Sexual attraction is felt on a subconscious level for the 12th house person. They may not be quite sure why they are attracted to Mars person. Mars person will try to bring out 12th house matters to the surface, this can be a good or a bad thing for the house person. With Martian influence, they may become more spiritual or self aware, or afraid and anxious, depending on how well Mars is aspected. An afflicted Mars in 12th house can be a passive aggressive, hostile force, or a secret enemy. Return to: Astrology See more: Synastry House Overlays Home

  • Lilith in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays

    Lilith in partner’s 1st house: In its most positive expression, Lilith is a source of courage and individuality to the 1st house person. With Lilith’s influence, 1st house can explore their creative talents, embrace a more confident attitude and express their identity more freely. Lilith may encourage them to rebel in some way, and get rid of any shame and fear concerning their looks/identity. There is a strong, lustful and primitive attraction between them, especially if Lilith sits close to the Ascendant. On the other hand, if Lilith energy is not handled well in the synastry chart, Lilith may be obsessed with 1st house person in a superficial way. In this case, there may be a lot of selfishness, jealousy and drama involved. Lilith in partner’s 2nd house: With this synastry overlay, there is a potential for 2nd house person to turn the raw Lilith energy into something productive and tangible for themselves. At its best, Lilith can inspire 2nd house to pursue their worldly desires, as well as improve their self esteem. There is usually a lot of focus on physical affection and sensual indulgence between them. If Lilith is negatively aspected, issues such as jealousy, debts or excessive indulgence may arise. In some cases, Lilith might be using 2nd house person for their material/selfish needs, or see them as their possession. Lilith in partner’s 3rd house: Lilith’s words are seductive, and they invoke a deep primal part of the 3rd house’s mind. Lilith- being a rebellious force, has a potential to encourage 3rd house to get rid of their anxieties and intellectual blocks, so that they can express their needs and desires more freely. If Lilith energy is handled well in the synastry chart, they feel that they can talk about anything with each other, without the constraints of judgement or guilt. 3rd house can gain new and exciting perspectives here. If it has negative aspects to it, Lilith might bring a lot of verbal arguments and negative/rebellious ideas instead. Lilith in partner’s 4th house: This synastry overlay can be a double-edged sword. 4th house is our ‘’home’’- it is an intimate, nurturing and emotional house, and Lilith is an unapologetically impulsive and chaotic force when it feels constrained. In its highest expression, Lilith person can help 4th house to liberate themselves from their negative attachments to the past, such as traumas, fears and codependent behaviors. However, not everyone will find someone's Lilith energy welcoming in their ‘’home’’ space. An afflicted Lilith may feel rather erratic and intimidating to the 4th house person. In this case, relationship is usually turbulent, instinctive, but sexually extraordinary (especially if Lilith sits close to the IC point). Lilith may also try to break 4th house person’s boundaries or stir up drama in their home/family. Lilith in partner’s 5th house: This synastry overlay brings a carefree, spontaneous, flirtatious type of energy to the synastry chart. Lilith person usually encourages 5th house to seek more unbridled pleasure, freedom and adventure in their life. Lilith in partner’s 5th house can bring a lot of versatility and thrill to the connection, especially in the bedroom. If there are negative aspects to Lilith however, there may be issues such as jealousy, excessive indulgence, affairs or emotional turmoil. Lilith may also push 5th house into some dangerous activities. Lilith in partner’s 6th house: A positive Lilith energy can drive 6th house person to organize their work, health and habits. They can also learn to be less rigid, and more open and flexible about their daily routine in general. If the 6th house person feels that they are stuck in a rut, Lilith can push them to take more risks and initiative, which might be helpful. On the other hand, a negatively aspected Lilith may have an opposite effect- destabilizing 6th house person’s daily routine, coercing them to take unnecessary risks, etc. Lilith in partner’s 7th house: This is a somewhat tricky overlay. There is a potential for Lilith to bring new perspectives to 7th house person, like having a deep emotional connection without losing the sense of individuality. Lilith here may also enrich sexuality and communication. However, this all depends on how well the Lilith energy is handled in the synastry chart. In some cases, 7th house person may find Lilith to be emotionally unavailable or chaotic, meanwhile Lilith person may feel constrained in the relationship. When there is a lot of negative aspects to Lilith, this can represent lack of boundaries, codependency, manipulations, or affairs. Lilith may also destabilize 7th house person’s other relationships as well. Lilith in partner’s 8th house: There is a dark, seductive and mysterious undertone to this connection. With Lilith’s influence, 8th house can draw power from learning and accepting their shadow side. This can represent getting rid of fears, traumas, and expressing their deepest desires. Lilith and 8th house person can create an intimate bond through raw, unbridled passion. However, this kind of intense energy is not everyone’s cup of tea. In some cases, it may feel intimidating rather than sexy to the 8th house person. If Lilith is negatively aspected in the natal or synastry chart, there may be secrets, lack of boundaries and dark psychology involved. Lilith in partner’s 9th house: If both Lilith and 9th house person is open and accepting, there is a potential here to expand each other’s minds. Lilith person’s ideas about religion/spirituality may come off too rebellious and intense, but 9th house might get attracted to their unique understanding of life. Sometimes, it may be too pessimistic and dark for the 9th house person. Especially if Lilith is negatively aspected, they may introduce 9th house to potentially harmful beliefs or manipulate them. Lilith in partner’s 10th house: Some of Lilith’s positive aspects are about courage, independence and assertiveness, so it may be a good influence in the house of career. With it, 10th house person can seek to achieve a greater success and fame, especially if they feel stuck in their career. Lilith can influence them to be more competitive, fierce and take risks, which can be beneficial. If Lilith is negatively aspected in the synastry/natal chart, this can be rather dangerous. As a result, 10th house person might take unnecessary risks, lose their reputation, have an affair at work environment, etc. Lilith may also be in the relationship purely due to selfish interests. Lilith in partner’s 11th house: If both partners can accept each other for who they are, this can be a very freeing and adventurous connection. A positive Lilith energy may introduce 11th house to new ideas and friendships, and encourage them to liberate themselves from societal expectations, etc. However, if Lilith is negatively aspected, Lilith might be an energy vampire instead. They might stir up drama in 11th house person’s social circle, introduce them to negative people, or try to keep 11th house all to themselves. Lilith in partner’s 12th house: This is a very delicate house- representing the most hidden parts of our psyche, therefore partner’s Lilith energy might be too intense and provoking here. Lilith may help 12th house to bring their subconscious patterns to light, or do the opposite and evoke more fear. This depends on how well Lilith energy is being handled in the synastry and natal chart. Lilith in partner’s 12th house may represent emotional outbursts, manipulations and obsessions. Since Lilith is being hidden in the 12th house, it can represent a secretive relationship or affair. It is also the house of self-undoing, so Lilith’s presence here may bring out self destructive patterns of the 12th house person. Return to: Astrology You may also be interested in: Venus in partner's house in synastry House Overlays in Synastry

  • Venus in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays

    Venus in partner’s 1st house: Venus can bring elegance and confidence to the 1st house person’s self image, as well as influence them to pay more attention to their overall looks and appearance. There is a mutual physical attraction- closer to the ASC the more Venus person sees the other as their idyllic beauty. In some cases, this synastry overlay may be an indication of love at first sight. However, there may also be too much idealism involved. If the Venus is afflicted for example, the interaction may be more superficial. Or, Venus person may put the 1st house on a pedestal and expect way too much from them. Venus in partner’s 2nd house: There is a potential for Venus to influence 2nd house person to earn more money and decrease their debts. If the rest of the synastry chart has harmonious aspects, they find each other valuable and they feel more confident and attractive around each other. Venus often likes to show their affection by spoiling the 2nd house. Venus person can also inspire 2nd house person to hone their skills and monetize them. However in some cases, there may be jealousy, possessiveness and superficiality involved, especially if any of the partner's Venus is afflicted/aspected negatively. Venus in partner’s 3rd house: This synastry overlay brings a sense of familiarity and romance to the communication. They often have similar taste in books, music, art, entertainment, etc. Something about the way Venus talks or writes is very beautiful and attractive to the 3rd house person. Venus may also inspire them to communicate more eloquently, use romantic words, even write poetry! Since the 3rd house is also about siblings, Venus can bring harmony to 3rd house person's relationship with them. Venus in partner’s 4th house: Planet of love in partner’s house of family and inner life is a very comfortable overlay. It often means that they find a sense of home in each other, especially if Venus sits close to the IC point of the house person. In this case, Venus person can also bring peace and harmony to the family matters of the 4th house. The initial meeting may have something to do with family/home as well. This synastry connection is like cooking a nice meal, cuddling on a couch together and having a chill day. Even if they are not naurally homebodies, together they like to spend more time nurturing their home and family. Venus in partner’s 5th house: A sparkling romance is often the theme here. Although this synastry overlay is not necessarily too deep, it is definitely a lot of fun. There are often a lot of similarities in tastes and values. With the planet of love in partner’s 5th house, self expression, adventure and creativity all blossom, especially sexual chemistry. If the 5th house person have any creative talents, Venus may encourage them. 5th house also represents children, so this may be an indication of having children together or having same ideas and values about the matter. Venus in partner’s 6th house: This interaction is saying “Let’s work together.” The initial meeting may even be at a work environment. Venus person somehow adds a touch of pleasure, optimism and fun to the 6th house person’s habits and work. They can also encourage 6th house to be adopt a healthier daily routine. However, this is not always the case. An afflicted Venus energy may bring laziness and conflict to the 6th house matters instead. Venus in partner’s 7th house: This is one of the best synastry house overlays, which can be commonly found in married couples. 7th house is the house of all kinds of partnerships, especially romantic. Venus person can bring a lot of love and harmony to this house. There are often a lot of shared values, as well as romantic attraction. It just feels good to be around each other. 7th house may potentially see Venus as their ideal partner. However, Venus in partner’s 7th house is not enough to indicate a long lasting happy union- the rest of the synastry chart should always be considered. Venus in partner’s 8th house: This is another overlay that has “love at first sight” potential, which can turn into a deep lasting connection if the rest of the synastry chart also supports it. 8th house is a dark place- this is where secrets, deep desires and traumas are kept. Venus energy here can bring softness and love, so that the 8th house person feels more comfortable sharing about them. There is often a magnetic sexual attraction. Since this is the house of other people’s possessions, Venus may also share resources with the 8th person. Venus in partner’s 9th house: Venus energy in 9th house brings a lot of growth, fun and expansion. There is a sense of pleasure and harmony when it comes to sharing spiritual/religious ideas, travelling, debating and learning together. Venus may also inspire 9th house to refine their life philosophy by introducing them to new ideas. Since 9th house represents distant journeys, Venus here could indicate a long distance relationship, possibly with a foreigner. They may also meet through education. Venus in partner’s 10th house: There is a potential for Venus person to be a source of inspiration and support to the 10th house when it comes to how to achieve their goals. There is a lot of cooperation, as well as shared values around career choices and public image. Since the 10th house represents career, Venus here may represent meeting through a professional environment. Venus in partner’s 11th house: More often than not, Venus person is a good friend to 11th house. They can inspire the house person to expand their social circle and have fun together. 11th house person likes spending time with Venus person’s friends as well. With this synastry house overlay, there is a lot of potential for group organizations, networking, finding new friendships together. Since we are talking about planet of love in partner’s 11th house, the initial meeting might take place through friends or an event. Venus in partner’s 12th house: This indicates a strong subconscious attraction which can sometimes feel confusing, because there is a lot of fog around emotions. Questions like “Why do I feel so attracted to this person?” seems to come to mind when they are in each other's presence. The reason for that is because 12th house represents deepest, concealed part of our selves, and Venus here is in the hiding. This could also indicate that the relationship may start in secrecy, possibly as an affair. There may be a psychic connection as well, but the danger here is that they may sometimes try to read each other’s minds instead of properly communicating. In some cases, an afflicted Venus may be hiding some secrets from the 12th house person. Return to Astrology

  • Saturn in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays

    Saturn in partner’s 1st house: Saturn wants to bring a new level of maturity, seriousness and discipline to the 1st house person’s self image, style and sense of self. This is especially true if Saturn sits close to the Ascendant. With the changes that Saturn influences, house person can reach their physical wellness goals, become more self aware and gain confidence. If the Saturn is afflicted however, their presence in first house matters may feel like a heavy burden. Saturn person may drain 1st house person’s energy, making them feel insecure, perhaps even depressed. Saturn in partner’s 2nd house: This synastry overlay is potentially very beneficial for the 2nd house, because Saturn person can bring stability and growth to their money matters. An overall well aspected Saturn can help the house person with getting out of debts, as well as reaching long term wealth and prosperity goals. If the Saturnian energy is negative however, it can have an opposite effect, making the 2nd house person lose money, or become too rigid and stingy around their finances. Saturn in partner’s 3rd house: At best, a good Saturn influence can bring a lot of maturity to the way 3rd house person communicates. On the other hand, an afflicted Saturn can restrict house person’s self expression, cause conflicts with their siblings, or over criticize the 3rd house person. Saturn in partner’s 4th house: There is a potential for Saturn to strengthen the foundations of 4th house person’s home, roots and inner world. With Saturn’s support, 4th house can understand their family connections better, strive to nurture their home, gain a peace of mind, etc. If Saturn is in a challenging position or makes harsh aspects in Saturn person’s natal chart, their energy can be restrictive, and perhaps even destructive to the 4th house. It can destabilize house person’s family relationships (especially with the mother) or home. Saturn may also act like a harsh, inflexible father figure around these matters. Saturn in partner’s 5th house: At best, a positive Saturn energy can help solidify 5th house’s talents and turn them into long term profitable actions. However, Someone’s Saturn, (aka their serious/inflexible side) in partner’s house of freedom and fun is usually problematic. House person may find that Saturn is boring or too restrictive- impeding their creativity and spontaneous side. 5th house is also the house of children- Saturn may try to bring discipline into that area as well. Saturn in partner’s 6th house: 6th house is about daily routines and health. Saturn as a planet favors diligent work and responsibility- so there is a potential for 6th house person to benefit from this overlay. Saturn person can bring structure and discipline to these areas. If the Saturn is afflicted however, it can drain 6th house energy, making them feel fatigued. Saturn may also restrict the house person and put extra pressure onto them to work more, etc. Saturn in partner’s 7th house: At best, this synastry overlay brings a level of seriousness and sense of commitment to one another. There is a sense of duty towards each other. A well aspected Saturn person can also influence 7th house to create stronger partnerships. With a negative Saturn influence, instead of a romantic union, relationship with them may feel like a business contract or a heavy burden that is hard to get out of. Saturn in partner’s 8th house: 8th house represents areas of possessions, sex, death and taboos-therefore someone’s Saturn here can be a heavy/serious experience. A well aspected Saturnian energy can support 8th house person to heal their past issues, reduce debt and generate wealth, whereas an afflicted Saturn can do the opposite. They may also feel an ‘’unbreakable’’ bond of duty and responsibility towards each other. Saturn in partner’s 9th house: There is a potential for Saturn to act as a mentor for the house person when it comes to education, spirituality, morals and ethics. If Saturn energy is underdeveloped/ makes harsh aspects, Saturn person can be close minded or dogmatic about these topics, or they may try to impose their own beliefs to 9th house person. Saturn in partner’s 10th house: A well developed/aspected Saturn in partner’s 10th house can be quite beneficial. They can help the house person to become more disciplined and reach their professional aspirations. On the other hand, an afflicted Saturn can harm 10th house person’s reputation or career. Saturn person may also act like a tyrannical boss. Saturn in partner’s 11th house: 11th house represents social circle. A mature, well aspected Saturn energy in partner’s 11th house could represent a long term, reliable friendship. Saturn person may also help the house person in finding their true friendships and weeding out the superficial ones. On the other hand, an afflicted Saturn may be too restrictive, controlling and serious when it comes to these matters. Saturn in partner’s 12th house: Saturn’s rigid, serious energy is often too heavy for a sensitive place such as the 12th house. In the best case scenario, a mature/ well aspected Saturn brings organization and groundedness to the house person’s subconscious realm. If the 12th house person is daydreaming all the time or lacking solid foundations in material world for example, Saturn can pull them out of this state and find a balance. On the other hand, an afflicted Saturn here in partner’s 12th house can be a depressing, burdening experience. 12th house may even feel constantly drained around the Saturn person without seemingly any reason. Return to Astrology

  • THE SUN Tarot Combinations With All Major Arcana Cards

    Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Sun card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card. The Fool and Sun Tarot Combination: Fool and Sun together generally shows a desire to jump into something completely new- whether it is a new relationship or a job, etc.. This energy fills you with optimism and hope about the future, and you want to act quick. But these cards also come with an underlying message of “be careful, you still have a lot to learn.” The Magician and Sun Tarot Combination: Starting something new and positive. It is an encouraging message, because the Magician shows that you have the willpower and talents you need in order to reach the happy outcome you desire, which is represented by the Sun. The Magician and Sun as feelings often represents a very charming, independent partner and a lot of sexual chemistry, but since the Magician card is also known as the master of illusion, in some cases their affection may be ingenuine. The High Priestess and Sun Tarot Combination: With High Priestess in your reading, your situation may have a hidden/secretive aspect to it, but fortunately the Sun brings clarity to things you can’t see. And if you feel unable to make a choice or confused in some way, trust your intuition. The High Priestess and Sun as feelings may indicate two very different personalities subconsciously being attracted to each other, like the Sun and Moon. However, there is a need to be aware of secrecy in the relationship. The Empress and Sun Tarot Combination: This is a very positive combination to receive to any question! Together they commonly represent a blossoming new chapter, general wellbeing, fertility, pregnancy and abundance. It can also mean positive influence of an Empress type person in your life. The Empress and Sun as feelings shows a desire to create something significant together- building a home, having kids, etc. The Emperor and Sun Tarot Combination: Together these cards suggest a road to building solid foundations,finding your happiness through taking consistent action, chasing your goals and taking initative. It is an especially positive combination for work and money related readings. The Emperor in love readings is not the most romantic card, and both cards have quite strong egos that may clash. However as feelings, there is a lot of attraction and instinct to protect. It can also mean building an ‘’empire” together. The Hierophant and Sun Tarot Combination: Enlightenment, reaching wisdom, finding happiness through tradition or religion, higher education or marriage. This combination can also represent a partnership or a relationship which is rooted in conformity, which can be a restricting thing in some cases. The Hierophant and Sun as feelings shows a desire to solidify the connection and build something long lasting. The Lovers and Sun Tarot Combination: These are very positive cards to receive, representing joyful union, vitality, blossoming new love, pregnancy, marriage, growth and abundance.The Sun also shines its light and brings clarity to any decision/dilemma you may be facing. The Lovers and Sun as feelings can be described as an heaven-sent infatutation. The Chariot and Sun Tarot Combination: Chariot's journey to the Sun is about carving your path to success and happiness through consistent action and self discipline. You know exactly what you want and you are willing to work hard to achieve it. This combination shows that you will reach the desired outcome even though there may be some obstacles ahead. The Chariot and Sun as feelings shows a desire to win you over/come closer to you. The Strength and Sun Tarot Combination: Theme here is courage! This combination gives you clarity on your purpose and how to achieve it. If you had been hesitating or afraid, it is a clear sign to start believing in yourself and take a bold step towards your goal. The Hermit and Sun Tarot Combination: Both cards have a theme of illumination, in this case it is focused towards finding your inner happiness. If you had been confused regards to your question, this combination encourages you to take a step back, declutter your mind and space first before taking any action. If you are in a period of loneliness or waiting, these are the final stages. The Hermit and Sun as feelings shows that they see you as a beacon of hope and light, but they may initially hesitate to express their feelings. The Wheel of Fortune and Sun Tarot Combination: The Sun is shining above you, stars are aligned, you are in luck! This combination mainly represents a favorable turn of events in whatever it is you are dealing with. Universe has plans for you, it is a time to go with the flow. The Justice and Sun Tarot Combination: Justice tarot card is about getting exactly what you deserve, and the Sun in your reading brings new clarity to this situation for a fair outcome. This could be about a legal matter, contract or marriage (Since marriage is also a contract). The Hanged Man and Sun Tarot Combination: After a period of stagnation and confusion, (the Hanged Man) you can finally see your next step clearly (the Sun). However, you may need to sacrifice something or change your perspective entirely in order to move forward. the Hanged Man and Sun as feelings shows that they may feel suspended in their life for some reason, or unable to make a decision about this connection at first, but regardless they are drawn to you. The Death and Sun Tarot Combination: If you look at the Death card closely, you will see that the Sun is setting on the right. But the Sun is rising as your next card, which means that this combination represents a significant rebirth in your life. This is a clear sign that after a painful time of loss or endings, you will rise again and find your happiness. The Temperance and Sun Tarot Combination: You will find the right balance that you are seeking. Moderation is also important here, so if you are asking about a decision, use both your heart and logic. The Temperance and Sun as feelings represent a desire to merge together and create a sexual alchemy. This is a deep, soul level connection. Both of these cards may also symbolize childbirth. The Devil and Sun Tarot Combination: Whatever is dark and negative in your life, is illuminated by the Sun’s light. Now you can see clearly how you can break your shackles and reach freedom. However, this combination could also mean receiving pleasure from something addictive and unhealthy for you- so beware of any dependencies or unhealthy obsessions. The Devil and Sun as feelings shows a very intense, perhaps obsessive sexual attraction, they feel bounded to you. The Tower and Sun Tarot Combination: The Tower represents a period of life altering events that shake us to our core. When it is followed by the Sun, it may represent an end to this struggle, and starting anew. So if you are still in the Tower phase at this time, don’t lose your hope. With the Sun, future is looking bright. The Star and Sun Tarot Combination: Star and Sun together represents peace, hope and wish fulfillment. Dream big, trust in your intuition and your connection to the divine- Anything is possible. As feelings, the Star and Sun may symbolize a genuine love, they may see you as their soulmate. The Moon and Sun Tarot Combination: These are two opposing cards, like day and night- Moon is subconscious, Sun is the ego. With the Moon card, emotions are heightened and it may feel like walking in a fog. Fortunately, the Sun clears your path, which will help you build more self awareness. But in order to reach this clarity, you need to bring your subconscious patterns into the light- fears, desires, etc. The Judgement and Sun Tarot Combination: Message here is awakening and revelation. Like a lightbulb going off in your head- all the things that were kept in the dark are now out in the Sun. Something in your life reaches its conclusion and you need to fully come to terms with it in order to move forward. With the Judgement, a very significant life decision is to be made, and the Sun encourages you to think carefully. The World and Sun Tarot Combination: When the last card of Major Arcana meets with the Sun, a satisfying outcome is indicated. You begin a new chapter- filled with optimism, abundance and hope. This is definitely a good time to explore different opportunities, travel, and start something new. The World and Sun as feelings represents feeling whole together. You definitely have their attention, and they may start orbiting around you! Return to Tarot Combinations

  • The Tower and Chariot Birth Cards Explained

    ‘’You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. ‘’ Brian Tracy The Tower and Chariot Birth Cards in Astrology 16th card of the Major Arcana- The Tower tarot card is associated with the astrological planet Mars because of the similar energies they represent- Destruction, fire and force. 7th card of the Major Arcana- The Chariot is represented by the Cancer zodiac sign. Both the Charioteer and celestial crab have a hard outer shell with a soft heart which symbolizes their quest to achieve emotional maturity. The Tower and Chariot Birth Cards in Numerology In numerology, 16/7 is considered to be a karmic debt number, which means that there are accumulated lessons from past lifetimes. Significance of karmic debt number 16 in numerology is unlocking your power through adversity. It is about destroying the old ways and rising from the ashes. Number 7 is the symbol of intellect and inner wisdom. The Tower and Chariot Birth Card Meaning Tower and Chariot is not an easy life path, but it is an endlessly rewarding one once you truly understand it. In this life, each challenge you face will be a reminder of your inner strength, no matter how hard or painful they are. The Chariot birth card shows that you are intelligent, analytical and passionate. Nothing can stand between you and your goal once you put your mind and heart into it. There is a thirst for knowledge and wisdom in you, and you have a way of influencing people with your ideas. On the other hand, seeing the Tower as your birth card can be quite scary at first sight. But despite its shocking illustration, with the Tower tarot card there is always an opportunity for major transformation. You cannot avoid or control the Tower moments in your life, but you can control how you react to it. You, as the Chariot, are meant to persevere through the toughest of times, using your strongest weapon: Your willpower. Therefore, the Chariot’s ride through the Tower is not a story of a harrowing journey, it is a story of resilience and success. And your journey starts with learning to take the reins of your emotions. The Tower and Chariot birth cards message to you is that once you gain control over your emotions, you are no longer controlled by them. Now you can destroy the old and unhealthy structures that no longer serve you, and start building anew- Which is exactly what your Tower birth card encourages you to do. Return to: Tarot

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