1st house: Self, Beginnings, Approach to Life
Tarot Card: Two of Swords
Dear Aries, I see that the past few years had been an uphill battle for some of you. Challenges tested your perseverance time and time again. You had to let go of some things in order to move on. This could be a toxic relationship, a financial loss that you had to deal with, or just leaving your comfort zone.
In any case, this situation has left you stressed and confused. Some of you are still stuck in this cycle of overthinking, waiting for things to change. But the change starts with YOU.
Good news is that you are finally completing this rough cycle. What is the best way to move forward? Making a conscious decision to let go of the past.
Aries, this is not a year that you should just sit around and wait for things. Tap into your natural fire energy to make the change happen. Sometimes, any action is better than no action.
2nd house: Money, Values, Possessions
Tarot Card: Page of Pentacles
If you had been struggling the past few years, 2023 is offering interesting financial developments, Aries.
With Page of Pentacles, expect to see more growth in your income and finances. If you had been diligently working towards a goal, you will start seeing fruits of it.
Some of you are also starting a new project, education or perhaps a side hustle. If not, exploring new sources of income can be a way for you to upgrade your finances.
3rd house: Communication, Thoughts, Education, Activity
Tarot Card: Queen of Cups
During next year, your mental energy turns inwards and you are focusing on your emotional well being as well as inner strength and goals.
If you had been going through a loss or a heartbreak, like your 1st house reading suggests, this especially makes sense.
In 2023, it will serve you to focus on developing healthy boundaries dear Aries. When you love, you love them wholeheartedly. But it doesn’t mean you should be responsible for taking their emotional baggage.
2023 seems to start with a lot of introspection for you. Don’t expect things to be moving fast at first- take your time to contemplate on your feelings.
4th house: Home, Family, Foundations
Tarot Cards: 2 of Wands and the Moon
You are making big changes concerning your foundations in 2023.
With 2 of Wands energy, you are leveling up your foundations. Some of you may be moving to a new place, getting married, or building a family.
I clarified 2 of Wands with the Moon- which is not a very positive card. For some, this could mean problems in the family or home (especially with mother). Some ups and downs are also expected with this card.
In any case, 2 of Wands is a good sign that you are choosing to move out of your comfort zone and improve your life. You are going to be successful if you have a clear vision- despite the challenges.
5th house: Pleasure, Happiness, Love, Children, Creativity
Tarot card: The Fool
The Fool is an amazing energy to receive in your 5th house.
Your 1st and 3rd house indicated that some of you are still struggling with letting go of the past. Well, the Fool shows us that this is all about to change.
In 2023, you will have a lot opportunities to meet new people, have exciting adventures, and perhaps start a fresh new relationship. For some, it can also mean marriage and children, as your 4th house suggested.
All this and more are possible, provided that you open yourself for new experiences.
6th house: Health, Habits, Work, Service, Daily Routine
Tarot Card: Four of Pentacles
General daily life for Aries in 2023 seems to start with off slow, but you are going to be building a momentum slowly.
Don’t expect things to be moving fast at first- take your time to contemplate on your plan.
4th of Pentacles suggests that you are really focusing on saving money and building security in your daily life. This is a good time to examine your relationship with money. Don’t get yourself in a lot of debt. But if you are too conservative with your money, you should let yourself enjoy your life a little more.
7th house: Relationships, Partnerships, Marriage
Tarot card: Page of Swords
2023 is a year of new relationships, new partnerships and communication for you.
For existing relationships, Page of Swords can represent taking things to the next level.
When it comes to partnerships, you are ready to move on to the next phase, but sometimes too fast too soon. This rapid progress in your life is fun and exciting- but make sure you are not making a hasty decision.
8th house: Sex, Death, Rebirth, Merging, Assets
Tarot Card: Ace of Cups
As the Ace of Cups enters your 8th house in 2023, there is a lot of potential for deep personal transformation.
You are being encouraged to open your heart and awaken the natural flow of life energy into your heart. Don’t be afraid to explore your deepest emotions.
For some of you, the Ace of Cups can represent an offer of love. Since the cup resembles a womb, it can also herald childbirth, fertility and pregnancy.
9th house: Education, Travel, Philosophy, Higher Learning
Tarot Card: Eight of Wands
So far your reading concentrated on building momentum. Well, 8th of Wands is all about things speeding up!
Rapid and exciting changes are unfolding, both internally and externally. 2023 is going to be a busy year- but as long as you stay on track, you are going to progress.
So instead of fear and worry, let your dreams and creative energy be the fuel to propel you forward to your goals.
Expect accelerated growth during the second half of 2023. If moving abroad or a work travel was in your plans, it is happening.
10th house: Career, Reputation, Goals, Public Image
Tarot Card: King of Wands
This is an amazing year to start working on your vision and career goals.
Don’t be afraid to initiate, guide and lead- You are an Aries after all!
You may also receive help and support from someone with King of Wands traits.
Overall, this is a great time to explore new venues, creative ideas and start a new business.
The only downside would be if your energy is scattered, hasty and impulsive. Don’t forget- determination and discipline will get you results this year.
11th house: Friendships, Companions, Social life, Wishes, Technology
Tarot Card: Six of Wands
Expect your existing friendships to change and evolve in 2023. It is also very likely that some of you will make important new connections this year that will help you succeed in life.
Networking can bring amazing opportunities.
12th house: Transcendence, Karma, Hidden challenges, Healing, Subconscious
Tarot Card: Three of Cups
If you spend 2023 working on yourself and expanding your life rather than being stuck in the past- you will find a lot of compassion, joy and love to be shared.
Life may get hectic at times, but don’t forget to celebrate each and every accomplishment.
If you feel lonely, being more open hearted to new connections and giving to those in need are great ways to introduce harmony back in your life.
Wishing you a wonderful new year!
