1st house: Self, Beginnings, Approach to Life
Tarot Card: The Emperor
Dear Taurus, most of you will feel compelled to make some long-term changes during 2023. After a rough couple of years- you are going to be dedicated to building stronger foundations- whatever that means for you. This could be about changing your career path, creating new sources of income, making some investments, building a family or starting a new project.
The Emperor energy in your 1st house will also give you a stronger need for self-reliance and control in your life.
Alternatively, you might also receive support from someone with strong initiative and confidence- possibly an Aries.
2nd house: Money, Values, Possessions
Tarot Card: Ace of Pentacles
2023 will be a great year for fresh starts. New job opportunities, growing wealth, successful launch of a new business, security and stability, you name it.
Keep in mind that the Ace of Pentacles symbolizes potential. It will be mostly up to you to attract and manifest abundance to your life.
What this means that you should not lose hope if you got delayed or failed in the past. Whatever disappointed you, it is a part of the process. How you approach to this obstacle will determine whether or not you will overcome it. Don’t let your fears and worries be your compass. You have the power to make this your year.
3rd house: Communication, Thoughts, Education, Activity
Tarot Card: Eight of Wands
There will be a lot of fast communication happening this year. Some of you might reach out to a person from the past, or you may want to make new social connections.
Also you will feel more mentally energized and full of ideas.
‘Going with the flow’ perfectly applies here. This card implies that the forces has already been set in motion, and the best course of action is to quit resisting and enjoy the journey. So instead of fear and worry, let your dreams and creative energy be the fuel to propel you forward to your goals.
4th house: Home, Family, Foundations
Tarot Card: 6 of pentacles
Most of you will feel more secure and supported in your home and private life. Family and loved ones can extend a lot of generosity in 2023.
Speaking of generosity- you will greatly benefit from helping and sharing this year dear Taurus. Sharing your love, knowledge and positivity will open your heart to receive much more abundance in return.
5th house: Pleasure, Happiness, Love, Children, Creativity
Tarot Card: The Sun
The Sun is at home in 5th house- which means that it will be very beneficial for you to focus on the things that brings you happiness.
Future is looking sunny! The Sun card brings abundance and pleasure to you this year. You will build confidence and optimism to pursue your goals.
Even if you were blocked by difficult circumstances in the past, you now have a new freedom to choose what’s best for you. Speaking of freedom- your self expression and independence will be extremely important to you this year.
Alternatively, it can represent pregnancy and children for some of you.
6th house: Health, Habits, Work, Service, Daily Routine
Tarot Card: Knight of Wands
You are hungering for new experiences and beginnings in your daily life. Any small change that you do this year can lead to significant changes.
Some of you will have an opportunity to focus on health goals and healing self image issues in 2023.
“Act now, think later.’’ attitude is not going to be beneficial for you this year- so make sure you are avoiding hasty decisions and unnecessary risks.
You may also have a tendency to over exert yourself at times, or escape your responsibilities when things get too dull- so make sure you find a work-life balance that suits you.
7th house: Relationships, Partnerships, Marriage
Tarot Card: Six of swords and Six of cups
Are you having a difficult time letting go of your past? Do you feel alone? Then this year, it may be time for you to focus on yourself before you give your love to others. Perhaps you need to work on your boundaries. A shift in your mindset can also help you feel more liberated.
If you are already in a fulfilling relationship- there is no need to worry. With the Six of Cups, existing relationships get sweeter, deeper and more harmonious.
A romantic connection or business partner from the past may knock your door in 2023.
8th house: Sex, Death, Rebirth, Merging, Assets
Tarot Card: The Chariot
As the rest of your reading suggests, you are set on making major life changes this year, Taurus.
This could be a new relationship, paying off your debts, making an investment or commitment.
The Chariot in your 8th house is all about self power and inner control. The road ahead may be long and rough, but success is at your reach. When you encounter problems, remember that you are the solution. The more you overcome, the more you will become confident in yourself.
9th house: Education, Travel, Philosophy, Higher Learning
Tarot Card: The High Priestess
2023 is a year where you will want to enrich your life with depth and meaning.
Some of you may have a spiritual awakening. Others may focus on purging old beliefs that no longer work for you. You may also have an increased interest in psychology, occult, astrology, philosophy, etc.
The High Priestess can also indicate some hidden elements in your life that you might discover.
If you don’t want to do any soul searching, that is fine too. Take some time to rest and reflect when you feel lost or confused (especially around September- October 2023).
10th house: Career, Reputation, Goals, Public Image
Tarot Card: 10 of Wands
There is a chance to level up your career and reputation, provided that you work hard for it.
For those of you who had been working hard on a specific career goal, 2023 is a time where you are reaping the rewards.
If you haven’t found your calling yet, there are opportunities for you to discover new connections and opportunities in your professional life.
Unfortunately, some of you might also need to come to terms with some delays and setbacks.
If you feel overloaded with work and responsibilities, it may be time to clear some space for yourself and make sure you are not accepting additional workload unless it is important.
11th house: Friendships, Companions, Social life, Wishes, Technology
Tarot Card: 7 of Wands
There can be some added stress and tension to your friendships for some of you in 2023. You may feel undervalued and resentful because of your friends, colleagues or society itself.
As a result, you may be taking a defensive stance. The reason for this could be an argument, clashing views or competition. Perhaps this is a time you just feel restrained by social demands.
On a positive, note, if things are not working for you- this time can help you come out of your shell and seek more like minded individuals.
12th house: Transcendence, Karma, Hidden challenges, Healing, Subconscious
Tarot Card:Ace of Cups
There will be a subconscious urge to show yourself some unconditional love and own your worth.
Overall, you may feel more compassionate, sensitive and reflective this year- especially during the second half.
Your dreams and creativity are also going to be enriched.
As you continue to awaken to a more loving version of yourself, always be open hearted to give and receive compassion.
Wishing you a wonderful new year!
