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The KING OF WANDS Tarot Combinations with Major Arcana Cards

Note: Meaning behind the tarot combinations greatly differ based on the order of the cards you receive. These interpretations are written for when you receive the King of Wands card as the ‘’clarifying’’ or the ‘’outcome’’ card.

The KING OF WANDS Tarot Combinations with Major Arcana Cards

The Fool and King of Wands:

A courageous leap of faith leads to your success and desires. Whatever it is you are dealing with, both cards indicate a “let’s hope for the best and see where this road goes’’ attitude. This is a great start, but don’t forget that there is some serious hard work ahead with the King of Wands.

The Magician and King of Wands:

There is a strong emphasis on your willpower and bravery in getting what you desire. Now it is time to set your fears aside and take the action. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion- you are encouraged to be more assertive. New beginnings are coming. Both the Magician and King of Wands in love readings can indicate a passionate and charismatic person who knows exactly what they want- and they are not afraid to chase after it, but they can be too egotistical or bossy.

The High Priestess and King of Wands:

There are various interpretations here. With the High Priestess, there are subconscious feelings or hidden knowledge involved. There is no action- instead your attention is drawn to your intuition. The King of Wands is someone who goes after what they want with a clear vision. Therefore, this combination can represent a need for emotional clarity or advice. Whatever it is you are dealing with, instead of rushing into it- listen to your gut, gather information and form a clear vision before

you act. As feelings, the High Priestess and King of

Wands together can represent someone who is ready to take the next step or reveal their secrets.

The Empress and King of Wands:

There is an emphasis on growth here. If you had been in a stalemate, this combination indicates that there is going to be a lot of positive action in your future. Don’t hesitate to express yourself, manifest your passion, be creative and take the lead. The Empress and King of Wands in love represents complimentary feminine and masculine energies, there is a lot of passion and chase with this connection.

The Emperor and King of Wands:

This is an excellent combination especially for work and money readings. Step by step, you are building solid foundations for your future. You are the leading character in this situation. If you don’t resonate this energy, it is time to set your fears and worries aside and start working towards your goals. It is rare to see the Emperor and King of Wands combination in a bad light- However, in some cases, they can represent a bossy, rigid and controlling person in your reading.

The Hierophant and King of Wands:

The desired outcome is probably going to depend on how you act, and how persistent you are. The Hierophant shows that it is probably best if you stay on the conventional path, rather than trying out of the box ideas. On the other hand, the King of Wands can show someone who is trying to rebel against the rules. The Hierophant and King of Wands together can also represent passionate devotion and commitment- to a religion, education or perhaps marriage.

The Lovers and King of Wands:

This combination is bursting with desire and growth. It is time to be bold and act with courage towards whatever it is you wish for. If you are stuck in an indecision, trust yourself.

This doesn’t mean you should be impulsive- just follow your vision with a plan. The Lovers and King of Wands in love readings can show a new beginning.

The Chariot and King of Wands:

There is a lot of action and movement energy here, things are probably moving fast- perhaps you may even travel. Your willpower and determination play a major role in this, you may encounter some obstacles in your journey but if you stay persistent, you will succeed. Self-control is the key to your growth and success. In some cases, the Chariot and King of Wands can show a passionate but impulsive or selfish person.

The Strength and King of Wands:

This combination points to the fire within you- your desires, motivation, your drive. It is time to make this fire manifest into the world. Get into your King of Wands energy- Bold, direct and passionate. In love, the Strength and King of Wands can indicate a person who is bursting with emotions and ready to take the next step. With these cards in future position, there is likely going to be a lot of growth happening in your life, and fast.

The Hermit and King of Wands:

When the Hermit moves into the King of Wands energy, a long contemplation period turns into rapid action. You may have been patiently waiting for things to change, and with the King of Wands, you are ready to manifest it. And before you are going after your desired outcome, make sure that you have a solid plan. The Hermit and King of Wands combination in love readings is ready to get out of their isolation or loneliness.

The Wheel of Fortune and King of Wands:

The universe is aligned with your desires and goals. When you are ready to take action, make sure to remain optimistic and believe in yourself. You may even receive an unexpected help from someone who embodies the King of Wands energy. In love readings, this person can also represent a new and exciting connection.

The Justice and King of Wands:

The Justice mainly represents getting exactly what you deserve. And the King of Wands is not afraid to go after what he wants. Therefore, if you had been honest, fair and direct in your situation- this combination is an indication of success. If you had been seeking clarity and truth in a situation, the Justice is a good indication that you are receiving it. It can also represent dealings with law, contracts, or marriage. With the King of Wands next to it, don’t hesitate to take action, but not impulsively.

The Hanged Man and King of Wands:

You need to contemplate and adapt a new perspective (the Hanged Man), then take your planned action (the King of Wands). Patience is required, but also make sure that you are not letting your fears block you from moving forward. If you had been in a stagnant situation, the King of Wands in future position shows a period of growth arriving soon.

The Death and King of Wands:

The King of Wands after the Death card is generally good news. It shows that you are ready to move on from a period of loss and grief. However, it can also represent a painful ending related to the King of Wands person/situation, which can be about career, health or love. In any case, the Death and King of Wands is a time of rebirth- gathering your inner strength and letting go.

The Temperance and King of Wands:

Your actions towards your goals and desires (The King of Wands) require balance, moderation and patience (the Temperance). The problem here is, the King of Wands energy can be impulsive, rigid or hasty at times. Don’t be afraid to try different approaches. Use your resources (especially time and money) efficiently. The Temperance and King of Wands can also bring reconciliation and peace to the love readings.

The Devil and King of Wands:

The Devil shows being shackled to a situation, whereas the King of Wands shows a desire to be independent. This may very well represent that you are gaining your financial or emotional freedom. There is also definitely a warning about not being too impulsive, greedy or risky, or about someone with these traits.

Focus your actions on fixing your unhealthy attachments. The Devil and King of Wands in love can indicate a fiery connection, but there can be selfishness, obsession or jealousy as well.

The Tower and King of Wands:

The Tower tarot card signifies a turbulent transformation period with feelings of sorrow, anger and powerlessness- and this situation is often out of our control. The King of Wands right next to it is encouraging because it shows your willpower and strength to get out of it. Remember that when you are faced with a painful situation, you may not always control the outcome, but you can control your actions towards it. With this combination, don’t let your anger or fear consume you. Detach yourself from the past. It can also be a warning against risky or impulsive decisions.

The Star and King of Wands:

Both the Star and the King of Wands in tarot are hopeful cards for the future. Especially if you had been through a difficult time, this combination is a breath of fresh air. You are discovering your inner strength and redefining your goals. This healing period can take some time, so be patient. In future position, new beginnings are indicated. You may receive unexpected news from a person represented by the King of Wands.

The Moon and King of Wands:

With this combination, water and fire- emotions and actions come together. If you had been struggling with difficult emotions or indecision, the King of Wands brings a rational clarity and purpose to your situation. In any case, beware of hasty or risky decisions, because with the Moon, there may be secrets involved.

Remain optimistic and use both your heart and logic before you take action. The Moon and King of Wands in love readings represents quite deep feelings, and the person will most likely reveal them when they have courage to do so.

The Sun and King of Wands:

This is an excellent combination filled with optimism, passion and creativity. The path is clear, and you can manifest the success you desire- It is time to be brave and take the lead. The Sun and King of Wands in love readings is very passionate, and the person is probably very proud to express their feelings. Fire zodiac signs (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries) are also highlighted here.

The Judgement and King of Wands:

The Judgement often shows up when there is a big decision ahead in your journey. A lot of willpower and determination is going to be required, you may need to face your fears and take charge of this situation. When you are making this choice, make sure that you are not rushing into it or taking any unnecessary risks.

The World and King of Wands:

You are most likely closing a chapter and starting a new one. In future positions, whether it is about work, money or love, the World and King of Wands represent many new experiences coming your way- and it is important that you seize these opportunities.


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