Ascendant (also known as ASC or Rising Sign) aspects in synastry give us insight on first impressions, the level of attraction as well as how partners relate to each other over the long term.

Harmonious contacts to the Ascendant can help a relationship get off the ground.
Zodiac signs compatibility should be taken into account whenever we are looking at ASC in synastry. For example, when two people share the same Ascendant sign, or when one person’s Rising sign is complementary to the other’s Sun sign, chances are strong that you will like each other A LOT. Going from liking to loving on the other hand depends on other factors.
Don’t Ignore Your Descendant’s Role in Synastry
Another important point to look for is the Descendant, which is the exact opposite point of Ascendant in your birth chart.
This line is called Ascendant-Descendant axis, which gives us incredibly important insight on what we look for in an ideal partner and how we build our close relationships.
Your Descendant sign reflects what you are unconsciously attracted to. Although you don’t necessarily possess or identify with your Descendant traits, you keep gravitating towards people who can provide those.
SUN-ASCENDANT Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square)
Sun conjunct Ascendant (Sun opposite Descendant) represents a dynamic start. You are drawn to each other like magnets. Usually, Ascendant feels this instant attraction more and pursues first. Ascendant person admires the way Sun carries themselves: from their looks to mannerisms. Sun person inspires and energizes Ascendant to strive towards their highest expression. Most common problem here is ego conflicts.
With Sun trine/sextile Ascendant aspects, physical attraction is less intense than a conjunction or opposition- but so as the potential ego conflicts. You admire and respect each other’s identity and don’t try to change one another. You share similar interests and values. These aspects are often found in the foundations of long term relationships.
Sun square Ascendant makes it hard to find an equal ground. Even though there is a compelling attraction, tensions rise very often when partners start pointing out flaws or force each other to change. Especially getting Sun person to see Ascendant’s point of view may be very challenging. In order to resolve this square, both partners should be more accepting, honest and patient.
Sun opposite Ascendant (Sun conjunct Descendant) is a strong indication of wanting to be together. The romantic and sexual intensity is off the charts, especially if the signs are a match. However, push-pull dynamic is also common. This opposition is a balancing act, until you get on the same exact page, mutual and fair compromise may be necessary.
MOON-ASCENDANT Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square)
Moon conjunct Ascendant (Moon opposite Descendant) is a very significant and delicate aspect due to the emotional intensity. They both deeply affect each other’s mental and emotional state, very often Ascendant person being the most affected. It is as if you intuitively understand each other’s core psyche. Despite the chemistry and otherworldly connection, both partners need to be on the same level of emotional maturity in order to get the relationship off the ground. Codependency and projection are common issues here.
Moon trine Ascendant creates a very comfortable and harmonious space around the relationship as well as sexual attraction. Moon person can express their deepest emotions safely and openly to the Ascendant.
Moon sextile Ascendant has the same easy going energy as a trine. ‘’Feeling accepted and loved’’ is the theme here. This aspect shows a great potential to create a deeper bond, whether it is a romantic or friendly connection.
Ascendant square Moon challenges partners to evolve and create a deeper connection by working on their problems together. With this aspect, emotional misunderstandings, codependency, projection and mirroring are some of the problems. Moon person may feel that Ascendant is not providing the emotional depth and security they need. Ascendant may feel overwhelmed and frustrated by these expectations.
Moon opposite Ascendant (Moon conjunct Descendant) feels physically, mentally and emotionally captivating. However, such a powerful contact to the Moon also brings out deep seated fears and anxieties to the surface. It has the same challenges as Ascendant square Moon. The key here is to show mutual empathy and nurturing.
MARS-ASCENDANT Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square)
With Mars conjunct Ascendant (Mars opposite Descendant) sexual attraction is very, very potent. Mars person almost instantly makes their interest evident to the Ascendant person. However, we all know that Mars has a tendency to act impulsive and combative- so here, Mars’s actions are usually irritating to Ascendant. If the synastry chart doesn’t have softer aspects or zodiac signs are not complementary, this connection may just feel like a frustrating tug of war.
Mars trine/sextile Ascendant aspects are felt a little less fiery and sexy than a conjunction, however cooperation is much easier.
Mars square Ascendant is a very challenging aspect. It is likely that the some of your core views and the way you act on things are very different. Initial attraction is usually followed by constant friction in the relationship.
Mars opposite Ascendant (Mars conjunct Descendant) indicates infatuation and an instant sexual chemistry. Mars is usually the one that takes the lead, and Ascendant person loves this affection at first. On the other hand, there is a power struggle, and if partners are not on the same page, the constant push and pull may strain the relationship.
VENUS-ASCENDANT Aspects in Synastry (conjunction, sextile, trine, opposition, square)
Venus conjunct Ascendant (Venus opposite Descendant) indicates an aesthetic and sensual type of connection which may feel like an instant crush, or even finding your soulmate. Ascendant finds Venus person’s presence magnetic, fun and beautiful. They enjoy spending quality time together. However, Venus-Ascendant conjunction refers to the initial sparks of physical attraction and can’t tell us more about how well a relationship will evolve.
Venus trine/sextile Ascendant aspects represent a magnetic first impression just like the Venus conjunct Ascendant, although generally with less sexual attraction and more friendly feelings. Both partners may share similar views in art, fashion and romance.
Venus square Ascendant often goes along with ‘’ You are not my type.’’ Although there is a level of chemistry, it may be too superficial or short lived, depending on other aspects in the synastry chart.
Venus opposite Ascendant (Venus conjunct Descendant) represents a long lasting physical attraction. Even though they have very loving feelings for one another, both Ascendant and Venus may idealize their romance too quickly. Venus person may also have a tendency to sweep problems under the rug. What we often see here is a beautiful start which has a potential to emotionally grow and deepen.