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  • EIGHT OF WANDS Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: EIGHT OF WANDS Either run the day or the day runs you.’’ Jim Rohn DESCRIPTION The illustration of the Eight of Wands uses a simple yet clever symbology: Eight diagonal wands are soaring through a blue sky like fast arrows, signifying change, speed and action. When the Eight of Wands appears, it means that things are moving forward swiftly. It is an exciting time in the querent’s life, which he feels open and enthusiastic about living his life as it comes. Other times the meaning Eight of Wands brings to a reading is as simple as travel, possibly through the air. The element of the Eight of Wands is Fire, which represents passion, energy and transformation. Fire favors action more than contemplation, which also emphasizes the meaning of the card. ‘Going with the flow’ perfectly applies here. This card implies that the forces has already been set in motion, and the best course of action is to quit resisting and enjoy the journey. So instead of fear and worry, let your dreams and creative energy be the fuel to propel you forward to your goals. ​ Number 8 represents ambition, action and efficiency. Eight of Wands Keywords ​ Fast progress Travel Receiving good news UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Delay Impatience Resistance ​ Upright Eight of Wands Guidance: This is a busy time for you, but you are happy to be productive and accomplish more. Positive life changes are arriving very soon. You are gaining momentum on a big goal, and things are moving forward fast. Don’t be too hasty but also don’t hesitate to follow through your plans. It is time for a big fearless action. You may expect an air travel, moving abroad or a holiday trip. ​ Love: Your relationship is moving forward with great speed and your future plans are unfolding. The Eight of Wands can indicate surprises, travel and happy changes. If you are single, it can be an indication that someone that will knock you off your feet is entering your life. You may receive a text message or an invitation really soon. Enjoy this exciting and romantic time fully, but don’t rush into big decisions too soon. ​ Work/Finances: The Eight of Wands shows that it is a time of high productivity, exciting changes and progression in your work life. A project or a business venture that you have started is coming to fruition. If moving abroad or a work travel was in your plans, it is happening soon. The whole theme of the Eight of Wands is swift action, so just remember to avoid rushing into major decisions concerning finances or business. ​ Health: In relation to health, the Eight of Wands alone is not indicative of health problems. However, it shows that overall it is a busy time for you, so don’t exhaust yourself too much. It can also represent fast recovery from an ongoing illness. ​ Spirituality: Rapid and exciting changes are unfolding, both internally and externally. This card shows that your creative energy is flowing in abundance. You want to go, act, create but also take time to contemplate to balance out your actions. Go with the flow, step into your power enjoy where journey takes you. Guidance: Your progress seems to be stalled, and it is making you stressed and frustrated. Instead on dwelling on what is lost, see this slow-paced time as an opportunity to plan and strategize. Allow yourself to acknowledge that this is just a setback, and this too shall pass. Patience is the key. Sometimes things get worse before they get better. ​ Love: Sometimes in long lasting relationships, the initial fire and passion you had before can be forgotten. The Eight of Wands reversed shows that you may be towards rekindling that spark in your relationship. For singles, this card can indicate an exciting love interest that came to an abrupt halt. Don’t let stress and hopelessness get the best of you. ​ Work/Finances: The changes you are expecting are not unfolding as fast as you want them to. This card in reversed position can indicate setbacks, disagreements, cancelled travels or lost opportunities. Don’t dwell on the past. Your situation greatly depends on you being calm and careful in your decision making. There may be a delay in receiving an expected money. ​ Health: The Eight of Wands reversed suggests that you may experience delays and frustrations reaching to full recovery or an important milestone you have set out for yourself. If you are anxious and stressed, accept that this is what you are feeling at the moment, but it won’t last forever. ​ Spirituality: High energy and action oriented Eight of Wands is now reversed. You may feel drained, unmotivated and pessimistic. Most of the times it is the fear of failure stopping us from reaching to greatness. Doubting and worrying about negative consequences is only delaying you. Discover your inner power and embrace change wholeheartedly. Reversed Eight of Wands See the previous card: seven of Wands see the next card: nine of wands Back to Top

  • ACE OF SWORDS Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: ACE OF SWORDS You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius DESCRIPTION In the Rider-Waite deck, the Ace of Swords shows a hand emerging from the clouds, holding a shiny sword. The Sword is crowned with a laurel wreath, the ancient symbol of triumph and success. The barren land in the background suggests that many trials and challenges are ahead. It is a long, though journey: but the victory is yours, if you earn it. The Swords are associated with the mental realm. The presence of the Aces in a reading always marks the birth of a new chapter in your life. In the case of the Ace of Swords, it represents an idea coming into fruition, gaining new perspectives and mental clarity, or reaching a breakthrough through sheer willpower. The Ace of Swords simply symbolizes raw mental potential, and as with every sword, it is up to the person’s will to utilize it. A sword can be a tool of integrity, justice and skill, or a weapon of aggression and destruction. Another key symbol here is the mountain in the background. This is the mountain of hard work, obstacles and time that it will require for you to reach success. Again, it’s a matter of perspective: You can either look at the mountain and back down or turn challenge into growth and keep climbing. ​ Number 1 represents manifestation, new beginnings and independence. Ace of Swords Keywords ​ Truth New perspectives Mental clarity Communication UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Inner struggle Confusion Obstacles ​ Upright Ace of Swords Guidance: The Ace of Swords foretells new beginnings, justice and victory; but it is all up to you to create your reality. Many possibilities will be available to you, opportunities in the form of obstacles to learn and overcome. The outcome you desire will require a lot of your mental strength and willpower. And if you follow through, it shall be yours. The question is, are you up to the challenge? ​ Love: A new chapter is beginning in your relationship. It can be a psychical change, something you can observe, or just a mental shift in your perspective. It is possible you had gone through disappointment and heartbreak in the past, and recently chose to release yourself from what’s burdening you. Now that you are starting fresh, start building your grounds with honesty and clarity. If you are single, same goes to you. Leave the past behind and move on. A new, intellectually stimulating relationship is coming to you, if you wish to experience it. ​ Work/Finances: You have a clear vision in your mind for the future, now it is time to put it into action with confidence. Especially if you are starting something new, the Ace of Swords is an excellent card to get. It is a sign that you have the most important ingredient of the success: a raw willpower waiting to be unlocked. Your business, career, ideas and finances will all thrive if you utilize this power for good. Work with honesty, logic and fairness. Pay attention to your ideas, you may be on the verge of a breakthrough. ​ Health: The Ace of Swords implies that you will have the mental strength to cut through the problems you had faced before. You now have clarity and will to overcome the obstacles and your newly gained perspective will play a big part in your recovery. It talks about fresh and exciting changes. It could take some time, so be patient. ​ Spirituality: The sword is the mental power you have over how you manifest your reality. Now, it seems that you are on the verge of discovering your potential. Your strengths and weaknesses, fears and hopes, ideals and values: All will come to clarity soon. Exploring the depths of your mind and soul is not for the faint-hearted. So, you need to keep being brave, positive and patient. Your vision will come into reality soon. Guidance: The Ace of Sword reversed suggests that there is a confusion or inner struggle blocking you from where you want to go. There is something you need to overcome and losing your focus and courage won’t help you at all. If you believe in your vision and the effort you put into it, sometimes all you just need is to be patient. Success takes time. This card advises you to stand strong against any obstacle and injustice. ​ Love: This reversal in relationships may suggest unfairness, conflicts, resentment or unresolved emotional baggage. You are possibly deeply hurt and disappointed, but you cannot let this wear you down to the point of breaking. The good news is the solution could be as simple as open and honest communication. Try to stay clear of negativity before making big decisions. If you are single, it is best if you figure out what makes you unsatisfied in your love life. Start from the unresolved past attachments, if there are any. When you are ready to move on, new possibilities of love and happiness will find you. ​ Work/Finances: Reversal of this card doesn’t mean loss or end of things. It simply means that there is some more hard work and challenges to face before you reach your goals. You may be facing frustrating delays, unfair situations or disappointment. Your judgement will play the major role in the outcome. If you keep being focused and strong, you will overcome this. It is probably not the best time to take high risks concerning your finances and business at this time. ​ Health: The Ace of Swords reversed draws your attention to the role that your mental and emotional wellbeing plays over your overall health. It can represent a negative mindset, stress or other mental issues. A disappointing situation that will require your rational and positive approach may be hinted as well. ​ Spirituality: The Ace of Swords is an open-ended card, which means that your destiny is in your hands. You need to be honest to yourself about why you are unable to let go of past disappointments and face what lies ahead. How tall you stand in the face of injustice and opposition will determine your future. Own your strength and shape your reality. The solution you are seeking is already there inside you, whether you realize it or not. Reversed Ace of Swords return to the suit of swords see the next card: two of swords Back to Top

  • PAGE OF PENTACLES Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: PAGE OF PENTACLES Skill is the unified force of experience, intellect and passion in their operation.’’ John Ruskin DESCRIPTION In Rider-Waite, beside a picturesque countryside view, we see a young figure holding a gold pentacle coin. He is dressed simple yet stylish. In other tarot decks he is sometimes depicted as an androgynous figure. He is the youngest member of the court of Pentacles. Where the Page of Pentacles lacks experience and wisdom, he compensates with his willingness to learn. Because of this, he is sometimes interpreted as an apprentice or someone who is education oriented. In a tarot reading, The Page of Pentacles represents an individual or a situation with characteristic qualities of the card. He is an adaptable and focused individual. As a specific situation, this card represents the early stages of development and growth. In order to flourish his creative ideas, the Page of Pentacles is determined to master new skills and learn from mistakes along the way. When interpreted as an individual, it is likely to be a younger male or female that has one of the earth element zodiac signs in his natal chart. Page of Pentacles Keywords ​ Development Ambition Financial opportunities New beginnings UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Lack of motivation Delay Immaturity ​ Upright Page of Pentacles Guidance: You are ready to take the next step towards turning your passion into reality. Whatever your endeavor is, it will surely require your continuous effort and dedication. You are bursting with creativity, and as every creative person you like to imagine what it will be. But now it is time to stop dreaming and start doing. This is a great time to focus on how you can learn new skills or master your expertise. ​ Love: The Page of Pentacles can represent a relationship in its initial stages. As a partner, he is someone who is very focused on his future goals, perhaps his education. Romance is not the first thing that comes to mind when interpreting this card. That being said, he surely values honesty and loyalty. If you are single, it may mean that your primary focus is your personal growth rather than seeking love. ​ Work/Finances: The Page of Pentacles shines the most in the areas of work, education and finances. When this card shows up, you can expect to get good news regards to all these areas. You are ambitious, hard-working and focused. It can represent a newly developing business, pursuing a higher education or clever financial investments. In every case, as long as you stay committed, you are going to succeed. ​ Health: The Page of Pentacles is young, highly active and health oriented. Hence, it can signify improved health and well being through dedication. For example, you may be trying out a new health and fitness regime. If this is the case, you are going to start to see the results very soon. ​ Spirituality: For the curious minds and seeker souls, the Page of Pentacles opens the gateway to new opportunities to learn and grow. Look out for these opportunities as they may come in many forms: perhaps it is a book that you will change your perspective, or it is a learning experience. It can also represent someone who pursues spiritual education. Guidance: By being reversed, the Page of Pentacles loses his motivation and interest to grow. The reason to this might be a disappointment either recent or in the past. Success comes from focused intent, thought and action. In this case you have the intention; but you are lacking the action and thought to support it. In order to turn your passion into productivity, explore your options with a practical and realistic mindset. ​ Love: The reversed Page of Pentacles can represent immatureness regards to a relationship or a partner. A relationship is as strong as its foundations. If you build it too quickly or without care, it will collapse with the smallest quake. Work on building mutual trust and support before anything else. If you are single, your perspective towards relationships may be a little pessimistic. If you want to experience love, you need to be open to it. ​ Work/Finances: The Page of Pentacles reversed can represent variety of issues concerning work, money and education. These issues may be in the form of reckless financial decisions, failure or disappointment, lack of motivation and experience. For one reason or the other, you do not put enough effort into achieving your goals at this time. As we all know, nothing comes easy. Every mistake is a learning experience. First and foremost, remember your passion. Clear your head, focus your intention and start over again. ​ Health: This card in reversed can indicate failure to follow up on a health plan or procedure. The problem is often self-created, such as being unmotivated or overdoing things. You may be uninformed about an issue. ​ Spirituality: The reversed Page of Pentacles is someone who is having difficulties balancing a spiritual and mundane life. When you are pursuing deeper knowledge, you seem to ignore responsibilities. Or when you are too caught up on day to day life, you don’t pay enough attention to your spiritual growth. If this speaks to you, teach yourself moderation in everything you do. Reversed Page of Pentacles See the previous card: ten of pentacles see the next card: knight of pentacles Back to Top

  • TEN OF SWORDS Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: TEN OF SWORDS “It's always darkest just before the dawn.” DESCRIPTION It is a deathly silent morning. Beside the still waters, a man stabbed from the back with ten swords is laying down on the ground. First light of the day is rising through the black skies, signaling the end of the dark. The imagery of the Ten of Swords is one of the most strikingly terrifying to look at. All its symbolism points to one direction: a tragic end. One of the most obvious themes is ‘’being stabbed in the back’’. Betrayal is the ultimate lesson on letting go: Not forcing what isn’t and accepting what is. It is a painful process, which triggers a change to evolve and grow. Another theme is death- metaphorically. Which, just like the Death card , symbolizes end of a cycle, the old giving birth to the new. It is an extremely rare occasion where it represents a physical death. The act of surrendering and dissolving the ego feels like death. Entering a new cycle of understanding through major transitions and adversities in life is a process which passes through death of old belief systems. If you can see beyond the unpleasantness of this card, you will see that right in the background, sun is rising again. Every ending is a new beginning. ​ Number 10 represents completion, rebirth and infinite potential. Ten of Swords Keywords ​ Betrayal Loss Completion Ending UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Recovery process Inability to let go Emotional turmoil ​ Upright Ten of Swords Guidance: You are passing through a major struggle. This painful event; such as a betrayal, devastation or a loss, has completely forced you to look at things differently. The good news is the worst is now behind you and it can only get better from now on. It is time for you to sever your ties with the past, with no resentment attached. Walk into the future with confidence. ​ Love: The Ten of Swords represents your turning point after hitting a dead-end. Betrayal, divorce, break-up and rejection are often the themes of this card. However, it is not the end of all things. Perhaps it is just a rough patch. Once the shock passes, you will come to new realizations as to why this has happened. You are being cleared of the things that were no longer serving you or making you happy. Before you jump into something new, process this period internally, and focus on what will make you fulfilled in the future. ​ Work/Finances: The Ten of Swords represents loss, failure, dead-end, disappointment and betrayal. It is also your new beginning. As you move on to the next chapter in your life, make certain that there are no loose ends. If it arrives in the future position, make sure to get to the bottom of the problem now in order to reduce or the impact. The most successful people fail most often. The key here is not giving up. Keep a clear head, don’t spread yourself too thin, especially financially. ​ Health: It is highly important for you to focus on your wellbeing and happiness at this time. External issues may be taking a toll on your health. Reducing stress, exhaustion and sadness should be your primary goal. If you recently received unpleasant news about your health, don’t worry. The Ten of Swords marks the end of your troubles. ​ Spirituality: A difficult situation has made you evaluate things differently. This is a spiritually transformative process, a ‘dark night of the soul’. Heart wrenching events such as betrayal or loss are there for you to clear out the parts of your life that doesn’t work out, to make way for a fresh beginning. As time passes, you will persevere and bloom into harmony. Be kind to yourself through this period. Guidance: The Ten of Swords reversed asks you to face your fears that are holding you back. When you have no other choice but to leave what you know behind and move forward, the unknown horizons are always intimidating at first. But change is inevitable. No matter how difficult and painful the circumstances are, you always have the option to make the journey easier to yourself. Best way to do this is accepting, healing and growing. ​ Love: You got deeply hurt in the past. And instead of allowing yourself time to clear your head, you are trying to force things to work. Perhaps you keep giving and giving, thinking that if you stop putting effort, it will all end. Or you feel like there is no end to your suffering, that you lost everything. Let it be. Maybe it is just a rough patch, maybe it is an end. Only if you truly allow your heart to heal, you will see the light at the end of the tunnel again. You are the person who deserves your love the most. ​ Work/Finances: Things didn’t work out as you hoped. Certain people or situations that caused a major disappointment must be put behind, but something is holding you back. Perhaps you are afraid to accept that things have changed. If you experienced a financial loss, you may feel like you can never recover again, which is not true at all. Success and prosperity will follow you as long as you are willing, patient and strong. This is just a hiccup. You will just have to make some adjustments, learn from the mistakes and alter your course if necessary. ​ Health: Regards to your health, the Ten of Swords reversed has two meanings. First, it represents slowly but surely being released from pain and stress. And second, you still neglect to make the necessary changes in order to recover. If you are going through a major ordeal, you need to work on your coping mechanism. ​ Spirituality: It is time for you to accept your role as the creator of your reality. Life has many ways to wake your true self up, one of them is going through obstacles. Think of how many times you fell, you brushed off your knees and lifted yourself back up again and again. Doesn’t that show you how strong you are? Once you accept that as a fact, and never fear the future, nothing will ever feel like a suffering. Reversed Ten of Swords See the previous card: nine of swords see the next card: page of swords Back to Top

  • PAGE OF WANDS Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: PAGE OF WANDS Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.’’ Harriet Tubman DESCRIPTION In the Rider-Waite deck, the Page of Wands is illustrated as a regally dressed young man holding a tall wand. His yellow tunic is decorated with black salamanders, representing the fire element of the Court of Wands. In a closer examination of the card, we see him gazing to the wand, contemplating his next course of action. In some tarot decks he may be depicted as an androgynous figure. Page of Wands represents an individual or a situation with characteristic qualities of the card. When interpreted as a specific person, it is likely to be a younger male or female that has one of the fire element zodiac signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in his natal chart. The nature of Page of Wands is all about following what inspires him. He is bright, enthusiastic and extroverted. He follows life with an endless curiosity, creativity and passion. He could also represent apprenticeship or a student. Generally, this card describes the initial steps you take towards something new, exciting and creative. Often, the fear of failure stops us from reaching our fullest potential. But to the young Page, the journey is just as important as the end result. As he confidently moves forward to the next adventure, he also bears cheerful news to the querent. This could be about an adventure, a new relationship or a business idea. Page of Wands Keywords ​ Swift news Passion Creativity Confidence UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Impatience Immaturity Lack of action Delay ​ Upright Page of Wands Guidance: The Page of Wands offers a boost of creative expression and free thinking in your reading. It also highlights the importance of all the life experiences you gained along the way. The Page of Wands is always learning, ever curious and passionate in anything he does; even if he makes a mistake every now and then. Now it is your time to face fear of failure and live a bold life. You can also expect good news to arrive shortly. ​ Love: The Page of Wands in love is fun, adventurous and passionate. Since Pages are the youngest members of the court cards, they may be sometimes immature and flirty. If you are already in a committed relationship, this card deepens your bonds with your partner, especially in intimacy. It could also symbolize beginning of a new relationship or receiving a romantic offer. Someone may reveal their feelings through a text or a phone call soon. ​ Work/Finances: The Page of Wands typically represents initial steps to new beginnings and developing new skills. It can represent a student or apprentice. You are full of new ideas and inspirations. This is a wonderful time for you to follow your passion, ideas and creative side. If you are exploring new opportunities or considering starting something new, the Page of Wands says go for it! Since Pages are messengers, success and good news are on its way. ​ Health: Since the Page of Wands is vibrant and youthful in nature, overall it represents rejuvenation and good news concerning health. You will be feeling more energetic and motivated. Of course, this does not mean you should sit and expect results. This card suggests that the steps you take towards your well being will pay off. ​ Spirituality: The message of Page of Wands is to know yourself deeper and express yourself freely. Explore what makes you feel fulfilled and what holds you back. Liberate yourself from the fear of following your heart. Guidance: Upright Page of Wands means swift progress and news and when reversed, you may be encountering delays, stagnation and frustration. You want to achieve your desires as fast as possible, but you are experiencing frustrating obstacles along the way. The good news is, you can take an action against it and turn it in your favor. You have tremendous fiery potential within you waiting to be unlocked. This is just the start of your journey. Stay patient and focused. ​ Love: The Page of Wands is the youngest in his family, so in reversed it can represent someone who is childish, temperamental and sometimes dishonest. He acts on his momentary impulses without thinking the consequences. There is usually a lot of passion in the relationship, but the energy and communication are all over the place. In order to maintain a more stable connection, you need to express your wants and needs more clearly. ​ Work/Finances: This reversal is a sign of complications, frustrations and delays, especially if you are starting something new. You may be experiencing a scattered mind, which often leads to unfinished tasks. You may need to focus on developing your skills more. More patience and hard work needed in order to succeed. Alternatively, an individual may be acting as a distraction from your work, giving you false information or gossiping about you. Whatever the case is, you are advised to stay calm and cautious. ​ Health: This card indicates lack of action, confusion and minor complications. You may be feeling energetically and emotionally down, lazy or unmotivated to start a health goal. Try being more active if this resonates. Pay attention to moderation. It also tells you that if you want to see better results, you need to be more patient and optimistic. ​ Spirituality: The Page of Wands reversed encourages you to move beyond your self-limiting beliefs. Start by asking yourself, have you ever experienced yourself without any insecurities or fears? How would it feel to be that person? Once you identify and face the problems, you are one step closer to reach your fullest potential. Reversed Page of Wands See the previous card: Ten of Wands see the next card: knight of wands Back to Top

  • ACE OF CUPS Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: ACE OF CUPS Open your heart, ignite the flame in your being, and awaken the natural flow of life energy in your heart. When your heart opens, the world around you changes.’’ Mingtong Gu DESCRIPTION A hand emerges from the clouds, offering a golden chalice. The cup is the human spirit, and the streams of water over flooding the cup represent divine energy. Then the water pours down from the cup into a body of water below; drop by drop becoming unified once again. The white dove descending from the heavens into the cup is another important symbol; representing peace, love and gift of life. The message of the Ace of Cups is simple yet powerful: Be open and receptive to experience pure, unconditional love. This is not just an individual love; but for all life and creation. Divine love is the very essence that unites all life. It is invisible, yet we can see the manifestations of it around us every day. Forgiveness, compassion, creativity, peace and joy are some of the examples of how we can embody our divine nature more. The Ace of Cups signals new beginnings. Now it is time to let your inner potential shine ever brighter. Create from your heart space: Be open to receive more harmonious connections, fulfilling experiences and more opportunities to love and be loved. ​ Number 1 represents manifestation, creation and newness. Ace of Cups Keywords ​ Love Harmony New beginnings Fulfillment UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Dissatisfaction Inner love Repressed emotions ​ Upright Ace of Cups Guidance: The Ace of Cups marks the new beginnings of a relationship, friendship, family, spiritual awakening and more. It is truly a beautiful time of emotional and spiritual fulfilment for you. The more you choose to open your heart to unconditional love, the more you shall receive. Follow your inspirations, imagination and intuition in everything you do. This card also says a big ‘Yes!’ to pursuing your creative ideas. ​ Love: The Ace of Cups is the birth of love. Existing relationships will get deeper, more harmonious. Past problems will dissolve in forgiveness. Since the cup resembles a womb, it can also herald childbirth, fertility and pregnancy. If you are single, it indicates unfolding of a new, exciting relationship. As for someone’s feelings, they are pure and loving but it is still in its early stages. Don’t rush things that need time to grow, just focus on enjoying the moment. ​ Work/Finances: The Ace of Cups brings wonderful news regards to work, career and money. Not only you are reaching a new level of security, stability and fulfilment; but you are also creatively inspired. It can be about anything from new opportunities, financial windfall, promotion and partnerships. You may also be in the initial stages of creating something new, something you hoped for. The future seems bright, so don’t hesitate to pursue your ideas. ​ Health: This card represents relief of symptoms and improvement of health. The quality of your life and your relationships has a significant effect on your body, mind and emotions. This card’s advice is: You can achieve a greater sense of wellbeing by surrounding yourself with love, support and positivity. More specifically, it also talks about fertility and pregnancy. In any case, you can expect good news soon. ​ Spirituality: Your inner world is being flooded by love, peace and genuine kindness. As a result, your life experiences are also going to be enriched further. This is a journey of divine love, best experienced soul-to-soul. As you continue to awaken to a more loving version of yourself, always be open hearted to give and receive compassion. Guidance: When the Ace of Cups is reversed, previously overflowing cup is now empty. This means difficulty embracing strong emotions and self-love. The result is feeling of emptiness, an inner void that makes you feel incomplete and uncomfortable. Regardless of any outside circumstances, you always have an infinite resource of love within you to fill this void. It’s now time to connect deeper with your inner-self and others who love you and support you. ​ Love: The path of loving yourself and allowing love into your life starts from acceptance. By accepting yourself for who you truly are; you will release the emotional blocks, old wounds and thought patterns that no longer serves you. Whether what you are going through is an unrequited love, breakup or doubt for the future; healing is what you need and deserve. You deserve love, right now, including your own. ​ Work/Finances: The Ace of Cups reversed often represents creative blockages, obstacles and emotional dissatisfaction in your career, work or finances. The reason to this may be constant self-doubt and lack of motivation. Perhaps you are craving an initial spark of change to start something new. This is not impossible as you think, but you need to be open to experience it. Recapture what ignites your passion and follow it. ​ Health: Since the cup is no longer full of life energy when reversed, you may be feeling drained and exhausted. The key here is to find healthy ways to release negative emotions. The cup also symbolizes the womb, so the reversed cup can be an indication of fertility or menstrual issues. ​ Spirituality: The Ace of Cups reversed suggests that you may be feeling uninspired, hurt or out of alignment with yourself. The lack of flow and direction you are feeling could be stemming from lack of self-love and acceptance. When you are awakened to your own inner love and strength, that is what you will radiate to your relationships and day-to-day life. Reversed Ace of Cups return to the suit of cups see the next card: two of cups Back to Top

  • Numerology Chart: Life Path 8 | Stars and Tarot

    NUMEROLOGY CHART: LIFE PATH 8 KEYWORD: The Authority TAROT CARD: The Strength COLOR: Black, Gray, White PLANET: Saturn GEMSTONE: Blue sapphire, Hematite, Diamond HOW TO RECOGNIZE: Mysterious eyes, charismatic, cool Who is Life Path Number 8? Traits and Personality A life path number 8 person is born with potentials of perseverance, consistence and wealth. Saturn-number 8’s astral ruler- is a force to be reckoned with. Also known as the Lord of Karma; Saturn will strongly highlight the person’s life lessons and ask for constant work towards their maturity. Healing karmic attachments are certainly not easy but nothing to be afraid of. From the early age, a life path 8 goes through many hardships and painful experiences. But when they make it through by learning and evolving, they become the authors of their own reality. Life lesson of life path 8 is ‘’You reap what you sow’’. They have a natural talent towards precision and organization. Building success from ground up is very common among 8’s. Emotionally they are deep and intense which creates a mysterious magnetism around them. They know their role and responsibilities in their family life. Contrary to popular belief, relationships for life path 8 is not doomed. However, finding love will require a level of persistence as everything else in 8’s life. When they are committed; they make reliable, secure and honest partners. Negative Traits and Obstacles Maintaining balance and moderation in life is quite hard for these individuals; as a life path 8 person have a tendency to take things too extreme. Sometimes their ambitions may turn into greed. They are prone to becoming a workaholic and neglecting their loved ones. Number 8 should be careful about not becoming too pessimistic, controlling and aggressive. Career Areas of work that life path 8 individuals excel in: Corporeal professions, executive roles, finance, politics, academy and law. Back to Top

  • THE FOOL Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: THE FOOL The boy reached through the Soul of the World and saw that it was part of the Soul of God. And he saw that the Soul of God was his own soul. And that he, a boy, could perform miracles.” Paul Coelho DESCRIPTION Have you ever started something that you knew deep inside you it was going to work out? You didn’t know how you knew, and it didn’t matter. You had all trust in yourself and in the universe. So does the Fool. He is joyfully walking on a hill, absolutely faithful of his steps, so much so that he is not even aware of the cliff ahead. With a heart full of confidence and no fears, this young fellow represents every new beginning in our lives that started with a childish sense of enthusiasm. And the fool’s journey begins. Being the first card in the tarot deck, Number 0 relates to the eternal source and wholeness. This card alone is not an indication of the journey’s outcome. Here, the infinite potential about to be unfolded is emphasized. In a more metaphysical point of view, the Fool may be seen as the creative power, the spirit that is taking motion, looking for his experience. With the great energy it carries, I suggest meditating on the Fool at times when you are lacking confidence and trust. Simply be in the moment and gaze at the symbols and colors. Let your subconscious bring out what the card means to you. The Fool Keywords ​ Faith in the universe New beginnings Leap of faith UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Naivety Recklessness Lack of faith ​ The Fool Upright Guidance: Whatever it is that you wish to experience in your life, trust the universe and go for it. The Fool encourages you to let go of what is preventing you to step up and take a leap of faith. It often indicates new beginnings and exciting adventures. Having the first card of the Major Arcana in your reading always reminds you to that you have what it takes to make your dreams come true. ​ Love: “Falling” in love is definitely the key phrase here! If you are single, a carefree and playful love adventure is ahead. Although it doesn’t necessarily represent a serious commitment, the Fool also brings joy and romance elements to existing relationships. It can also mean a joyful friendship turning into love. The underlying theme here is infinite possibilities, so open your heart fully and let the universe bring you the love you desire. ​ Work/Finances: It is very likely with the Fool in your reading that you are taking on a new path, such as starting a new career, project or business. You may also be at the start of your career without much previous experience. New beginnings are always scary at first, but don’t let anything discourage you from following your goals. Work opportunities, new source of income or travel are also other indications. ​ Health: The youthful Fool has so much life energy and optimism. Therefore, now it is time for you to release your worries and embrace a positive mindset when it comes to your overall wellbeing. Since the number 0 represent wholeness, this card can indicate an upswing in your health condition. ​ Spirituality: The Fool’s journey through tarot is a path of enlightenment. As a soul, you are realizing your deeper connection to the universe, and through this inner journey you are achieving a sense of wholeness. As the ocean has many waves, universe has many expressions of souls, but our essence is always the same- Oneness. Guidance: When the Fool is reversed, he acts with a certain naivety about the situation and fails to see the cliff ahead. His unawareness of his steps moving forward might lead him to a dangerous fall. Therefore, this card suggests a careful and planned action, or a need for reality checking. Alternatively, you may be too hesitant and unconfident where bolder action is necessary. ​ Love: You may need to work on finding the right balance of personal freedom and commitment to your relationship. The Fool reversed has a carefree attitude towards love, he doesn’t want to be held back by anyone. You may even call him a commitment phobic! If you are single, perhaps you are not ready for a serious relationship yet. However, you may be closing off your heart because of fear or lack of confidence. ​ Work/Finances: The Fool reversed warns you that your ground may be shaky due to lack of confidence or reckless decisions. Financially, this is not a good time to take big risks. Follow your ideas, but always have a plan. It is best if you focus on your long-term stability when it comes to your career. ​ Health: Do you have a hectic daily life and you tend to neglect self-care? If the answer is yes, this reversal reminds you the importance of tuning into your body’s signals. Self-awareness is necessary in order to prevent issues from arising in the future. ​ Spirituality: When it comes to spiritual and material life, patience is the highest wisdom. There is a strong desire in you to start a new path, but you must understand that every path has its puddle. Instead of focusing on the obstacles, have faith in yourself and have fun in your journey. The Fool Reversed RETURN BACK TO THE MAJOR ARCANA CARDS see the next card: the magician Back to Top

  • KNIGHT OF PENTACLES Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: KNIGHT OF PENTACLES Without labor nothing prospers.’’ Sophocles DESCRIPTION Surrounded by neatly ordered fields, an armoured young man is sitting on a horse looking at the coin in his hand. All the other knights in the tarot deck are in motion, whereas he is stationary. It seems though he is meticulously planning his next journey before hitting the road. This shows his values towards conservatism and hard work. Despite his young age and inexperience, he puts his responsibilities first. Just like the other court cards in his family, he is also deeply connected to nature. In a tarot reading, The Knight of Pentacles represents an individual or a situation with characteristic qualities of the card. In personal relationships, the Knight of Pentacles is very loyal and protective. Knights on horses often symbolizes adventure and change. As we mentioned, in this case he is stationary. This represents that whatever the change is, it requires long term planning and steady action. When interpreted as a specific person, he is likely to be an older male that has one of the earth element zodiac signs in his natal chart. Knight of Pentacles Keywords ​ Productivity Responsibility Practicality Discipline UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Lack of self discipline Impatience Loss of motivation ​ Upright Knight of Pentacles Guidance: The Knight of Pentacles arrives with good news about work, success and pleasant changes. When this card describes a person, he is someone who wants to experience new things and enjoy life, but also does not shy away from working hard for it. This card describes a steady progress that will only be insured by careful planning and management. In order to achieve your goals, you need to be patient and consistent in your efforts. You can expect news about a change of location soon. ​ Love: The Knight of Pentacles as a partner is someone who is hard working and honest. Rather than shallow relationships, he likes to form long lasting bonds. Your relationship is slowly but steadily progressing to the next stage, perhaps a marriage. As a single person, you are finding yourself at a point in your life where you are ready to welcome a committed relationship. A loyal and loving person may soon arrive in your life. ​ Work/Finances: The Knight of Pentacles indicates that if you want something, you work hard for it. Your persistence and responsible attitude towards your work and finances is starting to pay off. This card suggests that new opportunities will present itself, especially about travel, changing jobs or position. Financially, it is more favourable to work on long term plans and investments rather than quick gains. ​ Health: Young, energetic and moderate Knight of Pentacles is overall good news in health aspect. With your hard work, your health is steadily improving. If you are dealing with problems, your approach should be patient and practical. ​ Spirituality: Spiritual wisdom does not only have to come from reading books or extraordinary experiences. Sometimes going through humble tasks can bring a lot of lessons. Be mindful of everything you do, small or big. Guidance: You are having difficulties attaining a desired outcome. Most often these problems are self-caused. You may be acting simply impatient, lazy or obsessed and too strict. In your situation, you must be 100% committed to it be successful. If you have a well-thought plan, it will not jeopardize your fun. Steady wins the race. You may be delayed concerning a travel. ​ Love: The Knight of Pentacles reversed can represent a partner or relationship that is having issues in finding stability. As a person, he is unreliable; materialistic and perhaps disloyal. Boredom in a long-term relationship may be another issue. In all cases, open and honest conversation about how you truly feel is the best resolve. If you are single, this card could indicate your disappointment in finding a solid connection. Don’t lose hope, just be patient. ​ Work/Finances: It is not easy, but you need to find a fine balance between work, home and life. Are you a workaholic? Are you unmotivated or procrastinating? Are you conservative or reckless with your finances? These are the questions that needs to be resolved when the reversed Knight of Pentacles shows up. Focus on your long-term future and improving your skills. Delays may occur. ​ Health: It does not particularly an indicate an illness, but the reversed Knight of Pentacles urges you to act with moderation. The basics: food, sleep and exercise. When they are done right, not only you will feel healthier, but you will also be more productive. ​ Spirituality: Life can get hectic. Sometimes, you cannot change the outcome but what you can change is your attitude towards it. If you are drowned by day-to day responsibilities, remind yourself what your true passion in life is. Be committed to climb that mountain of work, even if it looks insurmountable from where you are. Reversed Knight of Pentacles See the previous card: page of pentacles see the next card: queen of pentacles Back to Top

  • QUEEN OF SWORDS Tarot Card Meaning | Stars and Tarot

    TAROT CARDS: QUEEN OF SWORDS Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.’’ Marcus Aurelius DESCRIPTION In the Rider-Waite deck, the Queen of Swords is shown on her stone throne, extending her left hand as if to offer something. Just like her husband, the King of Swords, the right hand holds a sharp sword facing upward. Queen’s attention is focused on the direction of her left hand, or, in the future. Upon a closer look, you can see that she has a slight frown in her face. This is because the Queen of Swords is a resilient and wise woman who endured a lot of emotional pain. Yet, she follows her inner light in the darkest of sorrows, despite the melancholy that gripped her soul. The Queen of Swords represents an individual or a situation with characteristic qualities of the card. As the most intellectual queen of all, her life is a quest for truth and knowledge. Just like the Air element, she cannot be shackled by anything. Her independence will always propel her forward. Her biggest weakness is the depth of her emotions. Therefore, in a reading this card can represent a process of learning to turn emotional sensitivity into inner strength. When interpreted as a specific person, it is likely to be an older female that has one of the air element zodiac signs in his natal chart. Queen of Swords Keywords ​ Intellect Stoic Truth Independence UPRIGHT REVERSED ​ Overly emotional Miscommunication Vindictive ​ Upright Queen of Swords Guidance: When the Queen of Swords represents you or another person, it talks about a sophisticated, independent, strong-willed person whose counsel is beneficial. She is often known to have wisdom beyond her years, and her words have a way of piercing others. Therefore, the Queen of Swords is excellent at writing, law, academy and psychology. As a situation, it can sometimes indicate emotional vulnerability, melancholy or hurt. This is especially true if the card is in future position. Nonetheless, you are a resilient, highly sensitive person and you will always come out of stronger in the end if you put your mind to it. ​ Love: In her relationships, the Queen of Swords seeks someone who can challenge her intellectually. She is sensitive, funny, truthful and independent. A relationship with her is surely never boring, as long as you respect each other’s personal space. Alternatively, the Queen of Swords may be an ex or an outsider who is trying to influence your relationship. If you are single, this card suggests you had endured pain and heartbreak in the past which sometimes still haunts you in the present. Your freedom means a lot to you and you find it hard to trust others. You need to forgive and forget. ​ Work/Finances: The Queen of Swords shows that you appreciate being autonomous, direct and ethical. It indicates good communications and deals in your work environment. You are not easy to fool by others. Your self-reliance and integrity are respected and can land you a leader or management position soon. Don’t give into negative emotions and arguments and work on your diplomatic skills. The situation you are in requires you to be logical and objective. It can also represent a mature person around you, possibly a woman, with authority and power. Your approach to this person should be clear and to the point. ​ Health: More often than not, the Queen of Swords points to mental and emotional health. Make sure you don’t repress any negative emotions inside you. Alternatively, this card can represent health issues being repressed or denied. Keep in mind to listen your body carefully and don’t ignore any symptoms. ​ Spirituality: The Queen of Swords often shows up when a person is turned inward to heal their wounds. Bottling up your sadness, grief or stress will only cause your anxiety to grow. It is time let these emotions you had buried so deep to come to the surface and see the light. You are a very perceptive and knowledgeable person. These qualities combined with the wisdom you gained through your life experiences, can help you and others immensely. Guidance: The Queen of Swords reversed can point to a past emotional trauma or resentment that needs healing. You don’t need to carry these burdens with you moving forward. This card encourages you to build an inner strength so unshakable, that any struggle you experience is a lesson for you to grow and not an obstacle in your path. In the cases where this queen represents someone else, it can be a warning to be aware of someone who is cold, mean and calculated. ​ Love: In her relationship, the Queen of Swords reversed often feels disappointed, restricted and hurt. She also has trouble to forgive the past and move on. As a result, she may get vindictive and ruthless. Whether this speaks of you or your partner, what you need is open and honest communication. It is time to air out unspoken, repressed issues in your relationship for once and for all. If you are single, it is best to allow yourself time to heal from old wounds. As you find the courage to move on, you can trust and love again. ​ Work/Finances: One of the issues the Queen of Swords reversed indicates is poor communication. You cannot let your emotions overrule your mind when it comes solving problems. Don’t get sucked into heated arguments in your work environment, it will only damage you in the future. When this card represents an individual around you, it is often someone you need to be careful of. This card can warn you about a ruthless authority, a gossiper or a deceitful partner. Make sure you don’t overspend. ​ Health: In regard to your health, the Queen of Swords reversed can suggest that you are repressing negative emotions and neglecting your body’s needs. Often, the suggested problem is something you can deal or minimize by simply taking better care of yourself. Don’t hide from your issues, deal with the facts with a clear mind. Sometimes, you may be amplifying or distorting the problem more if you keep replaying it in your head. ​ Spirituality: The most important message of the reversed Queen of Swords is to forgive and forget. It is not productive to bury yourself in sorrow. In order to get yourself out of victim mentality, you need to remember that all this is a lesson for you to grow further as a person. You are a stronger person than you know and once you own that strength, nothing will ever hurt you the way it did before. Reversed Queen of Swords See the previous card: knight of swords see the next card: king of swords Back to Top

  • Numerology Chart: Life Path 7 | Stars and Tarot

    NUMEROLOGY CHART: LIFE PATH 7 KEYWORD: The Seeker TAROT CARD: The Chariot COLOR: Indigo PLANET: Neptune GEMSTONE: Amethyst HOW TO RECOGNIZE: Soft eyes, well spoken, beautiful hands Who is Life Path Number 7? Traits and Personality 7 is known to be one of the most mystical numbers. It resonates with intuition, deep contemplation, isolation and knowledge seeking. This makes life path 7 people intuitive thinkers. Their biggest lesson is to learn to master their inner conflicts. As soon as sevens realize their power and take control of their life, they are destined to greatness in whatever they are pursuing. Therefore it is no surprise to find introverts and philosophers born with the 7 life path. They love to delve deep into mysteries and occult knowledge. They are not just logical and meticulous truth seekers, but also highly spiritual. Life path 7 people have a feline intuition especially about other people. Their psychic abilities help them in day to day life and that’s why they like to listen to their inner voice more than others. Negative Traits and Obstacles the insatiable thirst for knowledge may make them unsatisfied and depressed with the world around them. You would usually hear them say something like ‘’ I swear I should have been born in an older time!’’. They like to live an isolated and quiet life. While there is nothing wrong with that, on long term it might create feelings of loneliness and not being understood by others. If life path 7 truly believes in something, it is almost impossible to show them otherwise. The level they are feeling emotions might be too overwhelming. Career Areas of work that life path 7 individuals excel in: Philosophy, teaching, investigation, literature, astrology and research. Back to Top

  • Numerology | Stars and Tarot

    How to Calculate Your Life Path Number In order to calculate your life path number, all you need is your full date of birth! Simply add the numbers of MONTH, DAY and YEAR of your birthdate in order to reduce to a one-digit number, excluding 11 and 22, which are known as Master Numbers. For example: Birthday: May 1, 1988 5+1+1+9+8+8 = 32 3+2=5 Life Path number is 5. Birthday: September 27, 1982 9+2+7+1+9+8+2= 38 3+8=11 Life Path number is 11. Click here to discover all life path number meanings Arrows of Pythagoras in Numerology 8,308 0 5 likes. Post not marked as liked 5

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