AQUARIUS 2023 Tarot Predictions: Abundance in Home&Family

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

1st house: Self, Beginnings, Approach to Life

Tarot Card: Ten of Wands

Dear Aquarius, it seems that the past few years had been quite busy and stressful for most of you. You had been pushing yourself to the limits to reach a goal. It could also represent an emotional burden you had been carrying for a long time.

Fortunately, Ten of Wands shows that you are reaching a completion sometime during 2023.

Until then, try not to take too much on your plate. You can share some of your responsibilities or ask for help. Let go of the things that make you feel down. Perhaps focusing on a healthier work-life balance is what you need.

2nd house: Money, Values, Possessions

Tarot Card: Knight of Pentacles

If you want to significantly improve your financial situation in 2023, Knight of Pentacles advises you to focus on better managing your three most important resources- your time, money and energy.

If you are selling yourself short, it is also time to work on building your self worth.

Financially, you will have to do the hard work to see the results you are looking for. Things may move slow so patience is necessary.

It is also good to stick with the tried and true methods of making money this year, so no cutting corners.

3rd house: Communication, Thoughts, Education, Activity

Tarot Card: Two of Wands

You are going to be expanding your mind and personal interests in 2023, as well as your environment. This can be a sign of more travel or communication for some!

Expect more interactions with siblings, neighbors, coworkers, relatives, and peers.

It will also be easier and more enjoyable to express yourself.

4th house: Home, Family, Foundations

Tarot Card: The Empress

Your domestic life is blossoming in 2023 dear Aquarius. The Empress energy can manifest itself in various scenarios. This could mean buying a house, renovating your home, better living with a roommate or a partner, building a family, a new relationship, harmony within family relationships- there are many possibilities!

You may also choose to spend more time at home or with your family. Anything that makes you feel more safe and secure.

5th house: Pleasure, Happiness, Love, Children, Creativity

Tarot Card: Ace of Cups

Your emotional cup is overflowing! This means more intuition, compassion, love and creativity in 2023.

It is very likely to experience a new love with the Ace of Cups. Existing relationships also get deeper and more loving.

Otherwise, now is the perfect time to manifest your desire. The more you choose to open your heart to unconditional love, the more you shall receive. Follow your inspirations, imagination and intuition.

If you like someone, say it. If you want to go on an adventure, do it. If you want to make art, create!

6th house: Health, Habits, Work, Service, Daily Routine

Tarot Card: Hanged Man

Aquarius, you will have an opportunity to shift your old habits and perspectives drastically in 2023.

This change will liberate you from the things that make you feel stuck- work, unhealthy habits, responsibilities, etc. And you will see that things will start flowing easier in your daily life.

But for that to happen, you will need a lot of patience, strength, discipline and adjustment.

But most importantly, you need to be aware of what you need to change.

So, in 2023, ask yourself- What is draining your energy in your day-to-day life? Is it a mindset? What can you change about it?

7th house: Relationships, Partnerships, Marriage

Tarot Card: Six of Pentacles

Expect more generosity in your relationships in 2023. This can be an offer of love, financial support, or collaboration. You may also feel more charitable and supportive to your loved ones.

Most of you who are single are looking for something deep and meaningful in your connections this year- especially if you didn’t have reciprocity in your past relationships.

This card also advise you to express your feelings more.

8th house: Sex, Death, Rebirth, Merging, Assets

Tarot Card: Eight of Swords

A deep transformation of your innermost self is possible in 2023.

If you allow yourself to change, you will be liberating yourself from your self-imposed mind prison.

This prison might have different name for everyone: Anxiety, overthinking, insecurity, fear, or shame. You may also discover something you didn’t know about yourself.

Your mind is a very powerful tool. It can help you reach your wildest dreams or lock you in the depths of misery. With your thoughts, you can create your reality. So, pay attention to your thoughts, which path are they taking you? This way you can figure out negative belief systems and thinking patterns you imposed on yourself and eliminate them in order to create a more loving and joyous life.

9th house: Education, Travel, Philosophy, Higher Learning

Tarot Card: The Hermit

You are going to be taking an inner journey this year dear Aquarius.

As one of the most spiritual cards of the deck, the Hermit signals a time of soul searching for you. If you are looking for a deeper meaning in life, best place to start is within you.

Declutter your life from things that don’t serve a purpose, to allow more room to create and grow. Explore different philosophies. Access your inner wisdom. Trust your instincts.

Alternatively, some of you may be Intensely focusing on your education in 2023.

10th house: Career, Reputation, Goals, Public Image

Tarot Card: Temperance

Temperance card symbolizes the importance of moderation- so first advice here is a careful and steady approach in your professional life. So, no risky career moves!

Instead of and all or nothing strategy, choose the middle ground.

You are seeking more balance in your work life, so you may experiment until you find it. For example, some of you may go for a different career path or multiple jobs.

However, keep in mind that this is a slow card. It doesn’t mean that you won’t have any changes in 2023- you just need to be patient.

11th house: Friendships, Companions, Social life, Wishes, Technology

Tarot Card: Page of Swords

You are a naturally curious person. But this year, you will be hungry for new experiences, social connections, and information.

Life may feel like an intellectual quest in 2023: You are interacting with the world in a faster pace. More communication, more idea, more decisions, etc.

A new friendship is also likely during this time, possibly with a fellow Air Sign.

12th house: Transcendence, Karma, Hidden challenges, Healing, Subconscious

Tarot Card: The Devil

On a subconscious level, you are going to feel an urge to confront some of your demons this year dear Aquarius.

This can be anything that has a negative influence on your psyche: Addictions, fears, unhealthy attachments or behaviors, etc.

It can be scary and uncomfortable at first- but if you choose to liberate yourself from those chains, you will be raising your frequency.

Wishing you a wonderful new year!

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