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  • The World and Empress Tarot Combination & 21/3 Tarot Birth Cards

    Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Empress card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card, after the the World. The World and Empress Tarot Combination in Love The World in present/future position indicates that you are at the end of a chapter and starting a new one in your love life. There is a deep sense of fulfillment that comes with this card. It is as if you are saying ‘’Finally! The outcome I want is manifesting right now.” During the World energy, you may expect significant changes in your intimate relationships. For example, it is very likely for those who are single to meet someone special. If you are already in a relationship, you may decide to take things to the next level with moving in together, getting married, etc. For some of you who recently ended a relationship, it can also be about letting go of the burdens of the past and embracing future possibilities. The Empress emphasizes all this positivity of the World card. She is symbolical of Venus, planet of love, beauty and pleasure. With this card, main theme is growth in your relationships. If you asked ‘’What do they feel about me?” and you received the Empress, this tarot card indicates nurturing, kind and sensual feelings. Combined with the World, they may even think the world of you! Alternatively, the World can represent traveling or long distance relationships. The Empress can be a sign of pregnancy as well. Overall, the World and Empress is an abundant time for love. While you are starting this new chapter (the World), focus on cultivating self-love first, so you can manifest the same loving energy in your relationships (the Empress). The World and Empress Tarot Combination in Work/Money The World is a strong indication of success and achievement. Combined with the Empress- a symbol of abundance, you are definitely in luck regards to your wealth and career. However, for this to happen, you need to close a chapter and begin a new one in your work life. For example, you may be quitting your job to start a new one. Or you may be graduating from school. This transition period might be hard for some of you, but the cards suggest that your efforts are going to pay off in the end. Unexpected and pleasant changes may arise during this time. You may get an opportunity to travel for work, buy a home, or get a higher title or salary. Overall, during the World and Empress tarot combination- you are leveling up. If these cards are in your future, start manifesting the outcome you desire now. Focus on growing your knowledge, skills and investments. The world is your oyster. The World and Empress Tarot Combination in Health The World and Empress combination is a very positive sign. The World in health readings can be interpreted as recovery and vitality. It is a sign that you are achieving your health goals. The Empress energy is all about nurturing, growth and beauty. She can also talk about good news regards to feminine health, such as fertility, pregnancy, etc. The World and Empress (21/3) Tarot Birth Cards Explained What distinguishes World-Empress people from others is their larger than life energy. With 21/3 life path, you are here to make a big impact on the world. With the Empress (aka Divine Feminine, or Earth Mother) energy, you are naturally sensual, creative, nurturing and kind. With the World, you are meant to shine this side of you to your environment and people around you. “Birth” is at the heart of this lifetime. You may choose to expand their horizons and meet with a lot of people from different backgrounds. For some, it can be a creative/ innovative journey, bringing your ideas into life. Some of you may also choose to settle and grow your roots, starting a family. Overall, it is all about what you choose to create, the world is your oyster. Downside/difficulties of the 21/3 life path would be limitations, greed, holding on the past and insecurity. In order to achieve success out in the world, you first need to master yourself. If you have the World-Empress Tarot birth cards, dream big, create big, and you will accomplish big results. For this to happen, you can: -Connect with nature, -Tap into your creativity, -Travel, learn, explore & expand, -Cultivate self love, -Nurture the ones you love. You may also be interested in these articles: The World Tarot Combinations with all Major Arcana Cards The Empress Tarot Combinations with Suit of Swords Return to: Tarot Cards Combinations

  • The Justice and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Love,Work,Money,Health & 11/2 Tarot Birth Cards

    There are many ‘’hidden’’ correlations between these cards. High Priestess sits between two pillars marked with the letters B and J (which stands for Boaz and Jachin in the fabled Solomon’s Temple). Similar pillars are shown in the Justice card. According to esoterical symbolism, these two pillars stand for opposing nature of the universe- masculine and feminine, yin and yang, dark and light, etc. Additionally, twin pillars act as a portal to mysteries and wisdom, found at the gate of sacred places. Both cards also symbolize the concept of harmony. Justice is the universal order that maintains the equilibrium between these opposing forces. The High Priestess is about finding harmony in stillness, going within. The Justice energy is rational and active, whereas the High Priestess is intuitive and passive- but they both reach to the same destination. Therefore, the Justice and High Priestess tarot combination is all about a journey to seek truth and balance, and it all starts within you. Let's explore this in detail: The Justice and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Astrology Symbolical of zodiac sign Libra- The Justice card represents order and equilibrium. The High Priestess card is connected to the astrological Moon- planet of intuition and emotions. She represents the inner wisdom of the divine feminine. The Justice and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Numerology Number 11 (the Justice) is the first of the master numbers. It represents enlightenment and intuition. High Priestess is symbolized by the energy of number 2 which is about harmony, duality and balance. The Justice and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Love This combination can have many different interpretations depending on the context of your reading and the rest of the spread. First of all, having two or more major arcana cards in your love reading can suggest a karmic experience. In addition to this, the Justice card symbolizes law of karma. For some of you, the Justice can also show a twin flame/soulmate connection or marriage as number 11 is associated with twin flames. High Priestess, as a card of duality and harmony can also support this interpretation. If you keep drawing Justice card over and over again, or seeing the number 11 everywhere, it may be a sign. If you are interested in Twin Flames, you may also like this article: Tarot Guide of Twin Flames: 16 Cards That May Surprise You Regardless, the Justice is about truth and order. With this card, you will reap exactly what you sow in your relationships. If you had been treated unfairly, karma will hit them back. Dishonesty will be met with truth. If you are trying to resolve some past issues, scales will balance in the end. If you are about to make an important decision in your love life, the Justice tells you to be honest to yourself and others. Things get a little tricky with our next card. The High Priestess is shrouded in mystery. Instead of giving you a clear answer, she says: “Tap into your intuition. Look at the signals all around you. Pay attention to your dreams. You already know the answer.” For some of you, the High Priestess can point to hidden truths in your love life. Perhaps someone is keeping you in the dark about their true feelings. Or perhaps, there is an intuitive soul connection that is hard to put into words. Again, you know the answer within. High Priestess is also about two opposing forces unifying in harmony. Therefore, it can indicate ‘’opposites attract’’ idea in relationships. Overall, with the mysterious Justice and High Priestess combination, you are advised to seek harmony and truth in your love life. This is not a good time to rush into things: Remain patient and still, let things unfold on its own time. The Justice and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Work/Money The Justice card in work/money readings is generally a good sign. Balance, integrity and work ethic are the keywords here. It is all about getting what you deserve: If you keep on the straight and narrow and follow fair business practices, you will be rewarded accordingly. When you draw this card, take responsibility of your actions. When you are faced with an important decision, weigh up the pros and cons carefully. Plan a budget and balance your finances. Additionally, the Justice card can talk about legal matters and contracts. If you had been on the right side of the law, you will receive a fair outcome. Both Justice and High Priestess suggest that you may also choose to partner up with someone at this time. With these cards, two opposing ideas or people are coming together to create a new balance. With the High Priestess, this is a good time to follow your instincts and inspirations. If you have a desire to improve on your skills or attain higher education, this card says go for it. Alternatively, you may be working in the areas of healing, spirituality, teaching and arts; or have a desire to do so. Another meaning of the High Priestess is secrecy, so you need to be careful about who you trust. Don’t make big financial decisions until you know all the facts. Trust your gut instinct. The Justice and High Priestess Tarot Combination in Health The Justice is generally a sign of balance being restored. If you are investing in your health by making healthy choices, you can expect good results. Try to evaluate and cut out things from your lifestyle that are harmful to you. As a symbol of lunar cycles, the High Priestess tarot card can point to feminine health such as pregnancy, fertility and menstruation in a health reading. The Justice and High Priestess (11/2) Tarot Birth Cards Explained As Justice and High Priestess life path, you are an equalizing force. This may be hard to notice as first, as most of your gifts will develop later in life once you start your spiritual journey. With the High Priestess energy, you are incredibly intuitive and empathetic. There is an inner knowing within you, which can sometimes come through your dreams or as an intuitive hit. Your natural curiosity compels you to dive deep into mysteries of existence, spirituality, occult, etc. But with the Justice, your mind follows reason and logic. Most people with this tarot birth card are very sensitive to injustice around them. They want to get to the bottom of the truth; however ugly the truth may be. Combined with their High Priestess intuition, they see through people’s façade easily. Since the Justice card is represented by Libra zodiac sign, relationships are a significant part of your spiritual journey. There is a yearning to build deep, soulful connections, to become one. You care deeply about others, it is natural for you to put yourself in other people’s shoes. However, some people you encounter may not show the same kindness, honesty or respect you give to them. If this is the case, your birth card Justice is urging you to set some healthy boundaries. To get what you need, give people what they deserve. Overall, the theme of this life is to find a sense of balance between your heart and mind and then, help those around you. As a Justice and High Priestess life path, you can do this by: -Honoring your divine feminine qualities, -Setting healthy boundaries in relationships, -Nurturing and protecting your energy first, -Develop your decision-making skills, -Acting in a way you know to be right and kind. -And lastly, sharing your wisdom with others. Next:The Death and Emperor Tarot Combination in Love,Work,Money,Health & 13/4 Tarot Birth Cards Tarot Cards Combinations Tarot Cards Combinations

  • Dark Asteroids in Astrology: Nessus, Dejanira, Karma, Lucifer & More

    Do you want to delve into the darker side of Astrology? Are you in an investigative mood? Then this is the right article for you. Asteroids in astrology is a highly debated topic. There are so many of them and not enough data. While some people don’t give any significance to minor asteroids in astrological analysis, some are very interested to find out more about them. I think it is best to observe them without jumping to a serious conclusion. Keep in mind that following asteroids are most prominent when it is aspecting angles and personal planets. Tighter the orb (0-3) , the more powerful its influence is felt. How to find asteroids in your birth chart: 1. Go tho 2. Click on My Astro. If you don’t have an account, you can still create a chart as a guest user. 3. Fill out the Birth Data Entry. 4. Click on Extended Chart Selection. 5. Click on Additional Objects. 6. For asteroids, enter their official catalogue numbers written below: Nessus: 7066 Dejanira:157 Chiron:2060 Asteroid Lilith: 1181 Karma: 3811 Nemesis: 128 Sado:118230 Lucifer:1930 Atropos:273 Achilles:588 7. Generate your birth chart. Nessus (7066) When we are talking about dark asteroids, we have to talk about Nessus- commonly known as asteroid of abuse. Since its early discovery in 93’, asteroid Nessus has a negative connotation in Astrology- mainly due to its mythological association. In Greek mythology, Nessus was one of the Centaurs where he eventually becomes a ferryman. One time, he was carrying Heracles’ bride Dejanira across the river. Then, Nessus attempted to have intercourse with her. Hearing the cries of his beautiful bride, Heracles shot Nessus with a poisoned arrow. During his final moments, Nessus convinced Dejanira that infecting Herackles with his poisoned blood would ensure that Heracles would love her forever. Dejanira believed in him- and this eventually led to Heracles’ death. Now you can see why Nessus in astrology is associated with dark themes such as abuse, tyranny and trauma. We all have this asteroid in our birth charts and it doesn’t always mean that someone is an abuser. As always, the whole chart should be taken into account before jumping to a conclusion. A prominent Nessus in the birth chart such as Nessus conjunct Sun, Moon or ASC aspects can manifest itself as strong impulses and possibly abusive tendencies if the rest of the chart also confirms it. Natal Nessus in Scorpio/ 8th house can suggest themes of sexual or emotional abuse, manipulation, and power struggles. With these placements, Nessus is seeking a deep transformation to break away from negative patterns. With Nassus in partner’s 8 house in a synastry chart, there can be trust issues and obsession. Dejanira (157) Dejanira is the victim in the Nessus story. You can read about Nessus myth above. Some people won’t even notice their Dejanira influence. Others may closely relate to it, especially if it is conjunct an angle (ASC, DSC, IC, MC) or a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars). In a birth chart, Dejanira on IC could represent family trauma or difficulties in childhood/home. With Dejanira conjunct ASC, the person may be perceived as a victim by others. Natal Dejanira conjunct Moon is a hard aspect which could indicate victim mindset or mental/emotional trauma. Nessus conjunct Dejanira aspect in synastry is also significant, as it represents the abuser-victim dynamic. It doesn’t have to play out this way, but it is something to be aware of. Chiron (2060) Chiron was considered to be an asteroid when it was discovered in 77’. Now it is classified as a comet/planetoid. In Greek mythology, Chiron is one of the Centaurs who was thought to be the wisest. He was accidentally wounded by a poisonous arrow. Wound was incredibly agonizing and incurable, but since he was an immortal, he could not die. Chiron couldn’t heal himself, yet he continued to heal others. This is why he is also called the ‘’wounded healer’’. Chiron in Astrology shows our deepest wound. For example, Chiron in 11th house could indicate social issues such as painful friendships, being bullied, feeling rejected, etc. You can discover more about your natal Chiron here: Chiron in the Signs and Houses. Chiron Return is also very significant, because it is a once in a lifetime event. Chiron takes approximately 49 years to travel all 12 zodiac signs, so we all go through our Chiron Return around our 50th birthday. During this time, we revisit our core wounds and try to heal them. You may also be interested in: Sun-Chiron Aspects in Synastry Asteroid Lilith (1181) Asteroid Lilith is the only Lilith that has a celestial body. There are three Liliths in Astrology- Black Moon Lilith is the most commonly known, Asteroid Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith (or Waldemath Moon). All three Liliths in astrology revolve around the same mythology. In astrology, Lilith is associated with deep, dark aspects of the feminine. She represents our primitive impulses- our rage, how we rebel or find our voice. She can also represent our sexual fantasies in the rawest form. If you want to know more about the three Liliths and what your Lilith sign says about you, you can read this article: Three Liliths in Astrology & What Your Lilith Sign Says About You Lilith aspects in synastry are loaded with intrigue, obsession and more importantly, a dark magnetism, which makes them one of the most mysterious aspects found in a synastry chart. When Lilith aspects are activated in your relationship, she does not only bring out primal instincts, desires, and shadow personalities of each other to the surface, but more often than not she also triggers issues surrounding jealousy, being desired and self indulgence. If you are interested in Lilith’s role in relationships, these articles may help you: Lilith Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars Lilith in Partner's House | Synastry House Overlays Karma (3811) Karma is an interesting asteroid that can show what you bring from past lives and how it is manifested in your current life. Although karmic astrology focuses on other more important parts of the natal chart such as North Node, South Node and Saturn- Karma 3811 can also be considered as an alternative way. Karma is the law of consequences, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be bad for everyone. How this asteroid will express itself depends on what kind of karma you have. A well aspected Karma can indicate positive karma and good fortune. On the other hand, negative aspects such as Karma square Mars can be an indication of negative karma. Asteroid Karma 3811 can be interesting to look at in synastry charts as well. Karma square Pluto aspect in a synastry chart may represent a karmic debt. If you are interested in karma in relationships, you may also like this : Saturn Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars Nemesis (128) In Greek mythology, Nemesis is the Goddess of Divine Retribution. Originally, she is the force that equalizes fortune. Right now, the word Nemesis is used to represent rivalry and revenge. In Astrology, asteroid Nemesis can represent these mythological themes such as one’s enemies, negative karma, faults, etc. For example, Nemesis in 10th house could suggest competition or rivalry in professional life. Sado (118230) Astrologically, asteroid Sado represents sadistic tendencies, mistreatment and abusive patterns. When Sado is featured strongly in a natal or synastry chart, it doesn’t immediately mean sadism- but it is something to be aware of. For example, Sado conjunct Chiron in synastry might indicate that Sado person is hurting Chiron person’s deepest wound. Sado conjunct Ascendant in a natal chart might indicate self abusive behaviors (if the rest of the chart also confirms it). Lucifer (1930) We all know the story of the fallen angel. Lucifer longed to be worshipped himself, so he defied God. The main theme of Asteroid Lucifer in Astrology is excessive pride. In your birth chart it can also show some ‘’devilish’’ traits such as where you challenge authority, self serving behaviors, how you develop your ego and free will, etc. Natal Lucifer conjunct Sun would be an obvious example of a big ego. Lucifer in the 8th house might have a mischievous or greedy attitude towards sex, occult and finances. Atropos (273) Atropos is one of the Morai in Greek mythology, the three goddesses of destiny. She was the one that cut the thread of life of mortals, so astrologically she represents endings and inevitability. A prominent Atropos in a synastry chart can suggest fated encounters. It doesn’t necessarily mean the relationship is destined to end- it is more likely about a transformation that needs to take place. Achilles (588) Asteroid Achilles represents your most vulnerable point, aka your “Achilles’ heel”. An adjustment may be needed in the house that it is in. For example, Achilles in 2nd house can suggest a person who may be overly confident about their financial security. Next: Natal Vertex Through the Signs: Your Gate of Destiny Eros-Venus Aspects in Synastry: Conjunction, trine, sextile, square and opposition Astrology

  • The Death and Emperor Tarot Combination in Love,Work,Money,Health & 13/4 Tarot Birth Cards

    Note: Meaning behind tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Emperor card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card, after the Death. ''Sometimes what you are most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.'' Robert Tew The Death and Emperor Tarot Combination in Astrology Scorpio zodiac sign is associated with the Death tarot card. In astrology, Scorpio is ruled by Pluto- an intense planet of transformation. Emperor card is represented by zodiac sign Aries which is ruled by Mars. This fiery energy is all about action, willpower and authority. The Death and Emperor Tarot Combination in Numerology The Death is 13th card in Major Arcana. This number is popularly synonymous with bad omen. In actuality, it is no more or less lucky than any other number. This superstitious belief aside, in numerology number 13 represents cycle of rebirth and transformation. The Emperor tarot card’s number is 4- which represents stability and structure. It is a very earthly and masculine energy. Together, The Death and Emperor tarot combination has the energy of 8 (1+3+4) which is a powerful number of balance, infinity and transformation. The Death and Emperor Tarot Combination in Love The Death card represents an ending in your love life, but also a new beginning. Most likely, this is a tough transition for you. Some relationships are not meant to last forever. Sometimes, we hope for the best when we know deep down that things are not getting any better. We cling on past mistakes and hurts, not ready to give future a chance. It is possible that you draw the Death card in one of these times. This is a transformation of the heart. Whatever it is you are going through that is represented by the Death, whether it be a separation, loss or grief- this experience is meant to change you at your core and it all starts with acceptance. Which brings us to the next card in your reading, the Emperor. The Emperor energy is all about taking these past lessons and bringing an order to the chaos that the Death card symbolizes. With the Death experience, you probably didn’t have too much control over what happened. Now you move into the Emperor energy- and all it takes is your willpower to start rebuilding again. Alternatively, if you are asking about a love interest or a partner, the Death and Emperor tarot combination shows that they are going through a period of transformation in their life. Their feelings are quite intense- and with the Emperor- perhaps working on their stability and structure is their priority at this time. This person is going to be ready to start their new chapter in love once they let go of the past. The Death and Emperor Tarot Combination in Work/Money During the Death card experience, you may be at a time where you are quitting your current job, dealing with a financial loss, or your plans may come to an abrupt halt. Whatever it is, if you haven’t gone through the full transformation process yet- you may be finding it hard to go through this significant change. Your next chapter starts with letting go of the past and accepting your future. The Death is not a definitive ending, it is a cycle of rebirth. It is about taking the lessons of the past to rebuild in the future. So what is holding you back? What are you afraid of? Good news is that next card in clarification/outcome position is a strong indication that you are going to be able to overcome this situation. The Emperor encourages you to conquer your fears of taking action. During this time, focus on how you can make your foundation stronger. Learn from the past. The Death and Emperor combination’s message for you is: Success is waiting for you in the future- all it takes is your willpower to go through obstacles and claim it. The Death and Emperor Tarot Combination in Health Don’t panic- it is extremely rare to see the Death card as literal Death. However, it is also very likely that you are going through a painful or difficult transition in your life. This could be about a health problem, or an external situation that is affecting your wellbeing. Next card in your reading- the Emperor is generally a good sign of vitality. Overall, the Death and Emperor together tells you that you don’t need to keep going all the time. If you are fatigued or overstressed, take a break. Don't be afraid to ask for help and support of the others if you need to. The Death and Emperor (13/4) Tarot Birth Cards Explained For most, early life of 13/4 life path is not easy. The Death energy suggests that there is usually an experience of loss or an ending that completely changes them at the core level. But this is exactly why they are one of the most powerful and determined people. If you are on the Death-Emperor life path- you are an agent of transformation. Your soul purpose is to realize and claim your inner power, and this comes from transmuting these intense and painful experiences. People around you may perceive you to be assertive, serious and competitive. You value loyalty and structure. Once you realize your Emperor energy, others may ask for your leadership and guidance. Yes, as 13/4 life path leadership is your natural gift- but just like you would train a muscle to be stronger, you will need to train your willpower to succeed. One of the most important lesson for you is to not let the past hold you back. With the Death card, life may test you time and time again- but with the Emperor, you are here to build your empire. Next: The Death and Moon Tarot Combination in Love, Work, Money, Health & More Tarot Cards Combinations Tarot Cards Meanings Home

  • The Lovers and Suit of Pentacles Tarot Combinations

    Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Lovers card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card, after the Pentacles. Ace of Pentacles and Lovers: Ace of Pentacles is often a sign of new opportunities and good fortune. This combination can indicate someone making a substantial offer to you regards to love, work or money. It also shows that it is a very fertile time to manifest your dreams into reality (Ace of Pentacles)- but you need to make a choice and stick with it (the Lovers). Ace of Pentacles is not the most romantic card, but together with the Lovers, it shows grounded and serious feelings. Two of Pentacles and Lovers: Both cards in your reading symbolize a time of important choices for you. You are weighing the pros and cons, or perhaps working with multiple options to see which one is the best for you. This situation may be about practical matters- for example, you may be considering whether or not you should change your job. Perhaps you are struggling with financial ups and downs. But it could also be about your love life. Two of Pentacles and Lovers in a love reading can show someone who may be comparing and considering their options with multiple people. Alternatively, since Two of Pentacles is a juggling act- they may just be busy trying to keep all their pentacles in the air. There are many scenarios with this tarot combination, but the common advice is to focus on finding your balance between different areas of your life. Three of Pentacles and Lovers: This combination mainly represents partnerships. It may be a time that you are working or studying with others, or someone may be considering investing on your skills. The Lovers can also be about choices. Three of Pentacles shows that you have made a plan, you are working on your goals, and with the Lovers now there is a crossroads ahead. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and collaborate with others at this time. In love readings, Three of Pentacles and Lovers is like a master-apprentice type of relationship. It can be about finding a special connection in your work environment. In a more negative scenario, this combination may also talk about other people interfering in the relationship. Three of Pentacles as feelings shows that they want to work on this connection. Four of Pentacles and Lovers: Together, these cards could mean that you are seeking security and stability in your life- (saving money, making future plans etc) but you may also be afraid of losing everything. If you have a scarcity mindset, the Lovers is encouraging you examine your relationship with money and listen to your heart’s desires as well. In love readings, the Lovers is a card of love and union. Four of Pentacles wants to hold on to this connection, but it is usually out of fear rather than love. Therefore, Four of Pentacles and Lovers combination as feelings can show codependency or fear of abandonment in some cases. It is also possible that they are too focused on material matters at this time. Five of Pentacles and Lovers: Five of Pentacles in your reading suggests a time of hardships and losses. Money, work, relationships and health may all be affected during this time. If you draw the Lovers as the outcome/future card, this is a good sign that things will come to pass and you will feel whole again. In love readings, Five of Pentacles is the feeling of being left out in the cold. Whether it is about separation, grief or anxiety- don’t let these struggles take a blow to your future happiness. Five of Pentacles and Lovers tells you that it is time to love yourself unconditionally during these tough times. If you feel alone, don’t be afraid to ask for support from others. Six of Pentacles and Lovers: Six of Pentacles mainly focuses on give and take dynamics in your work, love or family relationships. In work/money readings, Six of Pentacles and Lovers can be about someone offering generosity and support or sharing resources. If you are in a happy and committed relationship, this combination shows that there is a lot of reciprocity. If you are single, you may meet someone who is kind, considerate and generous. In a more negative scenario, Six of Pentacles can sometimes show imbalance of power- someone who is giving more than they take. Seven of Pentacles and Lovers: Seven of Pentacles is about reaping what you have sown. You had been working towards your goals, waiting to see the results- and the Lovers as your next card shows a crossroads in the future. This could be a big financial decision or a new partnership. Seven of Pentacles is a slow card, and the Lovers is an act of commitment- so whatever the situation is, it asks for your patience. In some cases, Seven of Pentacles and Lovers can be about love blossoming slowly, perhaps out of a friendship or in a work environment. Eight of Pentacles and Lovers: Eight of Pentacles is a card of devotion and hard work. In love readings, it is not a very romantic card as it just shows a man focusing on their work- but it is a mature and responsible partner who doesn’t shy away from putting in the effort. If you had been working hard lately, Eight of Pentacles and Lovers combination’s advice is to make time for yourself and your loved ones. With the Lovers as future/outcome card, you may be faced with an important choice. Nine of Pentacles and Lovers: These two cards can be a little conflicting depending on the context of your reading. Nine of Pentacles is a self sufficient person who is very much content being by themselves. The Lovers is essentially the card of finding wholeness with someone else. Nine of Pentacles is a very good news in work/money readings as it represents prosperity and satisfaction. If security and independence is your goal, the Lovers in future position can be about a choice you need to make. Alternatively, you or the person you are asking about may be prioritizing themselves over finding love at this time. Ten of Pentacles and Lovers: Ten of Pentacles is a very positive card, especially in terms of finances. It can represent success, inheritance, family and tradition. When paired with Lovers, it can talk about partnering up with someone to create a legacy together. In a love reading, Ten of Pentacles and Lovers can be a sign of prosperous marriage, or a solid and stable beginning of a relationship. Page of Pentacles and Lovers: With Page of Pentacles you are manifesting abundance and stability in your life, and the Lovers as the outcome/future card shows that there may be a choice of commitment in the future. Page of Pentacles can also be interpreted as a good news or a beneficial offer- but since Pentacles are slow cards, it can take time for things to develop. Page of Pentacles and Lovers as feelings indicate loyalty. It shows willingness to work on this connection. If it represents a person, Page of Pentacles can be interpreted as someone with Earth Sign qualities (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). This person is youthful, ambitious and dependable. Knight of Pentacles and Lovers: Knight and Pentacles and Lovers can indicate that you need to decide what you really want in life. This is a time to make long term plans and work towards them patiently. It can also represent a new partner in work or romantic relationships. If it represents a person, Knight of Pentacles can be interpreted as someone with Earth Sign qualities (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). This person is hard working and practical, but not very romantic. Queen of Pentacles and Lovers: Queen of Pentacles can be sign of abundance, comfort and success. Paired with the Lovers, this is a very fertile time to manifest what makes you feel nurtured and secure. Cultivate self love and pay attention to your desires. The Lovers may represent a new love blossoming, or an important choice regards to your finances or career. If it represents a person, Queen of Pentacles can be interpreted as someone with Earth Sign qualities (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). This person is motherly, successful and responsible. King of Pentacles and Lovers: With King of Pentacles and Lovers combination in your reading, it is possible that you are making long term commitments for your future. The Lovers may represent a new love blossoming, a successful partnership, or an important choice regards to your finances or career. In any case, hard work and patience will be rewarded. If it represents a person, King of Pentacles can be interpreted as someone with Earth Sign qualities (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). King of Pentacles is generally a successful, ambitious and dependable provider. Next: The World and Suit of Wands Tarot Combinations More Tarot Cards Combinations Tarot Cards Meaning Upright and Reversed in Love, Work, Money, Health and More Home

  • North Node in Aquarius/11th House & South Node in Leo/5th House

    South Node in Leo/5th house : Past life, Karma, Natural Talents & Childhood South Node (also known as Ketu) in 5th house/Leo gives you an excellent taste in life- you can instinctively spot a good piece of art or music. It is also very likely that you have many creative talents yourself. Passion is in the heart of every Leo/5th house South Node. You believe in living life to the fullest. South Node in Leo indicates powerful past lives. Perhaps you were an entertainer, noble, leader or someone with wealth and glamour. These past lifetimes somehow separated you from others and put you in the spotlight, so you can master your individuality and self expression. We continue to carry gifts and karma of the South Node to our current lifetime. Growing up, it becomes our comfort zone. So does this mean that you are supposed to chase fame and glory in this lifetime? Maybe, but the answer is not as simple as that. Leo South Node can manifest itself in different ways, but there are some common patterns. For most, it is an instinctive need to be special, which is usually rooted in childhood experiences. If you spent your childhood trying to impress your parents with your talents and success, as an adult you may believe that you need to ‘’perform’’ your best to people in order to validate your worth. For this reason, 5th house/ Leo South Node is often very sensitive to criticism, rejection or disapproval. When it comes to relationships, you are a romantic and bighearted lover- but one thing to be careful about is the dramatic Leo attitude. If your motto is ‘’my way or the highway” when there is a disagreement, it can slowly alienate partners and friends without even you realizing it. Leaving pride at the door in such situations is something that Leo/5th House South Node is learning in this lifetime, which brings us to the North Node in Aquarius. North Node in Aquarius/11th House: Soul Mission & Future Life Lessons Moving from Leo South Node to Aquarius North Node is like taking the backseat even though you are used to being the driver. While the South Node is pulling you in your comfort zone, North Node experiences are pushing you to transcend the past and evolve. In this particular case, this push-pull dynamic is about “Me vs Us”. One part of you wants to put yourself first, and the other wants to fit in. It is not an easy balancing act, so there are going to be some obstacles and compromises while you are moving towards your North Node purpose. North Node (also referred as Rahu) in Aquarius is a need to contribute to the collective. You learned many important lessons in your Leo South Node journey, now it is time to share it with the world. You can do this by participating humanitarian causes. Another way is to expand your social circle- even though you will meet with some unconventional people and ideas along the way. When you are in a group setting, your South Node need for approval might kick in, but it is not about being exceptional anymore- it is more about acceptance, equality and cooperation. All this will probably feel uncomfortable at first. Most North Node in Aquarius/11th house people struggle with connecting with others or feel accepted by society. Therefore, true friendships may come later in life, possibly after your Saturn Return (29-30 years old). You may also experience Aquarian type of situations/people in life that will teach you some karmic lessons. If your Aquarius North Node is in 7th house for example, relationships will play a profound role in your soul’s mission. And lastly- dear Leo South Node: Even though it feels hard to learn detachment and objectivity, it can expand your life in unimaginable ways. You don’t need to be perfect either, we all make mistakes when we are learning something new- just give your Aquarius North Node a try. Wishing you the best in your spiritual journey! More Articles on North Node-South Node: North Node in Partner's House: House Overlays in Synastry South Node conjunct (North Node opposite) Aspects in Synastry

  • How to Predict Time With Tarot Cards

    Timing with Tarot can be challenging if you don’t know what you are looking for. Some cards offer a timing as a part of their meaning- like the Eight of Wands, but most of them don’t. In this article, you will find a few timing methods in Tarot that you can use when you ask the burning ‘’when?’’ question. Asking the right question & Reading the cards first: If the question you are asking doesn’t have a definitive outcome, you can ask a more specific question and create a story. For example, to answer “When will I find happiness in my life?” question, we may first need to look at the “How will I find happiness in my life?” as there can be a single or a chain of events that can bring happiness. Having a lot of reversed/negative cards in your reading can suggest that something is blocking the situation, so things may move slower. The Hight Priestess and The Moon cards in Tarot generally don't reveal much about the timing or the outcome, so if you keep drawing them- it is better to trust your gut or leave the question for another time. Why is it better to read the cards first before predicting the time? Let’s say you asked ‘’When will they text me?’’ and you received the Death and Hanged Man. With this combination, there is no use to look at the timing because the answer is probably a no- at least for the time being. If you are new to Tarot or interested in learning more about the meanings of the cards, you can start here. Minor Arcana Timing Methods: Season Method: Each Suit in Tarot is associated with one of the four elements which correlates to one of the four seasons- and it goes like this: Suit of Wands- Fire- Summer Suit of Cups- Water- Fall Suit of Swords- Air- Spring Suit of Pentacles- Earth- Winter Days Method: If the season method is not helpful for your question, you can also try this one: Suit of Wands- Days Suit of Swords- Weeks Suit of Cups-Months Suit of Pentacles-Years Suit of Wands & Swords- Fast Suit of Cups & Pentacles- Slow Suit of Wands and Swords (or Fire and Air) are considered to be fastest in Minor Arcana. Then it is followed by the Cups (or Water), which is slower compared to them. And lastly, since crops take time to grow with the Earth element- Suit of Pentacles are thought to be the slowest cards. Some of the Minor Arcana cards that can indicate time: Aces: Aces represent new beginnings, and they can predict an event happening very soon. Knight of Swords and Knight of Wands: These are the fastest moving knights of Tarot, so they can represent swift actions. Eight of Wands: Things happen very quickly with this Tarot card- Generally in a matter of hours or days. Seven of Pentacles: This card takes time, as it represents a situation that needs patience and effort. Four of Swords: Rest and patience is needed, so things may move slow at this time. Number Method: You can also use the number on the cards to predict when an even will occur. For example, if you ask ‘’When will I find love?” and you draw Six of Wands and Six of Cups, this combination can suggest a time period between 6 days up to 6 months. Major Arcana Timing Methods: Major Arcana Tarot cards are a little trickier with timing, as they often represent divinely guided situations and life lessons. Zodiac Sign Method: This method uses astrological correspondence of each Major Arcana card to predict timing. The Fool: Aquarius (January 20-February 18) The Magician: Gemini (May 21- June 20) The High Priestess: Cancer (June 21-July 20) The Empress: Taurus (April 21-May 20) The Emperor: Aries (March 21-April 20) The Hierophant: Taurus (April 21-May 20) The Lovers: Gemini (May 21-June 20) The Chariot: Cancer (June 21-July 20) The Strength: Leo (July 21- August 20) The Hermit: Virgo (August 21- September 20) The Wheel of Fortune: Four fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) The Justice: Libra (September 21-October 20) The Hanged Man: Pisces (February 21-March 20) The Death: Scorpio (October 21-November 20) The Temperance: Sagittarius (November 21-December 20) The Devil: Capricorn (December 21-January 20) The Tower: Scorpio and Aries (October 21-November 20) (March 21-April 20) The Star: Aquarius (January 21-February 20) The Moon: Pisces (February 21-March 20) The Sun: Leo (July 21- August 20) The Judgement: Scorpio (October 21-November 20) The World: Capricorn (December 21-January 20) Answer to “When?’’ Question According to Major Arcana Tarot Cards The Fool: When you make a leap of faith The Magician: When you are ready to manifest it The High Priestess: You already know when, trust your instinct The Lovers: When you make a decision The Chariot: Fast moving card / When you are determined The Strength: When you believe in yourself The Hermit: Slow moving card/ After a period of self reflection/solitude The Wheel of Fortune: When the divine timing is ready The Hanged Man: Stagnant, this situation will require your patience. When you change your perspective or surrender and accept. The Temperance: Things may happen slowly. Patience and moderation The Tower: Suddenly, unexpectedly The Star: When you believe The World: When the divine timing is ready Final Words: So what is the best way to predict time with Tarot? Every Tarot reader has a different way of predicting when an event will occur, so there is not a right or wrong way of doing it. As always, intuition is your best tool when it comes to Tarot. Use whichever method feels right for you. Next: Tarot Combinations

  • Composite Moon-Mars Aspects

    Moon-Mars aspects in composite chart are extremely important, because they show how the emotions and passions interact in the relationship. Unlike Synastry, Composite focuses on the different aspects of the relationship itself. Composite Moon shows shared feelings of the partners, as well as what makes the relationship emotionally secure. Composite Mars is the heart of the couple’s energy and how they channel it together pursuing their goals, in their sex life, their temperament, etc. It is always better to analyze both the composite and synastry chart together to get a bigger picture about the relationship. If you are interested, you can read more on Mars Aspects in Synastry: To Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars Interpretations below can also be applied to Davison charts as well. Composite Moon conjunct Mars: This conjunction indicates heightened emotions in the relationship. When the sensitive side of the Moon meets with the fiery passion of the Mars, both partners fuel each other with a lot of primal stimulation. With conjunction, there are usually some similarities in emotional sharing as well. Romantic partners can channel this energy to their sex life, but it also can erupt outside the bedroom. In this case, couple may have aggressive emotional reactions to one another. Even the smallest issues can escalate at a rapid rate if there is no mutual understanding. How the Moon conjunct Mars aspect in a composite chart will manifest itself depends on the general context of the relationship as well as how the partners deal and express their emotions individually. Looking at natal and synastry charts can help to get a better understanding of this dynamic. Even though it can be frustrating at times, this aspect has a lot of potential for growth. When partners learn to listen to each other, debate instead of fight, and work as a team, they can accomplish a lot together. Composite Moon trine/sextile Mars: These aspects indicate that energies between the Moon and Mars flow easier. Heated frictions are less common compared to the opposition/square, which makes it easier for partners to work together and pursue a common goal. It feels enjoyable to be involved with each other- emotionally (Moon) and physically (Mars). Together, partners stimulate each other with passion, growth and adventure. Moon trine/sextile Mars in a composite chart represent a natural chemistry, which doesn’t always have to be in a romantic relationship context. Friendships, partnerships and family connections can all benefit from these aspects. Composite Moon square Mars: With this aspect, couple may struggle with finding a common ground. Composite Moon square Mars is a very passionate yet frustrating aspect, as the shared emotions (Moon) and desires (Mars) are in a clash. What we have here as a result is two people that trigger each other’s impulsivity and anger, even if it is not intentional. There can be a lack of sensitivity and understanding from both partners. With Composite Moon square Mars aspect, energy is intensified like a volcano ready to erupt. Sexual frustration can lead to aggression. Small misunderstanding can build up and turn into resentment. However, there are ways to deal with this tension. What is important here is to address issues with honesty and openness and allow each other to express feelings and desires freely. Composite Moon opposite Mars: How does Moon opposite Mars on a composite chart feel like? On one hand, there is an amazing sexual attraction. On the other, tension is so high that it is extremely hard to hold back when a fight breaks out. It is like a love-hate relationship. Synastry and natal charts can reveal more on how this dynamic will manifest itself. Are both partners naturally fiery/aggressive in their natal charts? If so, this aspect can be very explosive. If one or both partners have a hard time expressing their feelings, resentment can build up in the relationship. In non romantic relationships, these people can challenge and trigger each other constantly. This aspect tends to put competition above cooperation. Composite Moon opposite Mars couple needs a healthy way to manage their emotional reactions. This can mean dialing down the impulsivity and trying to listen to each other more. If both partners are willing to work on their relationship, this can be a long lasting passionate journey. Next: Composite Venus-Pluto Aspects Astrology

  • 10 Tarot Cards That Indicate Cheating

    When love gets confusing, Tarot can reveal a lot about driving motivations, true feelings as well as secrets and infidelity in a relationship. Exposing a liar or a cheater in Tarot requires a bit of a detective work. Some cards are more telling than the others like the Seven of Swords, but most of them are not a clear symbol of cheating, therefore you need a deep understanding of Tarot cards. Another thing to keep in mind is not to fixate on one card alone. Pay attention to combinations and the whole reading in order to understand the situation better. Although uncommon, even the Lovers card can be a sign of cheating in certain readings and situations. When you ask the question “Is my partner cheating on me?’’, the following tarot cards may be a warning sign of some underhanded deeds. 1-Seven of Swords So what does the 7 of Swords represent? Deception, sneakiness and betrayal. This card is most likely a warning that something is going on behind your back and you need to be careful. Seven of Swords is a negative card in its essence, so even when it is paired with traditionally positive cards like the Lovers, it can indicate problems like cheating or lies in the relationship. If you are interested, you can read more about the Lovers and Seven of Swords Tarot Combination here. 2- The Moon The Moon in Tarot symbolizes intuition and emotions, but there is also a dark side: Secrets, confusion and deception. Even though the Moon by itself is not a clear indication of cheating in love readings, it can talk about something being kept in the dark. It is a mysterious and elusive card. Sometimes with the Moon, people can hide their true emotions out of fear or anxiety. So you can get a better understanding about what the Moon is telling you when it is in combination with other cards. Let’s say you asked to Tarot cards whether or not your partner is cheating on you and you received the Moon and Magician reversed. This combination is most likely a sign of deceit and manipulation, as the Magician in reversed shows that their actions are deliberate and selfish. The Moon and Judgement Tarot Combination may talk about someone revealing a secret, or their true feelings. 3- Two of Pentacles Two of Pentacles shows a man juggling two large coins in his hands, trying to find a balance. The act of juggling can represent multiple tasks, decisions, options- and sometimes, multiple love interests. Much depends on the rest of the cards in the reading. For example, there is usually no need to panic when you see Two of Pentacles with Eight of Pentacles- this can mean that your partner is just focused on improving their future prospects, multitasking or making an important choice. On the other hand, Seven of Swords and Two of Pentacles is an entirely different story- this combination can show someone who tries to get away with an affair. 4- The Magician (Upright and Reversed) The Magician in Tarot is a master manifestor. Deception, gaslighting and manipulation are the darker aspects of the Magician, often seen in reversed position. In love readings, upright Magician card has a bad reputation because he can be quite selfish, but it is not always a sign of cheating. If you received the Magician and Devil while asking about your partner’s fidelity- this tarot combination indicates that what they are faithful to is themselves and their desires first- and they are very much capable of lying or cheating to get what they want. With the Magician in reversed, they may be showing you a different face, hiding their ‘’Devil’’ side with trickery. 5- Three of Cups (Reversed) Most of the time, 3 of cups is a card of celebration, friendship and cooperation. Since this card indicates three or more people involved in the situation, it is not very desirable to see 3 of cups in romantic readings, especially when paired with other negative cards. In a relationship context, Three of Cups reversed might represent a third party situation. This meaning is emphasized when it is in combination with the Magician reversed, which indicates that there is lying and manipulation involved. When you ask about whether or not they are cheating on you, Three of Cups reversed and High Priestess can talk about love triangle and secrets. An alternative meaning of the Three of Cups reversed can be someone who doesn’t take things seriously and just wants to have fun. 6- The Justice (Reversed) The Justice in reversed position represents injustice. In a love reading, receiving this card in combination with other negative cards can be a sign of dishonesty and unfairness. And what’s more unfair than cheating? For example, Ten of Swords and Justice in reversed together can be a sign of a betrayal. The Justice card’s motto is: “What goes around will always come back around” - so if they are being unfair to you, you can expect to see karma hitting them back when you receive this card. 7- Three of Swords 3 of Swords is the classic card of heartbreak. There are many things that are heartbreaking, including cheating. That is why I recommend getting a clarification card when you receive Three of Swords. What is this heartbreak about? If you received Three of Swords and Three of Cups (especially in reversed), it can be about a love triangle, or a third party interfering in your relationship. Five of Swords and Three of Swords can be a sign of conflict and deception. 8- The High Priestess (Upright and Reversed) The High Priestess can be a tricky card to interpret. It is the mysterious, intuitive aspect of the feminine. The High Priestess in Tarot rarely reveals the outcome and can leave you with more questions than answers at times. The High Priestess is a woman of secret, and sometimes ‘’the secret woman’’. - especially when paired with other suspicious cards, like the Seven of Swords. When you ask the question ‘’ Is my partner cheating on me?” and you received the High Priestess, what exactly made you suspicious? Is it your intuition? If so, you may be onto something, don’t ignore your gut instinct. 9- The Devil It is no surprise to see the infamous Devil card in this list. This card is all about losing control, negative behaviors and toxic attachments. Although it certainly can be, it is not a clear sign of cheating- therefore more clarification is needed as to what this Devil situation is about. If you asked about your partners fidelity and received the Devil and Seven of Swords, chances are high that they are doing something behind your back and with the Devil, there can be sexual addiction involved. The Devil and Lovers can talk about toxic/karmic patterns in a relationship. This is a very significant combination. If you are interested in learning more about the Devil and Lovers, click here. 10- Ten of Swords 10 of Swords in a love reading indicate backstabbing, agony and painful endings. It can be a strong sign of cheating on its own. Betrayal is strongly emphasized with the Seven of Swords and Ten of Swords. When you asked whether or not your partner is cheating on you and you received Three of Swords with Ten of Swords- the answer is most likely a yes. The good news with the Ten of Swords is that the worst is passing away. If you can see beyond the unpleasantness of this card, you will see that right in the background, sun is rising again. Every ending is a new beginning. Next: Tarot Guide of Twin Flames: 16 Cards That May Surprise You More Tarot Cards Combinations

  • The World and Suit of Wands Tarot Combinations

    Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the World card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card, after the Wands. Ace of Wands and the World: Ace of Wands symbolizes beginnings, and the World completion. So this combination represents a full cycle in your life- something that starts off with excitement and determination reaching a fulfilling conclusion. For example, Ace of Wands and World tarot combination as feelings can show someone who is passionate about taking things to the next level. There is a desire (Ace of Wands) to achieve wholeness (the World). With these cards together in your reading, outcome is most likely good. Is it a yes or a no? Ace of Wands and the World combination is often a yes to success. Two of Wands and the World: Two of Wands shows a man that holds the world in his hands. Combined with the World card next to it- this is most likely a sign of success. Two of Wands can symbolize the planning stage. You may have two options available to you, and the World card as future/outcome shows that you will choose the most fulfilling one. For example, it may be a sign that you are expanding your career. Two of Wands and the World together as feelings can show someone who is waiting and anticipating to reach a satisfying outcome. Both cards also indicate travel. Is it a yes or a no? Two of Wands and the World is most likely a yes if you are asking about expanding your life. Three of Wands and the World: This is a very good combination signifying growth and success, whether it is about your relationships, work, finances or health. Both cards indicate travel, so it can represent overseas opportunities at work, or a long distance relationship in your love life. Three of Wands as feelings show someone who is very focused and optimistic about their future, and the World card is their ultimate goal. This person is waiting for something or someone special and debating their options. In the end, they are getting what they want. Is it a yes or a no? Three of Wands and the World tarot combination is a strong yes to your long term goals, travel and expansion ideas. Four of Wands and the World: First thing that comes to mind with this combination is marriage. With Four of Wands and World together in your reading, you are finding ultimate wholeness in your love life. If you are not asking about love, it can represent celebration and success. You may be laying down your foundations, reuniting with family and friends, having a party- in any case, you are feeling good about your accomplishments. Is it a yes or a no? Four of Wands and the World is a very positive combination, indicating a strong yes to prosperity and wholesome unions. Five of Wands and the World: Five of Wands represents difficulties, competition and disagreements. Thankfully, the World card next to it in outcome/future position is a good sign that this situation is coming to a peaceful conclusion. When you draw these cards, you may be exhausted and frustrated of fighting for something, but the World shows that you are achieving what you want. Five of Wands and the World combination as feelings of someone can show an internal conflict, or an argument between the two of you. Alternatively, there may be a lot of people competing with each other or a third-party interfering in this connection. In any case, the World as the next card shows that in the end, this difficult chapter is closing. Is it a yes or a no? Five of Wands and World is a yes to success, but not without a fight. There are some obstacles you need to go through before you achieve what you desire. Six of Wands and the World: Victory is at hand, the world is your oyster! This favorable combination is good news in anything you’ve been working on to achieve. It is also a sign of fame and good reputation. Six of Wands and World as feelings can symbolize a desire to conquer one’s love. Keep in mind that they have a lot of passion, but also pride. Is it a yes or a no? Six of Wands and the World tarot combination is a strong yes to victory. Congratulations! Seven of Wands and the World: If the Seven of Wands represents you, it shows that you are standing your ground, ready to take on the challenges. Good news is that you are at an advantage, and with the World card as the outcome/future position- you are achieving success in the end. With the Seven of Wands, you can expect arguments, competition and obstacles. Don’t let other people’s opinions discourage you. Seven of Wands as feelings can show someone who is fighting for what they believe is right. In love readings, it can signify challenges or competing for love. The World next to it is a good sign that peace and wholeness is coming. Is it a yes or a no? Seven of Wands and the World suggests a yes to a desirable outcome, but you will have to stand your ground and fight. Eight of Wands and the World: This tarot combination represents that you are on a fast track to success. If you are asking about the timing, Eight of Wands suggests that it is all happening very fast- possibly in matter of days. It can also symbolize fast communication about a good news, or travel. In love readings, you can expect someone reaching out to you or confessing their feelings with the Eight of Wands and the World. Is it a yes or a no? Eight of Wands and the World is a clear yes to a desirable outcome, and it may happen very soon. Nine of Wands and the World: Nine of Wands can indicate that dealing with delays and obstacles has left you exhausted. You want a resolve and a peace of mind, and the good news is that with the World card as outcome- you are getting it. When you draw Nine of Wands and World together- don’t lose your courage. Persistence will lead to success. Take care of your energy levels, don’t let negative people drain you. Is it a yes or a no? Nine of Wands and the World is a yes to a successful outcome, but you need to be willing to keep going no matter the obstacles you face. Ten of Wands and the World: Ten of Wands indicates that you are overwhelmed with work, problems or stress- you may be taking on extra responsibility and it is leaving you exhausted. But you are close to the finish line- the next card in your reading, the World in future/outcome position suggests that your hard work is going to pay off in the end. Don’t overwork yourself too much if you feel like you can’t take on more. Ten of Wands and World as feelings can show someone who feel like they are carrying the world on their shoulders. They have an important goal and they want to reach it no matter what. Is it a yes or a no? Ten of Wands and the World is a yes to a successful completion. But this is an overwhelming process, so you need to take care of yourself. Page of Wands and the World: Page of Wands is a card of youthful enthusiasm. Paired with the World, it can show your desire to expand and grow in life. Perhaps you are thinking of travelling, starting a new business or a relationship. Desired outcome is going to manifest in the end for you- but be mindful of not acting too impulsively. Page of Wands can also be a sign of receiving good news. As feelings, Page of Wands and the World shows a lot of passion and curiosity. If it represents a person, Page of Wands can be interpreted as someone with Fire Sign qualities (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). This person is very energetic and youthful. Knight of Wands and the World: Knight of Wands is the card of action. If it represents you or your situation, it can indicate that you feel very passionate and determined to reach your goal. The World card next to it is a strong sign that you will be successful in the end. Just be mindful of not acting too hastily. Knight of Wands and the World can also represent an exciting travel opportunity. In love readings, Knight of Wands and the World can represent someone who is passionately coming towards you. Knight of Wands as feelings are passionate as well, but they may lose interest quickly. If it represents a person, Knight of Wands can be interpreted as someone with Fire Sign qualities (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). They are very ambitious, social and adventurous. Queen of Wands and the World: If the Queen of Wands represents you, it shows your ambition and courage. With the World tarot card next to it- you are ready to take on the world, filled with big dreams and opportunities. Both these cards have positive energies for growth, the outcome will most likely be successful for you. You may be taking on a leadership role as well. If it represents a person in your life, Queen of Wands can be interpreted as someone with Fire Sign qualities (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). This person is very vivacious, confident and passionate. In its negative manifestation, Queen of Wands is dramatic, bossy and egotistical. King of Wands and the World: King of Wands is a powerful leader. It is fiery masculine energy. King of Wands and the World in your reading shows that you are reaching a successful and fulfilling outcome through your own willpower and determination. You need to act decisively and take control of your direction. If it represents a person in your life, King of Wands can be interpreted as someone with Fire Sign qualities (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). In its positive manifestation, King of Wands is a loyal, generous and passionate person. On the downside, he can be selfish, controlling and impulsive. You may also be interested in: The World Tarot Combinations with All Major Arcana Cards Suit of Wands Tarot Cards Meanings: Upright and Reversed More Tarot Combinations Home

  • 9 Most Difficult Aspects in a Natal Chart

    If the birth chart is the map of our life, natal aspects can show us our strengths and weaknesses, so we can gain a better understanding of ourselves. While aspects such as sextiles and trines grant us harmony and flow- harsh aspects like squares and opposition can indicate what we are struggling with, and how we can work with them. Aspects can have a good and a bad side. For example, while a generally positive aspect such as natal Jupiter conjunct Moon manifests itself with expansive generosity and optimism, they may also do have a tendency to do things in excess. Therefore a difficult aspect in a birth chart is not a curse and it can always be healed and transformed. For example, there is usually a karmic lesson to be learned with heavy Saturn aspects. Once the lesson is learned, heavy burdens can be shifted to mentality of purpose. We can’t avoid life lessons, but we can do our best to change our mentality. And lastly, since we are talking about hardest aspects in a natal chart, I will only include negative manifestations of these aspects here. Also keep in mind that they are not written in a particular order. 1- Natal Mercury square Neptune ''Psychic or delusional'' Mercury square Neptune aspect in a natal chart can indicate memory, communication and education problems. Concentration can be a big issue as their mind seem to constantly wander into the Neptunian fantasies. Sometimes, they can even do this as a coping mechanism to escape from uncomfortable burden of reality. Even simple tasks and instructions can sometimes be overwhelming for this natal aspect- not because they lack intelligence, but because of the brain fog that this aspect indicates. Lies can be another method of escape for Neptune square Mercury. They may often resort to lying in order to escape confrontation, criticism and responsibility in their lives. People with this aspect tend to side with abstract ideas rather than common logic- which gives them a very strange and unique perspective but on the other hand, their thinking can be quite unrealistic and distorted when it comes to practical matters. Square between Mercury and Neptune adds a lot of confusion and stress to the mind. It can also cause strain in their relationships as they are prone to deception and misunderstandings. 2- Natal Sun square Moon ''The Self Saboteur'' It is hard for the Sun square Moon to find a peace of mind- not so much due to the external circumstances, but because of their constant internal conflict. Even the simplest decision can be an exhausting process of constantly going back and forth, doubting their abilities. Insecurities make it hard for them to believe in themselves and trust others. Affects of this aspect can often traced back to a dysfunctional or intense early life. Father (Sun) and mother (Moon) of these people often clash instead of working as a team. As a result, natal Sun square Moon people subconsciously integrate their parents behaviors as their own inner voice. Natal Sun square Moon is also hard on their relationships, as it puts a tension between the individual’s ego and their emotional needs. These people can be very emotionally reactive and defensive when they feel hurt or vulnerable. 3- Natal Chiron conjunct Ascendant “Never good enough” Chiron in astrology represents our core wounds and pain. What makes this a hard aspect is that when it is in conjunction with the Ascendant (aka outward persona), Chiron pain becomes the most noticeable. With natal Chiron conjunct Ascendant, there is a deep rooted insecurity that causes them pain. They don’t feel attractive enough, confident enough or successful enough, so they find it hard to express themselves to the world. Early lives of these people are often painful in some way. They may be bullied during childhood or felt rejected and put down. In some cases, pain was integrated if mother had a difficult birth. However, this is not a curse- Chiron is also the healer. Natal Chiron conjunct Ascendant wound can be resolved if the individual works on healing their ego and learn to love themselves. 4- Natal Pluto on IC IC is one of the most sensitive points in a natal chart- which signifies a person’s inner world, as well as home, parents and heritage. Being born with a heavy planet such as Pluto on IC often represents a difficult/traumatic upbringing. Growing up, home was an intense and unsafe place. There may be power struggles with family or between the parents. Financial loss, death or family secrets may also be the case. Whatever the case is, this placement indicates that a feeling of powerlessness and abandonment was imbued to the Pluto on IC person, which probably forced them to grow up too fast. As an adult, natal Pluto on IC may perceive concepts of home and family threatening, which can affect their relationships. These people are feeling a Plutonic transformation at their core, they are always looking for a deeper understanding of their roots and the past. They may often choose to keep their IC matters private. 5- Natal Moon opposite Saturn / Natal Moon square Saturn These natal aspects indicate a pessimistic view of the world, which can often be traced to a difficult early childhood. Growing up, Moon square/opposite Saturn people often didn’t receive unconditional love and emotional nourishment they need. One or both of the parental figures (especially the father) may be critical, distant and controlling, but it is not always the case. Perhaps the family struggled with their finances, or the child had to take care of others. As an adult, these people struggle with allowing themselves to feel and express their emotions fully. With Moon opposite/square Saturn, there can be patterns of depression, fear of rejection and self loathing. 6- Natal Venus square Saturn / Natal Venus inconjunct Saturn / Natal Venus opposite Saturn ''Love is hard'' Venus square/inconjunct/opposite Saturn generally indicate blockages and limitations to natal Venus energy- mostly going on in the subconscious level. What makes these aspects one of the most difficult to work with is that they are associated with low self worth. Deep down, these people may feel that no matter how hard they work, they are never quite satisfied with their love life or money they earn. Compromise is also hard with these aspects. They tend to have high expectations from themselves and their relationships, so there can be a lot of criticism. Love is freely given, it is unconditional- but these people may feel that they have to work for love, or there is always a burden/cost that comes with being in love. As an adult with Venus square/opposite/inconjunct Saturn, they may may take on more obligations than they should in relationships. Due to a fear of rejection, they may choose to be lonely at times. 7- Natal Mars square Uranus ''The Trouble Maker'' Those who were born with Mars square Uranus aspect can often struggle with temper and impulse control, which can put them in potentially dangerous situations if they can’t keep their explosive energy in check. These people are unique and energetic thrill seekers, and they can’t stand anything that restricts their personal freedom- conformity, rules, compromise, etc. This gives them a rebellious strike. Their sexual energy can be scattered and explosive. Sometimes, natal Mars square Uranus people can take such drastic actions without giving too much thought on consequences for themselves and others. That’s why this aspect is also known as being ‘’accident prone’’. 8- Natal Moon square Pluto / Natal Moon opposite Pluto These aspects often manifests itself as intense and destructive emotions. In their personal relationships, these people can come across reactive, domineering and manipulative. With those who were born with natal Moon square/opposite Pluto, there can be an obsessive focus on accumulating power. Mood swings are common, especially with natal Moon opposite Pluto. There can be recurring episodes of depression and inner rage. Source of these subconscious patterns can be traced back to a difficult/ traumatic early life. People with these natal aspects may have experienced intense power struggles as a child, perhaps with their parental figures (especially the mother). Since everything is felt on an extreme, they can be easily hurt. Betrayal is the achilles’ heel of Moon square/opposite Pluto. When they experience a real or perceived betrayal, they may choose to shut themselves off from others and struggle with trusting again. 9- Natal Sun square Saturn / Natal Sun opposite Saturn ''One's own harshest critic'' These aspects make it hard to find optimism and confidence within, because they put so much burden on themselves. Those who were born with Sun square/opposite Saturn aspect in their natal chart can be extremely critical of themselves and others, due to their high expectations. In their early and adult life, they are usually faced with a lot of challenges and obstacles, so they seem to put more effort than others in order to succeed in life. This can be very frustrating- like the world is against them. But luckily, these people are very determined, so they hardly give up. For some people, natal Sun square / opposite Saturn can manifest itself as low self esteem due to difficulties in childhood (especially with the father). Later on, they may also experience clashes with authority figures. For more Astrology articles, click here Return to: Home

  • The Death and Moon Tarot Combination in Love, Work, Money, Health & More

    The Death and Moon Tarot Combination in Astrology The Death is associated with Scorpio zodiac sign, which is ruled by Pluto. In astrology, Pluto is the planet of transformation- therefore the Death tarot card is not just a definitive ending, it is a cycle of rebirth. Pisces zodiac sign is symbolized by the Moon card, as both energies represent subconscious realm, emotions and sensitivity. Scorpio and Pisces energies coming together in your tarot reading suggests that something is triggering you to uncover deep emotions that you repress and reject from your conscious mind. The Death and Moon Tarot Combination in Numerology The Death card is the 13th Major Arcana. As we all know, number 13 is popularly synonymous with bad omen. In actuality, it is no more or less lucky than any other number. This superstitious belief aside, in numerology number 13 represents cycle of rebirth and transformation. The Moon tarot card is number 18, which holds the energies of 1 (beginning) and 8 (transformation) according to numerology. Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Death as the first card and the Moon as the second or ''the outcome'' card. General Meaning of the Death and Moon Tarot Combination The Death and Moon together symbolizes a very significant transition in your life. Starting with the Death- arguably one of the most ‘’scary’’ and misunderstood card of Tarot. This card often shows up when there is an ending to something that no longer serves us. This is no longer a time to cling to the old ways- the Death tells us that a new beginning must emerge from the ashes. Yes, the Death most likely represents a difficult period in your life, and it is a fatalistic card- but as there is a dawn after every dusk, there is always a new birth after death. Next card in your reading, the Moon shows an emotionally delicate time after the Death situation- there can be a lot of confusion, fear and pain involved during this time. With its cyclic nature, the Moon is associated with emotional phases. The Moon card in this combination is like the dark night of the soul. The Death card features a gloomy sunset behind the skeleton knight and the pale horse, signaling the arrival of the night. This is the moment when the Sun is yet to rise, and things are barely clear under the Moon’s light. Together, the Death and Moon is a transformation on the deepest level- it is your shadow work. Before the symbolical Sun rises, and you begin your new chapter, this phase is taking you to the underbelly of your emotions, so you can free yourself from the shadows of the past and move towards acceptance. The Death and Moon Tarot Combination in Love With the Death card, you are turning the page to the next chapter of your life- but there is a difficult, yet necessary ending you need to deal with first. The Death card in love readings often symbolizes break ups, but it is not always the case. This is a time when relationships go through a period of transformation. Some relationships survive through these fundamental changes, some don’t. Another meaning of the Death is the ending of an old way of life. If you are single for example, this may change with the Death card. The Moon card after Death emphasizes the moment before a new beginning arrives. Whatever the Death represents for you, this situation is bringing a surge of emotions to the surface with the Moon. During this time, there may be some difficult things you need to accept and let go. You may feel confused, afraid and uncertain about your connection. Your dreams and intuition may be giving you signals- don’t ignore them. With the Moon card, there is also a theme of something being kept in the dark. So in some cases, it can represent repressed emotions, denial, secrets or affair. The Death and Moon tarot combination as someone’s feelings suggest that this person is going through an internal transformation and as a result, they are dealing with a lot of turbulent emotions. With the Moon, they may choose to keep their feelings to themselves until they are ready. Alternatively, there can be a psychic connection with the Moon. The Death and Moon Tarot Combination in Work and Money The Death card often represents a metaphorical ‘’death’’ situation in your work and finances. You may be quitting your job, going through a financial loss, or perhaps you are just leaving an old mindset. Whatever the case is, the Death situation may seem inevitable and painful, but it always heralds a new beginning. The Moon as the next card shows that you are going through difficult emotions as a result of this ending. If you are still clinging to the past, this is a time to cut your losses and move on. The Death and Moon together can be a message of caution if you are in denial about your practical matters, or if you are choosing to escape from the reality due to fear or doubt. Alternatively with the Moon, things may be kept hidden from you. Trust your gut if something doesn’t feel right. Be careful about contracts and big decisions at this time. The Death and Moon Tarot Combination in Health Don’t panic when you see this card- The Death very rarely symbolizes a literal death scenario. It can rather be about a difficult internal or external situation in your life that is affecting your health. With the Moon card in your reading, there can be denial, confusion or neglect towards your health. It is important that you nourish your mental and emotional wellbeing during this ‘’Death’’ period. Reduce stress and prioritize self care. Alternatively, the Moon card is associated with menstrual cycles and fertility. If you feel unwell, don’t ignore your symptoms. Next: The Moon and Judgement Tarot Combination Tarot Cards Meanings: Upright and Reversed Tarot Combinations

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